
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Heaven on Earth is already here.

With Mom and Dad 
You can’t build upon a foundation of lies and end up with the truth, you can only destroy the foundation of lies by letting go of everything that you hold to. 
If in any moment you are less than you know that you can be, then you have to feel yourself and ask: what am I? What do I identify myself to be? What is the feeling of me that I resonate with? What is that? “Oh, it’s this” and what qualities does “this” have? And what characteristics  does this have? And what level of consciousness does this presence of me exist at? When you look clearly at this, then you can see what that is: this is a constructed mental image of a self that is a human being, operating according to a western philosophical, protestant, mormon group think consciousness and that’s what it is and if you are comfortable with the life that this creates for you, then God bless you.
If you’re uncomfortable with it, then let it go.
Dad: thats very confusing. 
Exactly, exactly, exactly, exactly, its confusing, its a complete confusion in every way and there is no coming out of that confusion by operating as that consciousness trying to figure it out! 
Dad: nope.
All you have to know is just one thing: all you have to hold onto one truth, “I am confused.” I am confused, I don’t get it, I don’t understand, this makes no sense to me, because I know from the experiences of my life that there is so much more to me than this.
Dad: right.
There is nobody that you know that can demonstrate to you that the path that they are on is even working for them, even though it is to some degree. There’s no example here  that is worthy of your emulation, there is no one here worthy of being your instructor. Believe me there’s not. So, forget all the rules, the rules are only… You’ve heard of the lesser law and the higher law right? There is the law of Moses that was then fulfilled in Christ, right? The law of harshness replaced by the law of life.
Well, everybody does the best that they can to figure out life and most people make the mistake of going beyond a general orientation with others. They don’t even take their instructions from those who are acknowledged as being the most expert on each subject in the world. Instead of going to the expert who is premier in the opinions of their fellows that know their subject better than anyone else, instead of going to that consciousness to find out what ever you wish to know about any particular subject, you go and listen to somebody else’s opinion about that subject or about the experts opinion on the subject. 
So, as nice as tai chi is and as effective as it is and irregardless of the benefit that you have already gotten from it and admitably there is a benefit from it, it was a step up for you.
Mom: it’s chi gong. 
Its all the same: it’s all practice, its not actuality. It’s preparation for life and action, not acting in life, not actuality. It’s preparation, it’s the lower law. Preparation is the law of orientation and when you take the process of orientation too far: then you stop your progress, because you keep believing that you need more than to be pointed in the right direction on a particular subject and when the subject is consciousness, transformation and if you are shooting for the height of that, you have to look around and say: who am I receiving information from on this subject? You don’t ask for their credentials, you look them in the eye and you say: who do you think you are? Who are you here? What is your purpose here in your communication to me? What is it that that you can deliver to me that will enhance my life? What is it that you can impart to me that will release my confusions about reality and open me into the experience of unlimited creativity, of abundance of love, of a supreme consciousness?
What ever it is that you are interested in, look and see if the person you are talking to you has it and if they don’t have it for themselves already, if they are not a master of that, don’t look to them for anything other than a basic orientation, because all you will get beyond that from them is further confusion in following a rote, intellectual, conceptual theory, that is useless other than to start you on a path with a lie.
Mom: I started on the path. 
Now I have not been trained in Chi Gong, but I am familiar with it and it has something to do with the movement of energy through the body. Does it make sense that a mind in a state of confusion should be put in charge of the movement of energy with the purpose of becoming serenely enlightened? (David is moving in Chi Gong like movements of allowing the body to move with the divine flow) Mom, your not supposed to be following my movements, you are to question yourself and then allow the movement automatically: in what direction will the body experience it’s freedom and the body answers that question as to goes through different levels. Right now it is going, ahh, right here, and now over here. In my body, I have now contacted that which limits it and as I feel it and choose to merge with it, choose to embrace it, choose to know it, into a ahh, ahh, ahh, understanding of what that limitation was. All it was, was a confusion held in the body.
Mom: where did you learn about Chi Gong? And why don’t you like it?
All I needed to know about Chi Gong was to watch a class doing it in the park. All I needed to know, was to see what level of consciousness they were operating from and to see if thats what I wanted to aspire to. I see the benefit of it, I get it, but, what I get is: everything, because I hold onto the importance of nothing, that anyone has ever said to me, because when I put someone else communication to me as superior to my own experience, then what possibilities does that open to me, or close to me? Can I experience myself as what Jesus said: be ye one with me even as I am one with God? If I am taking someone else’s instructions of how to do that, that isn’t that themselves, thats insanity. 
Who do you take instructions from? One who knows, or one who doesn’t? One who pretends to know or one who needs to know? Is there anyone here who is anything other than the pretense of knowing or the need of knowing? Really? Who? Who? There isn’t a book in your library that was written by somebody that was enlightened, not one. There is not a single reason to open up one of those books, except to say: if I want to be at a level of confusion that is looking for an answer and want to have something told me: it just isn’t the right venue for enlightenment. I’m Sorry, “to the rescue” it doesn’t work. I mean it does, it does work, but who does it work for and what is the result of what is achieved through that?
What is achieved through that is, a well ordered society.
Dad: right.
A well ordered existence, a golden rule of good behavior towards each other and thats admirable, that is admirable.
Mom: he talks about your long forgotten love, kindness, forgiveness, now those are good attributes.
Does he know why you forgive someone else? Do you know why you forgive someone else? 
Mom: Um Hmm, because Jesus said that you are supposed to forgive your enemies. 
And, if you do, what happens to you? 
Mom: you feel a lot better.
Yes, you do. Why?
Mom: because you want other people to forgive your mistakes.
No, you feel better, because if you believe that somebody else has unjustly trespassed against you and you are unable to forget about it, then you have bought into a trap, where your consciousness has been entrapped by a circumstance in your life where you have so identified with your circumstances that you are unable to move beyond a passing moment in time that should have existed for you in that moment only. 
Mom: forgive and forget.
And now that moment… You don;t have to forget, but if you don’t let that moment go into the past, if you carry that with you into the present, then you’re not present, you’re not conscious and you’re not free and if you forgive someone else, then you let the past go into the past, so that you can look around yourself in this moment and say where am I? Why am I here and what am I doing here? Is there a purpose for my presence here in this moment? Is there? Is there? What is it? What is it? Why am I here right now? Why am I talking to you? Why am I talking to you? No I can’t do that consciously if I am holding onto the past about anything and thats why those old people in church are so unaware: they are so far in the past that they don’t know that in the present they are blocking the doorway and stopping everyone from moving through. There not even aware of their current circumstances because they have not let the past go. There not even here more than 1% they can barely get to church.
Dad: we better watch out, we’re the oldest couple in church.
Yes, but guess what? Your conscious.
Dad: thats right.
And, its nice and your actually willing to be more conscious and thats why we are having this conversation. Thats the only reason that we are having this conversation is because your saying: what else is possible?
Dad: I know what else is possible, it’s getting me there.
Mom: David says, just let it happen.
Here’s exactly what it is for you Dad: “I know whats possible, it’s just getting there, I can’t get there.”
Dad: thats the problem.
No, heres the problem: you believe that thats true and that thats you. You believe that you can’t get there and that your not there. You are already there, you have always been there and you will never not be there. Your focused on a series of those events from your past, those belief systems that were taught to you by your family, your school, your friends, your government, every experience in your life that has been at best, a very localized truth. Something that is close enough to being an accurate description of events, that you accepted it as being the absolute truth of you, of your reality, of other, of groups, of the state of the world, what ever it was, you accepted some body else’s description about an aspect of life as an unchanging truth and truth in this world is temporal, temp-or-ary. Truth here changes from moment to moment, its not static, its a flow. Whats true in this moment, was not true 10 seconds ago and if you cant move with the realization of truth from moment to moment, then you are stuck: “I can’t get there”, I don’t know how,” OK, so thats where you are, we have described the state: “I can’t get there” feel it, own that, know yourself as that, you’ve bought that as your Identity. You have bought “I can’t get there” as your identity. OK, now love it. Love it. You have manifest the perfect “I can’t get there” expression of yourself. 
Dad: what I see it as is the doubt that keeps creeping in. 
Good, good, well done, Clap, good for you.
Dad: now I need…
No you don’t, you did it perfectly! You perfectly created the doubt, you perfectly created “I can’t get there”
Dad: thats it exactly.
OK, its a completed state. You created the doubt, you created the identity of “I’m not there” and you created the identity of I can’t get there.” let’s just acknowledge it, quit feeling bad about it, because thats what keeps you there! You’re feeling bad about “I can’t get there” and “I’m not that” quit feeling bad about it. Love the fact that you can’t get there, love the fact that your confused, love the fact that you are limited and disabled in every way that you actually are. Just feel it and go: Mmm, yah, doubt, Mmm, oh yes, I can’t get there and this is what it feels like: Mmm, yum, yah, yah, Mmm. Dog gone it! Now its going away, because I just woke up, because I just loved the fact that “ I can’t get there” that it gave it a completed state and an amen to that creation. What happens when you give an amen to a creation? What happens when the circle of life is complete? What happens at the end? A new beginning! A new possibility for new expression and when is and end complete? When you go: ohh yes, this is it, I love this and you appreciate it with true celebration. Celebrate that limitation, embrace it with the love of God and feel it with a cherishing of the experience, regardless of how traumatic it is. Ha, Ha, Cherish the traumas you have and go: ohhhhhhhh…. Ahhhhhhh. Ahead. Ack, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, awe, awe, ha, ha, ha, now read that in a book, get somebody to teach you that, because what you saw, is a master that I have never seen exhibited by anyone else. I am not saying that egoicly, but, you never ever would have believed that I would be capable of doing that.
Dad: no.
And yet what happened? I actually gave you a demonstration of what it really takes to move through the veil of forgetfulness and to reclaim your remembrance of what you have always been and nobody knows how to do this here, and you know why? Because every master, every teacher, reads some words that inspire them and then they say: I have found the truth and it is the book of “______ place your own favorite here.” Ya ay and I have found the product that is going to cure everything. I have found… Come on, come on, the premise is “ye are Gods and he who hears the word do God are Gods” it says that in your scriptures and so if that is true, if you accept that as true, you’re already that. “How could that possibly be given my circumstances?”  “I can’t get there” “I’m not that” I cant get there, I’m not that, but it’s true, it’s me!
How could that be? I’ve had these wonderful experiences and I can’t maintain them, I can’t go there. Well, here is how it can be true, how is it possible for divinity, for God hood to be true for you? How is it possible? Given your circumstances where there is nothing divine about them at all? How is it possible for unmanifest divinity to realize itself as the divine? How is that possible? Well, if the truth is that you are divine and the manifestation is that you are not, how does one realize his truth? Because it is only in the unrealized nature of your truth that your trap is found, right? 
Dad: right.
OK, so you don’t have to get anywhere except for recognizing what truth is, by your own experience, not by somebody else’s word but by saying: OK, I get it, I can hold onto that stable datum. I can say: OK if in fact godhood, divine consciousness, a heavenly realm, a heavenly home is my true nature, then I don’t have to become that, it’s already me, it’s eternal, so if my true nature is eternally divine, then I would like to experience myself as that here. How is that done? Well it has to be possible if it is the truth doesn’t it?
Dad: right.
OK, so if it is the truth, how is it possible to experience your own divine nature? You have to realize that who you have been accepted by yourself as being true, everything that is not the manifestation of the divine in this moment is a lie, including your own sense of self. Including your own knowing of every truth and every lie that you have ever believe to be true here. How does one let go of that? You choose to say: I don’t need to be reverent about anything here, I don’t, not to my self. In my interactions with other people? Absolutely, absolutely, you have to honor where people are, its not your job to tell them. The only reason that we are having this conversation is because you are open to it. Otherwise I only do this work on myself and my friends that have asked me too. Do you get that part?
Dad: I understand that. 
So, this reality has to be respected and honored for being exactly what it is, despite the fact that there is no part of it whatsoever that is constructed of eternal truth, that communicates eternal truth, that gives anything other than a vague concept of what that might be. Because to have permanence here, the appearance of permanence, it has to be a lie. This has to be held in its past, this has to not be allowed to move forward by being “judged” to be “this” and then it can’t change and it will continue to be that. When you twist the truth into an unwindable structure, then that structure will maintain, until it realizes its confusion by saying: truth, truth, truth, truth beyond the world is what I choose to know.
When all that you know is your worldly experience, and your worldly experience is: “I can’t get there, I can’t be that, then lets experiment with this and see if we can find an answer for you. Where can you be comfortable? Try something like this: you’ve been trying to get your body to be different than the way that it is with your thoughts and your actions, try controlling your body by saying: thank God that you are doing such a good job, despite my every effort to control you, my unconsciousness in listening to you, my irreverence in abusing  you with things that I know are not good for you and then with my blind unconsciousness in putting things into you that I have been told are good for you, but I don’t know for sure, because I don’t listen to you at all and so thank you body for being such a good sport. I’m glad that I am not in your shoes and having you abuse me like I have been abusing you. Wow, well done, well done, its truly miraculous that you have been able to do what you have done despite my efforts to control you, my judgements of you, my lack of proper care and maintenance. I know that you would have done that by yourself if I just would have stopped trying to dictate to you what life is. 
I’m sorry, at this point, I grant you your own right of self determination like all consciousness has here, the right to determine how to perfect itself: I allow my body its pathway of perfection, I allow my body it’s perfect expression here, I allow my body to be worthy of the holy, whole, holding of the truth of eternity. If my body wishes to aspire to that, I’m not standing in the way. So, feel, feel the body, there is nothing in the body that is a barrier to divine consciousness, that you have not placed there, that you have not caused to be there. There is nothing, nothing, that has been caused by a food, chemical, by another person, be any aspect of this reality that did not originate from your own choice that that would be appropriate for you.
So, what is appropriate for you now for your experience? Because the body is your personal starship to experience earth in and what is the possibility for it here? What are the possibilities for your body here in this current circumstance? Not in the future, not in the past, but right now? What transformational transfiguration, what miraculous shifts and changes are possible for this body? Ahh, and relax, relax, relax and relax into not being a barrier to that, relax. Relax and know that the divine truth is known by not seeking for it, not looking for it, but allowing for it and noticing it. Stop saying that it’s not here, stop saying that it’s not you and just look! 
Just look and notice that the divine permeates everything, always has and always will and that the only thing that is lacking is your own recognition of that and as soon as you notice that: heaven on earth is already here. Heaven on earth is already here, it already happened, it already is and its always been here, its never not been here and yet: how great of an allowance can you have for that to be true for you? Allow your body to find its way in freedom from your inputs to it. Allow your body consciousness to free itself from your own self condemnation, caused by giving significance to anything, anything. 
Now, yes, you do have to do things in life. Yes you do have to communicate to people in the manner that they are used to you communicating to them and so go into your normal operation mode for that in an efficient and enlightened a way that you can. But when you are by yourself, looking to embody your truth: throw the baby out with the bath water man, don’t hold onto anything, because there is nothing in your closet except for you and God and there is one person to be in charge in that moment and that’s not you. 
All you can do is say: Gods will be done to me, right now, right now Gods will be done. What ever god wants: Gods will be done. 
What ever Gods wants for me? God bless me that I don’t stand in the way of it. 
God bless me that I may freely welcome Gods presence in my body. 
God bless me with that ability, please God. 
God grant me the freedom to welcome the freedom that you offer me. 
Grant me the willingness to receive the blessings that are available to me. 
Grant me the willingness to receive the gifts of God. 
Grant me the willingness to be what you would have me be here God. 
Grant me the willingness to be free. Grant me the willingness to not stop my progress here in this moment. 
Grant me the ability to say yes to God.
God bless me with the ability to say yes to you please, because I don’t know how. The words can’t come out of my mouth, so please, please, help me realize how to say yes to the divine, because, 
I don’t know how, 
I don’t know how. 
I don’t know how to say yes to the divine. 
How do I do it? 
How do it? 
How do I trust that surrendering to the divine will be good for me? 
How do I do that?
How do I experience that?
How do I find it within myself, the impossible dream of knowing my own nature? 
Ahh, ahh, ahh, nice choice Dad, oh yes, once choice Dad. Thank you, oh that makes it nicer for me, when you chose that for you. Yes, nice, nice, well done, thats all it takes, thats all it takes: the willingness to be responsible here for yourself and how can you be responsible here for yourself unless you know what the possibilities are here for yourself, the infinite possibilities? Open to those, open to knowing what they are: what are the infinite possibilities for me here? What are the infinite possibilities for me here and what would be good for this reality for me to embrace of those possibilities and how can I be a blessing to this reality by embracing what is ultimately true about myself beyond time and space? How can I serve all creation here in the best possible way? How can this reality shift for its own betterment by my own willingness to have myself change in the best possible way for everyone and every thing here? 
Forgive and forget. Let it go. If you saw the entire picture: you would have loved the experience of it. Love the experience of your past now, it was wonderful, it was glorious to be able to experience that type of reality. Wow, how extra ordinary to experience the depth of the traumas that we can create and experience for ourselves and cause for each others? 
OK Mom, It’s me, it is me here and this is what I do with my friends. I know that it is way beyond anything that you are familiar with. But you at least deserve to know that this is what I do and it has a purpose and that purpose is serving the divine and thats what I do here. Now, I’m not very good at it, but I am the best at it that I know and so I appreciate your support and Dads support, because there are parts of this reality that I haven’t figured out how to operate in successfully, in a divinely conscious manner. So, it’s nice for us to support each other and lend each other support in the manner that we can. So what is there here? What is there for you mom? How can I be a blessing to you in this moment? Let me just say this: stand up, thanks for being my mom, give me a hug and forgive me for having my life’s journey having been so far apart from you. 
Mom, you have become a wonderful person. 
You have the floor Dad, what are you experiencing? 
Dad: I don’t think I can explain it.
What does it feel like? 
Dad: an overwhelming feeling of something coming in.
You are coming in. There is not really such a thing as ascension, it’s the Dennison of the divine into the body. You can’t ascend as a broken consciousness, you open up to the transcendent divine consciousness that has always been you coming into the body and finally being here as yourself. Just know this: it’s safe to do what you are doing. You don’t lose yourself, you gain everything and it’s still you. It’s safe, it’s safe, it really is. It’s good for you.
Dad: kind of makes me want to cry at the same time.
Thats OK, its OK, it’s good, its the same for me. Skye is having some problems now, I don’t know what they are, but I have to go and see what is going on with him and part of it is that when he was ten years old I left and I have only seen him once a month or so. I missed him growing up. It is the biggest trauma in my life having made that choice to not stay there until he grew up. Mmm, ahh… 
Its funny to me what I do, I had nobody to learn this from, but you know: it is all there for you.
Dad: I realize that, I just did not know how to go about it. 
Well, thats why I keep coming back to see you, because I am good at this and it is not be rote or memorization, it is by: what’s here and what’s wanted and what is it possible for us to experience here in this moment? 
We have to assume that we have known each other for aeons.
Mom: right
Dad: a long time.
OK, lets drop the last 53 years as being a significant part of that OK? And open up to knowing what’s beyond that and realizing that here and now. Because if you are going to look back as a guide to the present: look all of the way back. Until it encompasses all eternity: past, present and future. Now that feels better doesn’t it? Yes, hmm, hmm and when ever there is a part of you that is a little stuck, just go ahh, and relax out of that and remember you don’t hold onto an identification of self as confusion, just let it go and you turn it over to your body and say: oh, I was feel ing that, I was embodying that, now where’s my freedom found? Where’s my freedom found? Where is the embodiment of enlightenment found, true enlightenment? Where is the embodiment of divine truth? Where is it? Where is it? Where is the embodiment of divinity for me? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Ahh, ahh, well every place that it is not in you, has to be contacted, has to be felt and has to be: ahhhh, isn’t it interesting that every name of God has ahh… in it? Awe… Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, Mmm, the positions will come naturally and sometimes it will look like an epileptic fit and sometimes it looks like this and sometimes it looks like chi gong or tai chi, ahh, but that which is not divinely free in your body has to be felt and embraced as you are going through and receiving the answers to those questions. It just happens and you just go with it. You make sure that you are in a safe place where your not going to be Judged by the people here for going through what ever is necessary for you to be a temple of God, ha, ha, right?
Dad: sometimes when I am in meditation, I do some movements like this because it just has to come out.
Yes! Of course you do, because what ever it is, it is something that you allowed to be there and so, you know, you invited it into your home one way or another. So just go back there and say: is the experience of the embodiment of the divine? Is it? Is it? And as you feel it and you ask it that question, then… ahh, ahh, since you have chosen to experience your divinity, ahh, you can’t experience any infirmity without the awesome experience of loving that which you were unable to confront before in yourself. 
Oh, my goodness: love is the answer, love is the way and you can’t love someone else until you can love your body. 
Dad: tell your mom.
You can’t love someone else until you can love your body, because unless your the em-body-ment of love. It’s just social niceties.
Dad: thats what I keep trying to tell myself all the time.
It’s nice that someone is nice enough to wan’t to be social and pleasant. Is that where you want to maintain yourself?
Mom: David, do you love yourself?
Better than I ever have,
Mom: good.
Enough to be able to do what I am doing right now and I love myself more than I did an hour ago, but there is a lot here, there is a lot…
Mom: you are supposed to love yourself.
Mom, Ok, so here is a part that Dad needs to understand, because Dad is actually interested in doing this. Your body has been alive for billions of years.
Dad: yes.
It is an uninterrupted continuation of life, from every ancestor that you have ever had. From the first single cell amoeba, if thats what it was. Now your body does not have the experience of the death of any of those bodies, but it has within itself, the trauma of every body that was born in a nearly endless series and you c=are carrying that with you as your embodied identity. So it is not just this lifetime that you are dealing with, I’m dealing with your lifetime and you grandfathers lifetime and a million before them. Ok?
Dad: OK.
So for me to be free, I have to embrace the trauma of everyone that has ever been before me and what is that experience like? There’s a story that you like to give reverence to of somebody that did that: he took upon himself the sins of the world? Thats what this is, you already have them man! You already have them.
Dad: you already have them.
You have the “sins” (what ever that word means) lets just call it the continuation of life, from the very beginning, in this body. None of it is yours, you’re just coming here to be present in an embodied state. So as you feel… oh my goodness, what is that? And you look for it and you go: oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, Mmm, ahh, oOo, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, and level after level layer after layer, you free yourself from that which you have been holding onto and none of it is your truth. 
Dad: right, I realize that.
OK, so, do you realize how to get rid of it? Do you wan’t me to give you some more lessons of how? 
Dad: ha,ha, ha.
Do you want me to give you a recording of this? A video tape would be better, because how do you capture “that?” I have been told for years to video tape this and I even bought a camera to do it, but do I do it? No, I’m too afraid that somebody might see it.
Dad: and then they would know that your crazy. Ha, ha.
Dad: ha, ha, ha.
How could anyone that is not utterly nuts do something like that? 
Mom: I like this as well as your reading to us.
Mom, my reading to you, is the words from these sessions, now the difference is and your going to have a bunch of judgement on this and obviously i don’t need it, but I looked and looked and looked, and looked at what has worked for holy men in the past and in almost every instance whether it be a prophet, a saint, a shaman, somebody who knows, there has been a sacrament involved and a sacrament that actually works, thats not representational, but actually is experiential. So I have tried magic mushrooms, hash, peyote,  hiawaska, everything that has traditionally been used to connect to the spirit world as a doorway to consciousness and enlightenment. Not everything, but lots and lots of things and they are good and they work, but… No buts, they speed things up tremendously and the fact that they could work for everyone in a truly transformational way and they are so, judged by society as being bad and  detrimental and evil and “against, against, against, against, man, look at the consciousness that is against it. Because, if you are looking for truth and you don’t know where it is, why not look for it in the ways that it has actually been found before and try them? 
So I have sampled philosophies, plants and drugs, people and then I finally really found that all that only takes you so far, a really really long ways and then all you have to do when you can get to the point where you can trust to let go in every way, then you just: surrender to what ever it is, that knows it all. And any one or anything that knows it all, has no agenda for you that would be in your detriment, because it doesn’t need anything form you. It doesn’t need your love, it doesn’t need your obedience, it doesn’t need your worship, because it lacks nothing in itself, because there is nothing separate from it. Thats why God will know every leaf on every tree that is falling as it is falling, because there is nothing separate from the consciousness of God. Mmm, and so when you surrender to that which is limitless and endless and eternal, Mmm, now you are just carried away, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, and then you can’t help but be grateful and give your gratitude and be thankful. Then, when you fully surrender to that and allow God to embrace you fully, to the extent that you know God fully: then you are awake and you go: oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, that has always been my truth: the truth that never changes. There are temporal truths, but my eternal truth never changes: it is the same truth that I surrender to and so you awaken into your own truth and you re-al-ize: you bring into reality, the realization of the eternal, that which is true for all consciousness. There is no consciousness thats not God consciousness. There are individualized points of view, but its all God consciousness and all of us are Gods.
Dad: you will have a hard time convincing some people of that.
I have no desire to convince anyone of that other than somebody who already knows that but says to me: “I can’t get there” “Oh no” Ha, ha, 
Dad: ha, ha.
I wan’t it but how? How? Well, it’s like this… and so as I share that with you: look what I went through man. What a blessing for me to do this with you, how much greater is my love, appreciation, awareness and knowledge of self and life as a result. Thats why I do this; for myself. 
Dad: Ha, ha.
Dad: not for yourself, not just for yourself.  I have been closer to you tonight than I have ever been before. 
Well good.
Dad: thats really true.
Of course, this is a pretty intimate experience. Yes and its nice, its what friends and family should do for each other. 
Dad: I feel that love that you are talking about now. 

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