
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Never let the circumstances of the now be a limitation to your being divinely present in this moment.

A visit with Tessie

OK, now my mind wants to be right, you know.

Tessie: Ha, ha.

Wants to be helpful, it wants me to say and do something that will be beneficial. It wants to helpful, needed and necessary, OK? The problem with that is if I am coming from a point of general ineffectiveness in creating a life that I wish to create here for myself and then I use that point to speak from, then I can speak very clearly of very deeply into what ever eternal truth are able to be communicated. So, I have to let go of the need to communicate something significant and important to you, OK? And I have to let go of any anticipation or embarrassment of maybe not having something ready to say right when I would prefer to say it in order to cover a beautiful pause in communication, where we can acclimate ourselves to the divine without the detraction of a communication point that assumes that you need to be communicated to in some way other than to allow myself to awaken and in that awakening, know the awakened you. 

For me to know the awakened you is the purpose that I have that I bring to our communication, our communion. The purpose of our meeting is to reinforce where we need it the realization, the knowledge and the experience of our divine and eternal truth as we transform these body’s into vessels worthy of that by surrendering to consciousness that is divine and is us. We surrender our inability, our unconsciousness, our identification with limitation, with suffering, with struggles, with dis-ability, with in-ability, we let that go from whence it came: a level of consciousness that doesn’t define in anyway the ultimate truth of itself. 

That which is eternal within us and of us: we surrender all that we are to that. That which is eternal, that which is true, that which is unvarying in its celebration in rapture and unconditional love of all consciousness and all form and structure. We give ourselves, all that we are to that and thereby gain ourselves, our eternity, our transcendent consciousness here where our consciousness is located in these bodies. So,  to any degree that you are less than that in your own eyes: I invite you to open your eyes and welcome the divine, the divine in me, even though I am painfully unwilling to let much of it show, but thank you for being willing to hear these words, that even though they are coming from me, they are ultimately true as well. Just because the messenger is me…

Tessie: Ha, ha.

It doesn’t mean that in divinity you will not be free here and now as you choose for yourself, because you can never be separated from the ultimate truth when the ultimate truth is what you choose to surrender yourself to and know yourself as. 

So, as much as you’re able to surrender any part of your mind that wishes to define and categorize and judge and have an opinion about something before it can see that something is the same, exactly, as it: eternally divine and eternally free, the one that we all are. Free, here, within me and within you. That is the experience that I beg of from you, so that I may be free here as well, because what I am is truly a living hell as it has been and yet from that: I can be free by knowing the truth of eternity and realizing and knowing it within myself until there is no part of myself that is not realized fully within the divine way of growing in every moment, from moment to moment, from grace to grace until there is no more seeking. There is only knowing and celebration that life is as it is here for us and in that celebration our lives are transformed and with it our reality. 

You know, If you are not willing to ask for that, then what are you going to get? Something less than what is true of you. I ask only for the truth of you to gloriously free me from all that somehow I feel that I can change and so I am caught in an endless loop of seeking to free myself and at the same time knowing that full surrender to the divine is necessary  and so I am going back and forth, back and forth from the divine to the damned and damned if I know the divine way to free myself here so that it sticks, so that it is not a temporary and passing moment. I can live my truth here, isn’t that what we all desire for ourselves?

Tessie: Some are more conscious about it than others.

To live here truly, to live here freely, to live here lovingly, opening and receiving, allowing and sharing in unconditional love. Each and every one of us for the other. A divine celebration of the other enjoying the mystical glory that somehow the union of one and all in the whole and the whole here fully within each one of us and yet somehow there is an ability to separate, individuate and divinely celebrate as a part of the whole. Thats what I ask for me and thats what I invite you to consider for yourself and I apologize for making that assumption that you haven’t. But, seeing as how my experience of you was not as the goddess, divinely and gloriously present here. It was nice, but it wasn’t that and so I am just saying: why not that now? Why not that truth of you that is a glorious and divine presence and a blessing to this reality? Without equivocation and allowances of possibilities and doubts. Just the obviousness of glory being manifest through a person who surrenders all to the divine. 

Is that possible? Is it possible for you?

Tessie: are you asking me?

Not your mind I’m not no, I am asking the energy. I am inviting a fountain of divine glory to flood me from every aspect of your being. To cause in me my own self realization of every glory that has ever been and ever will be. I wish to know that, for me, from you. 

Thanks for playing along with this, I know that it is improper and unusual or everybody would be doing it. Be a improperly divine as you choose to be here. Its not know, its not understood, its not allowed by that which knows it not. But that which knows it not, it every wish for itself will be fulfilled and beautifully realized in that realization of self within the divine. So, why not? Why not be divinely free? Be divinely free here with me. Be open to flowing the divine through you simply by allowing it to and allow me to bask in the glow of that which loves all flowing freely and clearly and plainly through you. 

Yes, yes, yes to truth. Yes, to truth. Yes, to the truth being you. Yes, to that and why not? Why not indeed? Because it hasn’t been so so far? No, not a good reason. There is no good reason from the point that you know that you are in truth divine, for it not to be fully manifest and evident to yourself, to yourself. Gloriously present to yourself and you’ll know what the right thing to do is from there. 

Wow does that require a big shift in me. To shift from damn-nation to eternity: now that is a little trick that every little devil here would like to know. Now why did I say that? It is because I am taking a look at all levels of consciousness that we exist as and the darkest of the dark: we shine the light of our divinity upon ourselves, so that we realize every aspect of ourselves, as it has been throughout all eternity and judge it not, but simply embrace it with our truth and redeem our consciousness that knows itself only as that, back into a knowing of the wholeness and truth of self and the truth of all things. 

So allow yourself as that which is not that, to feel itself being embraced by the truth, the truth that frees and eases and grants to you all that you have desired for yourself. All that you have desired for yourself in love, in grace and with the truth of eternity. Never let the circumstances of the now be a limitation to your being divinely present in this moment. 

End part one tessie

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