
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Re: Being God

> The other point where I may differ with you was with regards to
your comment about how G*d does not care what religion one is
affiliated with. Again, from my view point, I cannot say that this
would necessarily be true, seeing as the first and second of the "10
Commandments" expressly convey G*d's desire to be worshipped
exclusively, without any of our prayers or worshipping efforts being
offered to any foreign g*ds. At least that is how it is commonly
understood by most people, I have encountered.

Shalom Aaron,

From my own experience of receiving divine revelation while being
unaffiliated with any religion, I can say that G*d responds to those
who diligently seek him. Second having known sincere seekers of G*d
from most of the worlds religions they who seek all have personal
experiences communing with the divine and none were told that they
were in the wrong religion. From this I surmise that G*d requires
only a sincere desire for communion in order to grant it and
communicates with all willing to receive his word.

Religions at best seem to be a training ground for those who are
being prepared to have a relationship with G*d, but have not yet
felt the need to, or possibly they are just willing to receive his
teachings through the filter of a Prophet, Guru or Spiritual master.
From my experience G*d communicates 24/7 and there doesn't seem to
be much of a point to have an intermediary choosing which of G*d's
words to pass onto me.

In regards to the commandments, keep in mind the circumstances in
which they were issued and who they were issued to: 1 true seeker
trying to spiritually direct tens of thousands of partiers that
wouldn't follow his directives if he left them alone for a week. G*d
communicates according to the highest level of Understanding that
the consciousness that he is communicating to can understand. He
does not feed a baby or a vegetarian meat. So in terms of other
G*ds, my perception is he is referring to things. For instance my
false Gods that I struggle to let go of are Ferraris, beautiful
women, mansions and money.

Things that pass away are false God, if you put your faith in them
you will eventually be disappointed. That which is eternal is where
your faith is best placed and best rewarded. G*d's only wish is for
you to be eternally free, if you choose and he is always waiting to
offer that freedom to anyone, anywhere at anytime.

As before this is only my own opinion, you hold to the truth that
sets you free and we will all be the better for it.



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