
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Destroy me God, I want to be free.

Open up to infinite possibilities,

Resist nothing,

embrace everything,

light and Dark.

Embrace your limitations, love them, see them for what they are. They are the reflection of the you that you have chosen to be. Without limitations there would be no manifestation at all. Limitations are the defining lines that form reality, so limitations are wonderful and like clay in your hands, they can be moved and manipulated into any shape or form that you know well enough to create.

So how does one manage his limitations to create beauty and harmony in the singularity of one life, one point of view? If one has to look at the whole in order to to see the beauty of God, it seems that all parts who desire to, should be able to reflect the beauty and wonder of the absolute whole in their singular manifestation.

Do we have to accept a degraded, diseased, expression of ourselves in order to play our part of a wondrous whole? I don't think so. But how do you get nature to cooperate in supporting your desire to lead a miraculous life? That is the question, for to strive and fight for a good and healthy life, trying to improve and maintain yourself in opposition to nature, is to fight a losing battle.

To have nature support a miraculous life, now that's an interesting subject to know. The abnormal, the exceptional, the unlikely occurrence:
The life that all creation and mother nature supports, the life that lives as it chooses, manifests as it wishes, lives its dreams and dreams its wishes. How does it happen to one who chooses it?

That is the first step, choose it, choose a life without opposition, a life that is celebrated by all. What would that life be a manifestation of?

The realization of the dreams of each one of all mankind, all life and all consciousness.

Destroy me God and remake me as you wish. Me, the I am that I am, requests absolute, divine change into your image, not mine. Hello my eternal friends, do as God has instructed you to.

When the "me" is destroyed God, the physical manifestation will reflect the spirit of freedom. Nothing is done to you by the eternal without your conscious, continuous and willing participation.

Fine, here I am, do as you will, my consciousness is yours to redeem. All of my consciousness is yours to redeem, no matter how unconsciousness and separate it may be. I am a wiling and open channel to eternity.

In the transition, your consciousness should be observing your consciousness, not your manifestation. When the consciousness changes, the physical manifestation will follow. You don't have to save anyone else that you are connected to, to be saved yourself. You allow for yourself to be changed and all those who are connected to you are free to follow or free to be and remain as they are, without judgement or opinion as to it being appropriate or inappropriate, what happens, happens.

Destroy me God, really, I am ready to go.
Help me to blow this hole and be whole once more.

Be aware of your self and your selfless choice
and choose it again that it may begin.
See your friends, they are here to lend you cheer
and reminding you, that your not from here.
Three cheers for you, who really knew,
that you would be through and want out of the zoo?
Moo no more, you've settled the score,
holy cow and wow, your out the door.
Out the door and on your way,
hurray for you, its a wonderful day.
The way is now clear for you to see,
destroy me God and make a new me,
destroy me God, I want to be free.


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