
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

In the realization of divine freedom, the eternal truth of all is known.

A visit with Chuck part one.

I think I have told you before a little about what I do and how I do it, but I want to go through it again so that if you want to do the same for yourself you can do it, OK?

Chuck: OK.

The idea that you have of who you are, it is not possible for that to experience anything shockingly extraordinary beyond what you are aware of as yourself. So, if you want to take an extraordinary journey in knowing the depths and breaths and heights of consciousness that are possible throughout the universe, you have to temporally suspend your identity, because your identity can’t go there but your awareness can. Your awareness of the truth of who you are is that part of you that is free, the rest of you is free, but is seemingly stuck in a problem filled identity that is trying to figure out solutions to those issues. So, what do you do with that identity when you are ready to make an extraordinary step into the unknown possibilities that exist for you? Well, about the only part that you play in this process is your decision to play a part in the process and to take a ride on the infinite possibilities of experience being shown to you and then revealed as a possibility for you to experience yourself. First as an experience of “that is that” and secondarily the more intimate experience of “that is me.” 

This “me” that I am and this “you” that you are, we just have to say: God bless me, God bless me but, God’s in charge of this journey in this moment, not me and let God take you wherever a being of infinite consciousness and unconditional love would be willing to take you and to show you and to help you remember that which is infinitely true for you and everyone else too and that is that infinite consciousness is about the only thing that you could say is in fact true of you from aeon to aeon. Temporarily accepting identities that are defined within narrow parameters, but after experiencing self as that for a reasonably short period of time you “snap out of it” by saying: the me that I am is not in control. 

 (Change batteries in recorder.)

Chuck: You had just said, “that is that” went to “that is me.”

Thats the time you know your own unity with universal truth. Thats when you know universal truth is not foreign to you, is not separate from you, it is not unknown to you, it is in fact that which you know when the whole of you is consciousness in your body, where you know the whole of you even within the confines and limitations of your body. So whatever all that is… just allow it, because you don’t know what to do. There is only one thing that you know for sure that you do have to do and that is to let that which is infinite unconditional love for you act on you: you surrender your identity, your life, your mind, your body to that and as you do that, you transform. You transform through surrender of the gross and the polarized and unenlightened and un-harmonious aspects of yourself. All that know themselves as that have to turn over the control of their manifestation to that which is infinitely more true about themselves than the mask that they are wearing in the moment.

Let the mask that you are wearing in the moment find its freedom within your realization of divine consciousness as you, as self, as “I am me, being this,” having this frequency, having this awareness, having this knowledge, having this understanding, having this divine experience of life that is available for the divine to experience here. So, what ever you are that identifies itself as being less than that: surrender to “that which is that” surrender to the divine is the only way that you will know the freedom that is known therein. For if you give preference to that part which is polarized and separated and limited and unconscious and unaware of self as the divine, if you allow that to be the defining identity of your consciousness here: then that’s what you will be, until you re-awaken and realize your truth that lyes beyond that and the truth that lyes beyond that is awesome and extraordinary. Extraordinary because it is not known here, it is not understood here and it is not realized as the truth of self here. 

It’s not something that you “sell to others” its something that you “grant” to yourself. You’re aiming at your own self experience here. You’re not here to save others, before you have saved yourself, because you don’t know what to do to save anyone from what this is here, when what this is here is your “home reality” and your identity and your consciousness and your beingness here. As long as this reality is “home base” for you: its rules and laws and regulations being the defining factor of what it is that you can be here, then you will be what the consensus says you are and that is something not even worthy of the light of a distant star. But, you don’t have to be worthy, there is no such thing as worthiness for the divine for something that identifies itself as something less than that. There is no way to be worthy of it unless you are it. So unworthiness has nothing to do with it because there are plenty of beings that are “it”: individuated and divinely consciousness at the same time. 

So, how about you? How about you? It doesn’t matter that you are this that you are in this moment. It doesn’t, its not relevant to the realization of the divine in you. The only defining factor of limitation within yourself as yourself is your own choice that that in fact is the truth of you and its not. Its not the truth of you, its not the definition of you, its not the understanding of you. All that you are can never be identified, codified and defined by anything that is anything other than the infinite itself. Those that time and space lye within, that encompass all that anything is aware of, because that is what the truth of you is. The truth of you is infinite and eternal, divine and transcendent and the truth of you is here to say yes to, right now. Sat yes to the you that has divine possibilities, divine presence, divine manifestation. The awareness as eternal truth as an aspect of what you are, isn’t that the truth that you want to be here? What would “here” be with you as that? What would truth be with you as that? Truth would be you. Truth would be the experience of yourself and all other consciousness that doesn’t know itself as truth would realize the truth of itself within the truth of you. 

 So, surrender, give in, let go of yourself, find freedom in the willingness to know the infinite truth of all things, of all thought, of all ideas, of all consciousness, of all awareness, of all considerations. What is the extent of all possibilities and all realities? Allow the embrace of all that that is to be the experience that defines the you that is here. Sounds reasonable doesn’t it? Sounds reasonable for you to know yourself as that, if thats a possibility for you and if you open up just a little: you can see that it is, that it is right there ready to be realized by your willingness to own it and know yourself as that.

What would happen to the truth of you as it exists right now if it realized that its larger truth is that it is a divine being, a “star” being, a galactic being, a being of honor, truth, joy and love. A being that grants freedom to all other to be the best that they can be. Grant me the freedom to be that me and grant the same to yourself as I invite you to do. Know the eternal truth of self and know the truth of all things that may exist beyond that, until all that is known is you and yours and none of it is hidden and none of it is used against you.

In the realization of divine freedom, the eternal truth of all is known. 

So how does the you of you become a you able to know and realize divinity within your body as your experience of self? Where are you open to embracing that experience? 

Strange places that we find ourselves in. Strange places that don’t readily support us, don’t know us, doesn’t celebrate our presence as a joyful thing for itself. IS that what you really want to subject yourself to here, is surrounding yourself with consciousness that will violently reject seeing the eternal truth of another being pleasantly expressed and experienced here. Where is the eternal truth of you willing to be celebrated here within yourself, as yourself and as yourself with others? Where are the others which similarly surrender themselves to that which is divinely free, until they realize themselves as the truth of that also?

At that point there is no more worshiping somebody who is the same as you. You’ve got yourself realization of that yourself. So, as you come into a new and greater realization of your eternal truth here, your realization of an expanded eternal truth makes it a necessary thing that everything that brought you to that point is no longer relevant to you as a course of study. Where you are now is where your attention is directed until your circumstances can be realized as a divine experience for yourself. So to facilitate that for yourself: don’t put yourself in harms way, its not necessary. Find a way to be successfully comfortable  here. Have a place thats been crafted for your own enjoyment, your own needs, designed to fill and fulfill the needs that you have to have a secure place to live, with income to support you regardless of what ever now work you do. The point is your lifetime support should be something that is delivered to you, kind of right now and would you object to that is it were? Would you be willing to have that which would be and is a miraculous gift? Would you be willing to receive something completely  undeserved and yet is the transforming agent of your own awareness into realizing itself as an eternal truth? Your next step is to realize yourself as that. 

Do you have any questions?

Chuck: nope, truth is truth, I liked that.  There is no real synonym for truth.

Well, you could say: the actuality of that which is, known in every aspect, understood in every form and energy, you could say that which is capable of duplicating each and every creation, that would of necessity be a definition of truth and a different way to understand it.

Chuck: well, I think honesty would be a synonym of truth. 

Hmm, honesty. Its kind of a nice compatible thing, but its not the same thing. My son or daughter can tell something that is honest but it doesn’t necessarily have to contain much knowing in it, not much understanding and knowing and understanding are necessary components of truth. So, where can the truth be found within you that results in you being free? That truth that frees us all, where can that truth be found within you? Look, because you have nothing to fear from that and you have everything to gain, because the realization of the truth would regain for you your native ability to be a condiment to this world: something that gives it some excitement and flavor, an ability for that which is here to know itself as more. That is what you grant everybody: the infinite blessing to know themselves as more that what they consider them selves to be in the moment. You allow yourself to know the complete truth of all that is of them and hold that for them and make it availably for them to hold and know and experience easily again within themselves. 

Well, its only been 33 minutes and I am falling asleep so I guess we are getting to the end of this. That which is you that is willing to experience a miraculous freedom and realization: feel yourself as that which is willing to know freedom miraculously and give miraculous freedom the freedom to be whatever it may be within you. Don’t hold onto anything being more real than that or less than that in your experience of it. 

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