
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dear David
Is there any web site or any other place on Internet of your own? Or do you teach meditation or do you run any classes?Please tell me some thing about your self. If I am writing any thing which is inappropriate pardon me.

Dear Bhavani,

I post my writings at You are welcome to read and or share them as you wish. I find them helpful in reminding myself of my divine experiences and what I went through to experience them when I am in a more normal state of conscious.

I do not teach meditation as there are many that do so and meditation excellence is not my purpose. My purpose is the restoration of divine consciousness and my student is myself. I don't teach any classes, though I often have some shared meditation's or sessions with those interested in this same subject.

I will be recording some interactions between myself and others interested in the divine realms, for the purpose of recording the shifts in consciousness and beingness as one merges with the divine. The path it seems to me is not well documented and the guru/devotee interaction is not interesting to me from either position. What does interest me is the state of consciousness that transforms your reality and the reality of those that you interact with into a state of instant divine harmony and the realization of self as source. Any guru that cannot share this experience with a willing subject is not the source that I would recommend anyone follow.

Enlightenment shines on us all equally, we must only be willing to take responsibility for looking at the truth and choosing that instead of that which binds and limits us. Of course that begs the question that if we are the divine asleep or fallen, then as source we could wake up any time we want to and the fact that we do not is perfect evidence that as our divine self we do not wish to. We can wake up of course as we look at all of our choices not to, then let them go as being perfect for a past experience or expression of our self but no longer being what we choose now. We are divine source after all even though we appear to be human and there is a way back.

The choice of divinity is not available to the personality and Identity as it is perceived as, "I am me, this body". It happens only with a complete letting go of all identities, rules, beliefs and realities of lower consciousness. Lower consciousness is lost and cannot find its way home and has to let go as the lie that it is pretending to be before it can experience the truth. Its a bit of a jump off a cliff but what the hell are we not in a relative hell already? Jump. What are we afraid of the truth? Yes, its awful and horrible all of the things we have done, until we see them from eternity then their just funny. Interesting that we buy into our uniforms of humanity so totally, that we block our way home when we break the rules of social interaction.

Thanks for your letter I do appreciate that others sometimes resonate with what I write, my writings are my experiences with and as divinity from both fallen and source points of view. I will be done when I AM the source, is me always. I welcome any exchanges you wish to have.

Kind regards,


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Excellent Loved this one. Wow, I'm missing a LOT of good ones, since I only read one in 100. But God must be directing me to the best.

