
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The dance of divine consciousness

Experience the divine truth of who you are. The trans formative experience that you seek, the one that transforms and changes you instantly and completely, is accomplished by holding no assumptions about what you are, who you are, why you are, or even that you are. When you are willing to fully let go of all of the truths, that you hold dear, the truths, that truly are not, then you open up to the allowance of unfiltered truth coming through the body.

The experience of unfiltered truth coming through your body, burns off the false truths, lies, personalities, ego and all other accumulated mental constructs, that clutter your consciousness and confuse you as to what is.

Look at yourself fully and truly and allow all that was created to leave, dissolve and release. All creation is a substitute for being and a barrier to knowing the truth of self. There is no becoming what you want to be. What you want to be, you already are and have forgotten. You don't have to transform yourself, you only have to be willing for the truth to be fully known and revealed to you.

How can you have a fair trial here in unconsciousness and unknowingness?

How can you experience what you desire, when your accepted life is a small box that you cannot move beyond?

Relax and allow the truth to flow through the body. Observe only, do not direct or interfere from a state of your own admitted unknowing. If you have trouble doing this, consider what benefit lies have been to you. Holding on to lies as a security blanket, will keep you warmly bound in unconsciousness.

The freedom you desire comes when you are willing to be free. Which means you freely experience the truth, you freely let go of all unconscious resistance to the unknown. You freely re-experience all that you have resisted in the past, that blocked your presence from manifesting here.

Its not bad, its only letting go of your judgements that you were having a bad experience. Judging that you had a bad experience and then running away from it, is what keeps you stuck in that experience, that reality of lack, pain and unconscious inability, to be as you choose.

The dance of divine consciousness, is experienced by those willing to experience freedom without limitation. Be willing to have all of your experiences be divinely joyful for you and foe all the others that participate also.

Your conflicts with others will end, when your lies are let go of. Truth frees all. Lies accepted as truth, trap all. All limitations are the result of false beliefs and the resultant diminished levels of consciousness and knowing.

I don't know the way out,
I don't know the way back,
but I know that the truth will set me free. I freely allow the truth of all, to flow unimpeded by my existing resistant view and experience of reality.

Don't commit to too much in your unknowing state. When you are inspired with the truth, you need to move freely and easily. Give yourself plenty of time to practice relaxing into allowance of the truth to come through you.

Absolute truth will wash away all of your cares, pains and sorrows, heal your wounds and restore you to your normal state of joyful freedom.


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