
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

The act of loving, the unloved

The only way you are going to transcend it all, is to embrace all that you are already. You cannot focus on a blockage, pain, limitation or others as a problem and have them resolve. Because contained within your effort to change or resist what is, is a judgement as to the inappropriateness of the manifestation. Given all of the circumstances here, all of the manifestations that exist here, are the appropriate ones.

So quit resisting your faults and the faults of others and love them instead. In the act of loving, the unloved, the now loved circumstances will be changed from within and greater freedom will be chosen, by all the points of view that observe and receive your love.

Love is the only treatment that works on unresolvable problems. Take it from on who knows it well, true and lasting change comes only through unconditional love.

You are here, why? To learn to love despite all the innumerable reasons you have not to. Yes? Maybe? I think so. Love is the power of change for the better and the freedom that you have been dieing for.

This life is your watch, your play, your creation. You are the writer, director, actor and producer. Make it a good performance, a play with a happy ending, one that we all will enjoy watching ourselves. Love yourself, for this self is the life that you are and your expression, with which your performance is observed by others.

Your love of your self and the change that loving allowance of self makes in you, is what the rest of us need to see as an example, an example for ourselves to remember, that love is the fun way, the one way, the whole way and the holy way home.

Welcome home.


1 comment:

  1. David,
    Loving the unloved, it's what Jesus did best I do believe. Growing up in fundamental Christianity, which I took very seriously, the idea of unconditional love haunted me. I couldn't shake it - couldn't find it in the flesh either. It was my desire to at first 'be like' Jesus, and then be Jesus so I needed to love unconditionally. Which also meant that I needed to be loved unconditionally. Do you know how few people are able to do that? Years of disappointment brought me to the understanding that if no one else will do it then I will have to do it myself. I'm not sure why I even thought 'I' could - the bible says to do it so it must be possible. Learning to love unconditionally came in waves. As I am challenged by others I've found that I have to find total love and acceptance for myself in order to have that to give away. I must love and accept self unconditionally to be able to love and accept others unconditionally.
    Much of my progress began through my desire to be the perfect parent to my own children. Wholeness in me was necessary for wholeness in them.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely message once again dear David.
    Lori Stock
