
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Are you here to realize your divine self?

Allow yourself to get better, (despite the fact that you are where you are). Despite the fact that you are where you are: allow yourself to now get better than that right now, right now, right now. Right now allow yourself to exceed the expectations of he who wished you the very most in life. Exceed those expectations within yourself, exceed the expectations of those who made the fondest wishes for you. Receive that and more also, receive within yourself the refinement of the body to a state of divine freedom and your experience of that body as a celebration of the divine in form. 

Your reality is the celebration of the divine in form. You don’t have to wonder if you are allowed to or not: of course you are. There’s nothing that divinity does better than allow other singular beingnesses to experience themselves divinely as well. 

The partners that you choose in your life here have to be willing to be successful themselves, they have to be willing to be free and to be a loving being as well. Its easy to wish for freedom as the ungodly or as evil so that you can have dominion over another. Thats not a heavenly reality, we’re here to realize our divine self, are’t you? Aren’t you here to realize your divine self? Well, are’t you? Aren’t we all supposed to realize our divine potential here and to choose that for ourselves and, in our choosing of that, allow it so gracefully and lovingly that it benefits us divinely? 

That loveliest of realities: universal love.

Why wouldn’t you all give each other a reality that is subtly inspiring and universally easy to enjoy your presence here? 
The enjoyable presence of the divine as yourself: open to that. 
The enjoyable presence of divinity, open yourself to the enjoyment of that. 
The presence of divinity: open yourself to enjoying that. Why wouldn’t you enjoy that? Don’t answer that, just open up to the grace of eternity: that your reality is firmly, cleanly controlled according to what you wish to see manifested here. 

Experience yourself divinely here and quit wondering about how your supposed to do that and just allow the wonders of divinity to be present here; for you and for me, a shared reality of us both being free and a universal blessing to ourselves and to all others. A reality where we are blessed to our best and moved in our worst to choose to be better and better and better until “the worst” is an irrelevant concept because the “now” is so universally pleasant. Allow yourself to surrender to that. 

We choose to walk in our awareness of self here, we choose to bless this reality here to a vast improvement: where reality here supports every life and the result of that is glorious harmony. 

You were designed to continuously know yourself at a transcendent level in your embodied consciousness, so don’t restrain yourself from that reality. Imagine what reality does when you shift your orientation here from being disabled to being divine. 

A divine reality for you is not something that it out of the question. Its not something beyond your possibilities. A divine reality for you is free for you to have here, free for you to be here, because your being here as that is a blessing to us all and then we can be free here as well. 

We choose for our reality to be that which the divine would be pleased to be here. Allow the divine to be pleased to be here: allow the you that you are to be divinely free here and be a blessing to this reality, God bless us all. Allow yourself to be divinely free here. Stand in the knowing of divine truth. Realize your self as that which would enjoy himself continuously when alone. 

You want to look at reality here in such a way that it shifts into a divine realization of itself, when you can allow for the miraculous. So what do you do? 

Practice allowing yourself to awaken here. Just do it right now in this moment: allow yourself to awaken to an eternal consciousness, and eternal awareness, a transcendent divine space of love and joy. 

Avail yourself of the reflection of that which never tarnishes: the eternal divine presence that is the absolute ultimate expression of you. 

What are my freedom and limitations in your reality?

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