
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Re: Choosing divine manifestation for yourself

how can you let go of the perceived ralities abd how can you change the impact
of the actions of others on your own reality? -Val

Hello Val.

I will try to be a little easier to understand. To let go of the reality that
you are perceiving;

1. You feel your attachment to the outcome of the motion of the particular game
that is being played there.
2. Once you fully feel your connection to the reality, you take a step back in
your observation of it by observing the attachment point in you.
3. Once you observe the attachment to your energy, presence and being, you can
realize that all three of those are not you, they are just mock ups that you use
to interact with the reality in a material or energetic manner. Once you can
observe these as separate from your ability to observe, you are then able to
drop them consciously and enter the free flow of eternal consciousness, which is
the reality that you are looking for.

As for how to change the impact that others have on your reality;

Realize that any perceived negative impact on your reality by another is not a
problem to overcome by you. It is the wakeup call that the you that you are
pretending to be is no longer effective in creating the reality that you desire
here and you are to feel, see, and experience that "you" (which by the way is
only a valence that you created) and then run the mantra "this is not the truth
of me" on it until you feel it lift and release from your body like the created
entity that it is. When you do this there will be a more conscious, more able
and cleaner version of the truth of you revealed to yourself and your new and
different presence alone will cause your reality to shift and harmonize with
your new presence in a more agreeable manner.

Or you can just get rid of those people from your life that do not love and
cherish your connection with them and with the added space in your life from
their removal you can replace them with those who are a little saner than one
who attacks the others that are in their life.



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