
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

When consciousness divinely orders reality

If you are going to set up a spiritual master for yourself, then have it be one who actually is a spiritual master; one who has already mastered life and reality. Put your awareness on determining who that is. Who is the one who has transcended this reality? It is the one who brought a transcendent reality for us to experience here. Look for that as your guide. You may want to ask; where is your transcendent divinity most easily expressed and observed as your truth here?

We’re here to be conscious, hope you don’t mind. When consciousness divinely orders reality, yes it is a change from what was, but what was did not suffer a loss as a result of it; it had the perfect ending in the initiation of the divine in form.

If you’re going to be transcendent, then there is no becoming of that; you just are that at your choice.

Experience your own ultimate truth without sharing that truth with somebody else. And the paradox; you can’t share that truth of the ultimate perfection of expression here, unless there’s an interaction with someone who can recognize that experience and welcomes it as the state of divine grace that is our home reality.

Here is an interesting exercise that may take you home;
This is going to be a silent granting of beingness; this is the one where we grant the other, the possibility that they are already perfect in every way, without a need to change to be better. Your focus is seeing a perfection expressed through the other that has been rare on this earth.

The interesting thing to notice is that as things are opening up energetically in your observation of the others perfection, your willingness to be both an encouragement and an observer of the other opening up to their possibilities of perfection, is without effort through the old fashioned way to truth; self realization. Realizing that in fact what they believed that they had been, was just a mistaken identity where they had only been caught in a valence for a moment. Then you wake up to the truth of you that is actually an eternal truth, one that exists beyond space and time and that is you are sublimely and supremely aware of self and all of your history; there is nothing hidden from your consciousness, or anything of you that stays unconscious when you choose to be your truth.

Allow now to be different from a moment ago and way different from yesterday and unrecognizably different from last week, last month, last year and all the previous history of your lifetime. Allow now to be a quantum difference to that and for it to be ok for you to stay as that expression of yourself where you do not self limit in order to appear to have a more harmonious and understanding reality with people who disable themselves here. Allow it to be OK for yourself to be the impossibly perfect truth of the eternal you, expressed in the temporary expression of the body that has a name.

The idea is; your native, natural, unembodied, static consciousness as the operation of self here and not an identity stuck in a confusion of overlaid valences and personality effects that we borrowed from others that are here. Not an improvement on the self that we think that we are, but a revelation and realization of the self that we don’t know when we are here normally and that is; who and what we are beyond time, beyond space, beyond significance, beyond the exertion of effort for survival or defense or offence against another; the supreme existence beyond that, where that is not a part of reality that you have a problem with.

Wish for the other that that is the best for them, that which is so far beyond their imagination of what they can consider themselves to be, that state of expression of them that is beyond need, beyond goals, beyond the ability to consider that it is possible for them to have any kind of problem here in any area of life. That free being that you are when you choose to allow yourself to experience that. That is the consciousness that you choose to grant others here and in the granting of that, you get to experience an interaction with them on that level. It’s no fun to have a realm of consciousness and state of awareness such that there is only you there.

I desire to have people around me who are willing to be fully and completely conscious of what they are beyond this reality and so be able to draw that into the expression of who and what they are here, instead of all of the mechanism’s, forms, structures and automatic pilots that exist as the norm of human consciousness and interaction here.

The idea is; we are here and we are here because we chose to be and we’re here and chose to be here so that we could do something different with our lives and the difference that we chose for our lives is to come here as our eternal truth and realize that it’s OK for us to be that here, without the issues that beings have when they enter a temporal reality.

There are realities beyond survival and competition. There exists cooperative realities of harmonious reverie and sublime bliss for everybody that enters them. Those realities are senior to this one and are what redeems us when we choose to transcend our limitations here; we just reconnect with our home and that’s all that there is to it.

Here is another way that you can experience it on; choose to be that transcendent self to the degree that people are unable to maintain the lies that they accept as their truths here, to where you are so much the perfection of what you are that they see in you their own eternal perfection and can no longer maintain a lesser reality than that for themselves, at least for the time that they are interacting in your space. If they choose otherwise when you are gone, then so be it, but when they are with you they can’t be other than their ultimate selves and truth, because of who you are.

I want you to meet me at the highest level of personal integrity that it is possible for you to be on, that’s the level that I wish to share with you. With both your willingness for that state for yourself and your indulgence that it might be possible for me to be there also. Allow me the possibility that I can share your peak reality with you.

I am allowing myself to improve in every way, I hope you don’t mind. Ask yourself if ultimate truth can flow through you and you will realize that it already does and when you self realize to that truth; then it actually is true for you.

If you look at the pain and unconsciousness that you carry around and for the truth of it which is; it is not the truth of you. Then you will be free of it.

What is the highest state of consciousness that you wish to have? I support you in that wish and grant you that wish to the degree that I am capable of granting it. I just require that you keep reevaluating your opinion is of what your highest possible state is and choosing higher. Those dreamed of possible states of sublime aspirations that you have for yourself, that is what I would ask you to choose for yourself now.


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