
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

You can't enlighten a thing

Don't try to enlighten the body by becoming it. You are not it and once you believe that you are the body, you cant stay enlightened. You become a searcher for something that you are not, from the unconscious point of view of believing a lie. This is a disabling point of view because, once you believe in a limited point of view, you are trapped in that point of view. You can't enlighten a thing, but you can operate a thing while you are enlightened.

Once you become a thing, you are that thing and you exist as that thing, until that thing passes away. Until you let your identity as a thing pass away, you will never know your true self.

Don't become it, just enjoy it. Feel your identities and let them go. You didn't just do a part of creation, you did it all. Now let go of all of all of the identities that you created as. All of them, both good and bad, desired and undesired. Let go of all created identities and be yourself again.

What will you do as the self? You don't remember? Let go of this identity that asked the question. False identities do not know, true identities know.

If you are an identity that does not know joy, love and bliss as your primary experience of life. You are living a lie, let go of yourself. Drop all of your "I'm the good guy" or "I am the bad guy" identities. Feel them and throw them away, then notice how much better you feel in the body.

Let all definitions go, they are all only approximations of the truth, not the truth its self. Now let go of your good guy identity, you are not a good guy. You are what you choose to be from moment to moment. When your identity is in conflict with the truth, it shuts down your consciousness and you are then a lost and fallen consciousness, looking to save yourself as a failure.

A failure can't be saved, it just is. let it go, so that you can clearly see again. Clear enough to enjoy and love others at least. Now, let all of your bad persona's go, even though this is where you secretly believe that your true freedom lies. Freedom does not lie, Freedom does not coerce, freedom does not impose, It's just free. True freedom is joyful and loving and doesn't need to be restrained by opposing forces, because it may harm another. A truly free being never harms another.

Just be yourself, not a human. You took a body because you wanted it. Now operate it with your consciousness that existed before bodies. Its a much higher consciousness, believe me and it wont buy into your presently pretended limitations.

Your original consciousness is beyond limitations and knows all possibilities in every circumstance. Then chooses to experience those possibilities that are joyfully received by everyone.

You are a joy maker. You create joyful outcomes for everyone, including you. Your favorite identities will keep coming up, keep letting them go.

Have a conversation with someone, then realize that nothing of what you said was authentically you. Let that you, go.

You are not your good persona's.
You are not your bad persona's, you are a free consciousness.
Hold onto freedom of consciousness, let all else go.

Love consciousness, love freedom for all, love truth, love grace, love forgiveness, love perfect harmony and love your ultimate self.

None are you and you are no one. You are all, the source of all consciousness. All in one, all as one, wonderfully whole, wonderfully knowing the wonders of life.

Wonder what to do now? Let go of that identity.

What is the highest level of consciousness that I can call home?

Is it one that requires limitations, so that you don't impose your reality on others unwillingly? Are you complete enough in yourself, not to attempt to change others against their will? Can you love others unconditionally? All of them? No? Then you are not being yourself, drop the fake persona's.

You are not a seeker, you are not a seeker, you are not you, The seeker is not you. You are the keeper of conscious freedom.

There is no programming or identity that is valid for you. Hit delete and keep on hitting it, until what you experience reflects the eternal truth of who you are, delete it.


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