
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, April 06, 2007

be free of the limitations of physicality

The universe is in harmony with your desires, do not perceive separation between you and that which you desire. We are all one.

When you observe beauty, see that the beauty that you are observing exists within you, it is not separate from you.

Your point of physical observation does not define the limitation or location of your being.

If you are God and you have any limitations, it is because you are holding them in place yourself.

Love your life.
love your wife.
Love your sorrowful limitations, until you open up and download the undiluted, unfiltered, undeniable truth of you, into your physical body, delivering you, freedom of consciousness within your embodiment of physicality.

Notice that you are,
able to change your point of view.
A change of view, is a change of being.
A change of being is a revelation of the truth of your identity. A being that assumes points of view, then changes them as many times as necessary, to realize again your ultimate truth, you are free to be you.

You, is a choice of being, that all that is makes. All that is, is available to all yous, if you choose. All sheep come follow the lamb of God, ewe to. ewes follow until they are returned to the whole, then they are one with all. Wholly ewe again.

Holy you? Holy new, fresh, clean, clear and here.
Holy you, wholly you, wholly new, you are you, renewed and true.
True, straight, planned and square. round, whole, completely there.
Free to be, here, there and everywhere.

No separation.
you do not exist only within your perception of existence. Free yourself from your pretended prison, by choosing to be outside of it also, or rather, be aware of your presence within and without all that is. Now, isn't that nice?

Freedom for all, by knowing that we are all one, in this together.
Lighten up,
connect freely,
move easily,
love completely,
know wholly,
release fully,
live meekly,
express joyfully,
heal naturally,
I Am.
here for all,
Just make the call,
home again.

The purpose of letting go of all desires, is not to have nothing, but to be free of the limitations of physicality, so that you can reconnect to your natural state of knowing, awareness and wisdom. The result of which allows you to choose your life's manifestations, knowing what all of the possibilities are. Would you really like your child to commit his entire future activities, according to his knowledge and understanding as a 2 year old?

Is it possible that there is as much more to know and be aware of in your current state, as there is between you and a 2 year old? Then give yourself a break, from living a life of bondage, caused by choosing life's experiences, from an ignorant state of being and choose to reconnect to all, by letting go of the small part and participate in the redemption of divine consciousness, in the human form.

God consciousness, is not religious. God consciousness is the birthright of all those that allow for freedom, harmony, and love to flow through them, unimpeded by points of view. that shut down the possibilities of miracles in life.

You don't need to be right, you need to be free. Freedom is not achieved by restrictions, freedom is achieved by living in allowance, chancing moment, being aware of possibilities and likelihoods and acting harmoniously according to what is.

Merge fully with your environment, inspire it to consciousness, by your presence and harmonic resonance.
Being beautifully present, is a present, all welcomes.

If you are God, then the only one that can limit, diminish, entrap and enslave you, is you. Consider your motivations for doing so, and choose to be free once more, now and forever and allow all others, the same. Always.



  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Hi David, I enjoyed the message below.

    In order to see beauty outside, do we not need to see it inside? Is our life not a projection, not a mirror reflection of what is inside? What I see in me will be a mirror reflection of my projected world.

    If I feel connected to my source, will I not see that all things are connected? Is it true, "it takes a theif to know a thief"?

    If I am connected to my source and I see that all things are connected, will I see the thief? However, if I know that he/she was jailed for stealing and their character was unveiled to me, then I did not judge him/her and thus I don't have 'stealing' qualities within. Is this correct?

    David, I await your comments on the above.

    Appreciatively, Zahida A Khan ahida

  2. Everyone can see beauty in some things, as some things are so beautiful that most all can appreciate them. To the degree that you see beauty in all thing are you beautiful inside as all is a reflection of you. To the degree that you see beauty in that which most consider to be ugly, are you able to heal, inspire and recieve that which has been lost, back into a state of harmony.

    Thiefs are attraced to those of like mind, as are all others. Birds of a feather, do flock together. If you are inspired by your flock, great. If not, take wing and fly to a greater height where you can observe that which is glorious and join those that flock there.

    When you see the beauty within the thief, then you will not be adversly affected by his behavior. He will still be there, but you are aware and therefor only enter circumstances that result in outcomes you desire.


