
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

God bless you with the experience of the divine as self.

Whatever your truth here is, it is, but one thing it certainly is not: is defining of your eternal truth. One cannot look at you here and know the eternal truth of you by the circumstances and condition of the body. So, as you feel the limitations that you have considered that you have in your embodiment, just feel them and say: yes this is what it is but it is not defining of my truth, my truth cannot be interpreted through the limitations of the body. 

When are we going to get the awareness and understanding that we are eternal love, eternal grace and eternal joy, eternal peace and eternal wisdom? Instead of saying; yes that could possibly be me, in another dimension and circumstance, but it is not here. Is it possible for the truth that you believe yourself to be, that it is somewhere and something else other than this? When does “this” and “here and now” get to be your eternal truth? 

I have finally realized that I don’t need to control things from a point of view of not knowing what is going on. Not knowing what is going on and observing that hardly anyone else here has got it figured out either, points us to find a way to surrender to that which is in full causative control of reality. 

Allow yourself to know how to conform reality to your wishes for it. Allow your reality to conform to your desires and wishes for it. It is as simple as that: you are the supreme one, the supreme being, no other point of view is relevant in your manifestation here other than your own choice to be present here as the holy one. 

Realize to yourself that you don’t have to let reality do this to you: you don’t have to let reality beat you up. You don’t. You don’t have to agree to that reality where you lose, are diminished and fail, because you were not good enough to cause this reality to want to keep you here and want to celebrate your existence. Shouldn’t that be the goal of us all, is for others to celebrate our existence? If we all had that as our own personal standard with which we conduct ourselves by and is in a manner that would cause all else to celebrate you here, that would take a condition where everyone is truly benefited by your presence including yourself and has that been done before? 

Allow this reality to be successful with you guiding your life clearly and cleanly here. Allow that to be a successful move both for you and others here. 

Don’t even try to talk me into the theory that each of us being less than God is a pretty fun thing to do in this reality. Wouldn’t it be funner if each one of us knew himself as God, as divinity, as love? 

I realize that everything that I assume myself to be, is something that I shouldn’t be maintaining as a definition of myself. Allow yourself to be good enough to win here: to win in yours being a successful life here, a really successful life. 

Your not here willing to maintain “this lie” as your presence anymore. Your not willing to continue to lie to yourself as to who and what you are. Don’t join that part of society that chooses to know itself as a lost and fallen consciousness, that knows “for sure” that “it” isn’t Godly and knows for sure that your not too. Thats the consciousness that we have going on here with each other; is the absolute conviction that the other is not manifestly divine here. Thats the reality that we’re imposing on each other here. 

Its for us to choose for ourselves: our divinity is for us to choose for ourselves. None else can dictate or control that for each individual. Each individual continuously chooses the quality of its presence here and wether of not his presence enlightens the experience of others. God bless you to that, thats for sure. God bless you with the experience of the divine as self. There can be nothing gained for you in engaging in the validation of self as a limited being here.

I wish well for you, is to be my heart filled desire in order for me to be able to manifest my truth here, because if my truth for myself is less than others being the absolute truth of the almighty God, then I will not know my own absolute truth here and so we don’t want to look at anything less than that as an agreed upon communication point between us.

You’ve got to look at your body and say: “this is my place.” “This is my house.” “This is where I live in this reality, this is mine” and mine alone to direct and to influence, mine to create in this freest way and wish that I have for myself. I am free in this reality, as soon as we let the others go according to their own desires for themselves.

I’m not going to accept the projected reality from another that “you are fallen.” Sorry, anything that would wish that on me certainly is not a superior intelligence, or a more aware state of being than I am and so, why would I bow to and submit myself to the false beliefs of a lesser consciousness? Don’t have anyone do that here. Don’t take directions from a lesser consciousness than yours. 

We’re setting ourselves free from the heavy handed wishes that others have for us to live poorly. 

Just remember that transcendence is fast enough for you to out run any claim upon your consciousness by the reality here. 

We’re “paying through” for ourselves now: we’re allowing these bodies the plain truth in their awareness of self as a divine consciousness, aware that they are a miraculous reality, miraculous because all are blessed and all are free to enjoy eternity in a very sublime way. To know the divine as yourself: woah, what a life would that be? To know the divine as yourself, wouldn’t that be heavenly? Wouldn’t that be Godly? Wouldn’t it be wrong to resist Gods wishing that for you and your receiving that as your reality here? The reality where we all realize our own divinity and that of the rest of reality as well? 

What reality do you surrender to if you want to be in control of your experience here? And, how is it that you must surrender to a reality in-order to conquer one yourself? 

How else would you be able to conquer the limits of any reality you encounter, unless you stop restraining yourself from knowing your own divine and eternal presence as yourself here while you are having this embodied experience? Why would you think that it be best for you to not experience yourself divinely here? It doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. Why would a group choose to experience that as its group reality here? 

Now, our love and our way, is in the celebration of reality here. 

Allow yourself to live your life here as the answer to the question: what does the divine embodied here look like? Feel like? 

How does divinity act here in a way that blesses this entire reality with the blossoming of their own love? I feel that for myself now: I feel divinity as my nature and we’re trying to find a reality here that doesn’t judge us for experiencing ourselves as that. 

We are looking at these big piles of pain that were created by the wishing of ill on another. When we realize that if we just free ourselves from that by allowing things to be as they have been and for them to be as they are able to be when one chooses not to condemn ones own reality. Cease to condemn your own reality, don’t condemn yourself, don’t limit yourself to being less than what you consider God is. Realize that ”it really is me” think of yourself and realize that: it really is me that creates this reality. It really is me that creates this reality. Realize the truth of that in yourself and you won’t have any more problems.

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