
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

a game of absolute allowance and validation of the other

A long visit with my friends John and Narelle while hiking in Utah and discussing the nature of reality. (it takes about half way through before we get into it)

John: What I am trying to say is that a couple of things that I get from you, I would like to give as feed back as a gift to you, thats what I am trying to say. If that fits into your paradigm of what you want me to to do in talking for awhile. I want to give you my feedback; its not really a one way thing, its kind of a place to share.

I get it. When one has a goal to be something other than what one is experiencing in the moment…

John: You aren’t the answer, everything about your energy says that. I’m here as the greatest gift you could ever have in this moment in your life.


John: You are not the answer, you’re not even close. Thats it. You think that everything that you have experienced and that everything that you have understood and that every place that you have gone, has significance and it doesn’t, but here is what does have significance; there was such a light in the car when you were rounding that one bend and you said; “after I leave each city, I know what my trip there was about and it wasn’t about what I consciously went there for.” That’s what means something and it has nothing to do with you, but most of what you generate in your conversations with me is; I am the answer. 

All I have been asking you for is; are you willing to open into an experience that you can’t control?

John: Hell no, of course not. I font’ know what king of dweebs and doormats you have been working with, but I’m sure not and I hear them on that tape and I enjoy them immensely, but I’m surely above their category. They can see them selves as the student. I don’t. They are walking a lie when they do, now the good news that comes out of those moments is that you are on fire and it is beautiful, but it is taking the groundwork of their insanity to create that energy. Love you man, now you talk, I will listen.


John: I might jump in once in a while, ha ha. 

But, you will allow me to talk?

John: yes, thats the whole point is that we talk back and forth.

Because what I just got was a lot of judgement from you right now.

John: no, it was experience; “here’s my experience” now that experience may be distorted through my filter, I’ve got that, but it is my experience.

All of ours is.

John: thats my experience and that is my gift to you, regardless of wether it has any accuracy or not.

Let me tell you where it does have some accuracy; Ok? Where it has some accuracy is; what ever it is that you are and however it is that you respond to the world and however it is that you interact with life is relevant to me if we are going to be in communion. So if I disrespect you in any way, if I invalidate any part of you, where it just doesn’t want anymore invalidation. If I don’t respect that, then I am certainly not going to be able to share an experience with you where there is no guru, there is no student, there is only two brothers who choose to commune in oneness and light and love. 

John: thats right.

And that is what my purpose is, its not about me being right, its about the fact that I am willing with anyone; to experience the greatest level of truth that they are willing to open up into for themselves. And so to whatever degree that I can facilitate that for myself and be open to that for the other; to hold that space for what we choose when we get together and that is to experience what it is to surrender into unconditional love and then to enjoy our remembrance of ourselves as that. 

John: I want to go back to what you said a little while ago. 


John: invalidation, theres two aspects of invalidating somebody; one is the content and one is the context. From the content, everything you say is the last thing from invalidating, but the context and the feed back that I am giving you through my own filter, is that the context of your communication is 100% invalidating. 100% because your the teacher, now that invalidates everybody else as the teacher. 

If you will listen to more of those tapes, in the instances where somebody is opening up into knowing their truth; thats when I shut up and I let them go, but if somebody is observably in a state of consciousness of being a victim, being in opposition to anyone or anything wether it be a person, a concept, an organization, an animal species, anything, if somebody is coming from I am right and they are wrong on any subject, then that person is not able to know what it is to know Christ as Christ is.

John: Thats right and that is what I am reflecting to you.

I would say; please as much as I am able to open up and receive that communication from you as something that can improve me into being more effective and more able to be there for someone as they wish me to be there for them, so that they can open up in their own unique way, into knowing that there is a brother here who is willing for them to be exactly as they choose to be. 

John: say that in one sentence.

If I looked at you as a student; I would not be able to experience you as the embodiment of divine consciousness. 

John: I know what you are saying and if you can’t have that experience, then you are also shut off. If you can’t see me a equal, then you can’t…

In your feed back that this context is so wrong that it is impossible to experience the divine in me.

John: I’m not saying that its wrong.

I am just saying that if you can own whatever ultimate truth is as your own as you communicate that, so that you know that its not being filtered. Don’t defend a filter that hans’t served you in bringing to you full enlightenment as your operating consciousness here. Unless there is an experience of self as unconditional love, let yourself go. In the sessions that I do with people, I don’t walk around as that, I don’t experience myself as that, that’s what my “end game is” when I am walking around, I am thinking about my wife, my business, my kids, what I am going to eat, I am thinking about the thoughts that humans think and thats where my consciousness is, but I have “dipped this wick in the wax” so many times, that I know what my transitional process is for embodying a state of consciousness that is worthy of the word, transcendent.

John: I get that, very much so, I am one of your biggest fans. 

I’m here only for one thing and that is to allow for that experience for you, I know I can experience that myself, but if it is possible for me to experience your experience of that for yourself, oh, now that’s what true joy is; for another, for a brother, for a loved one to accept the divine as himself, now that is what we came here to be. 

John: Can I give you some stark further feedback?

Of course, please do.

John: I don’t know how to put it other than…

Don’t hold back, I can see it is a bat with nails in it, go ahead. Don’t soften it, it has to be the truth. 

John: your one of the most brilliant teachers of consciousness and inspiring figures ever in the world, there is no question about that, but what I am saying is a little different  path.


John: So here is what I am saying; a couple of things and I appreciate your willingness to let me mouth off.

Do it, do it, what ever has to be said to get the blocks out of the way; you have a block, give it to me. Hit me with it, god bless you, I want it.

John: Thats perfect, so, a couple of thinks that you might consider, to use your vernacular, one is this; I am not so sure that things are as significant as you think. 

The lack of significance is the core identifying factor of what I do; you can’t be conscious if there is anything significant.

John: but what I get from you is 100% significance. Its a significance beacon and lighthouse, significance on steroids. Ha ha. 

OK, got it, wow, how could I do that to you? No wonder you would never have a session with me.

John: you could only be compelled to take a puff of marijuana with one of your best friends by being filled with significance. Significance is what drives us to drink, what drives us to eat, what drives us to smoke, what drives us to…

Your very emphatic about that and I would like to share something with you about that if I can have the floor? The history of the transition from unconsciousness into consciousness, from darkness into light and from confusion into knowing has been done by holy men from the dawn of history and before history. It has been observed that there  are literally hundreds of plants that enable our brain to expand our awareness into subtle realms that other wise we are unaware of.

John: you have had this conversation with me and I respect it. I will not ever enroll into it.

I am not trying to enroll you into it, what I am trying to say is, that I experience  tremendous things.

John: under the influence. 

Not under the influence, completely free, in my normal state of consciousness when I meditate and I surrender, I experience extremely sublime states of consciousness. If there is something that allows me to focus more and enhance the experience, the question for me is; is it a valid tool? Well as long as it works and as long as its not being used as a substitute for my own ability, then it is a valid tool.

John: its like a woman using a vibrator. 

I don’t know about that, but thats probably off topic. Actually it is probably pretty brilliant.

John: I understand and its not that I don’t respect that, I totally get it and the philosophy isn’t offensive.

And all I have been saying all of this time is; we can talk as we normally talk and we can communicate on the subjects that we normally communicate on, but all we are doing is talking about concepts, all we are doing is sharing ideas, all we are doing is trying to further lighten our load of confusion that we carry around with ourselves, so that we can become better, so that we can be become more effective through our greater knowing and understanding of the way things are and how things work here. But the intellectualization of it is only the first step. Once an orientation is made, then you have to let all of those rules go and just be open to knowing and continually choosing to let go of whatever it is that we think is significant or important and look at; who is it within me that is even feeling the need to communicate and speak? Because there is a belief from that point of view that we are not in a divine communication already. Where is that consciousness in me, that feels the need to change our experience in anyway.

John: umm.

It’s not just one thing, its thousands, its tens of thousands of subtle things that we hold within us that affect and limit our ability to be here as our truth. And so, just as I would take and aspirin for a tooth ache because it works, I would also be open to trying other things to expand consciousness. In the bible the holy anointing oil that was illegal for anyone else to have other than the priests, the recipe is right in there.

John: in my world, its just wrong. It doesn’t mean that you’re wrong, but thats the way that I will always look at it. Thats just the way it is. 

I get it, look at this; a coyote eating a deer. There is nothing in my life that I will say with that force and energy on any subject. 

John: there are very few thing I am that way on; abortion, drugs, murder. There are few things that fit that paradigm. One of the things I have written is that labeling things as right and wrong is almost always counter productive. Once in a while that level of things seem to serve me the best and serves the people around me the best. Some things need things need to be said in terms of what they actually are. And marijuana is a lighthouse. 

Let me tell you why I think your off base there.

John: good for you, I love it when you make me wrong. Ha, ha. Thank you.

Your insistence on putting an ideology, or your concept, or your belief of whats right and wrong, onto me.

John: what makes you think I am doing that? 

Were turning around right now, this is over. 

John: you can do it all you want on your own. Thats my rules and you knew that. 

Actually I wasn’t as clear on that as I am now.

John: well then why did you take a puff around the corner?

I just did not want to do it right in front of you. 

John: alright, thats just a mis-understanding and I apologize for that then.

Thats what I was saying; I did not want to stand there and smoke with you because I knew it would make you uncomfortable. 

John: I felt betrayed thinking; he knows what my rules are.

I do know your standards which is why I ask you to walk ahead on the trail. I actually thought that our purpose today was for you to have a session the way I usually do them. Instead of just a conversation. 

John: keep going now, you were talking about you imposing my values on you. 

We’re having a conversation thats not enlightened. Thats not my choice to have that  conversation, we’re having a conversation about who’s right and who’s wrong and where a misunderstanding lies. 

John: I understand.

Its not my desire to continue having that conversation. 

John: what if I don’t care about what your desire is?

Then I have that feed back.

John: I do care about what you want, but what I am trying to give you something and I don’t know if I am doing a very good job.

No you are not.

John: here is what I am trying to give you; there are certain things that make me rejoice, they really do and thats when people enroll. The just come in, they are not steered, they aren’t.

Thats a little abstract for me.

John: they are not manipulated, they are not bounded in, they just go like 2 little kids running around playing cops and robbers.

What would you like us to experience right now?

John: I don’t have anything that I would like us to experience, thats the whole point. Thats what I am saying.

You are saying that you want to have an experience of conversation about things or no things.

John: I guess that what I am sharing with you is that the context of what I feel from you is uncomfortable, somethings very uncomfortable. 

Believe me there is no context here like that, I believe that what you are perceiving is you own structure requirements.

John: I can accept that, but it is still there. 

And we are going through your expressing of your frustration of that, I get it! Lets try this ; I get it, you’re frustrated, you’ve got something that has to be communicated before anything can happen that I would want to experience.

John: thats not it. I don’t see you as the answer, I don’t see any experience that you have had as a “higher realm” I don’t see anything about you as better than anyone else. Or a higher priority, where the rest of the world is wrong and you are right. I just don’t get it. What I do get is; “I’m in this restaurant, and there is some amazing food and I would like some more of this, I love it, The Dave Newren restaurant of consciousness. I would like to go into there once in a while and get a buffet worth.

It will be nice.

I get that, but the feeling that I get sometimes is all that proceeded the last comment, which is that, your right, everyone else is wrong…

Everybody has to be right, everyone. You can’t get out of this world being wrong. You have to be right and I have to be right and she has to be right. What is the combination of events and consciousness and conversations that can result in all of us being all the way right? Because that is the only way that we can have a shared experience of conscious divinity, is when each one of us is validated completely to the point where they are able to experience their own divine nature.

John: I suppose where it would be good to go with that for me.


John: tell me if this makes sense to you; is if that is the way that you see thinks, wether it is or not.

I don’t have a hard and fast rule, all I have is this moment that we are sharing. 

John: what I have have just described that I am getting form you, what I think you are getting from me is my resistance to it. 

In spades, I experience this conversation as a 100% block to us having the type of experience that we both know is possible. I am experiencing this as a wall as an intention that his is not going to happen.

John: the breakthrough that I am having through that wall is that one, you’ve taught me many times is the singular opportunity that I get in this experience is to 100% allow what ever your experiencing.

Oh, my God yes. 

John: because if you see yourself as God and maybe you do, then I would have this wonderful moment of grace where I say; I am with my buddy Dave who actually thinks he is God and we are enjoying ourselves. 

Yes, why not? Every person has to be validated for their own experience because your not experiencing what they are, you don’t have that make up…

John: I like that.

And if the stuff that you read that I write is as good as you said it was and that was the best compliment that anyone has ever given me, it was good man and if that could possibly be true; then why could it not go one step further and have myself experiencing what Jesus asked us to be, which is be ye one with me, even as I am one with the father and how can I be one with the father unless you are one with the entire universe.

John: I can’t be one with you if I have a block on what you are experiencing. So I think thats the big break through that I have had many times with you and this is another one of those moments where I am getting a singular opportunity where whatever this man is experiencing, my moment do grace, my moment of peace…

Is to grant me that.
John: my moment of consciousness is; thats great! I allow that.

Yes. If we can’t allow the other to be our brother in enlightenment, then we are certainly not going to experience them as that.

John: no ones getting any where. I really like that, so now I feel a real joy. Did you get that break through honey? It doesn’t matter what I am getting from Dave.

Narelle: I actually could see it from the back seat. Dave was doing the same thing to you in that one moment as well, but you just were not getting him, you were very controlling.

John: he was resisting me, resisting him.

Narelle: totally. The very thing that he was asking you to see, he was projecting it. 

Of course.

Narelle: I was just sitting here is absolute love knowing that these two brothers will figure it out. 

John: there are so many times when I notice that agenda, it now feel good but sometimes the agenda is not in the form of non allowance and resistance. Its a block, its a wall, its non peace, not love not union, not enlightenment. So what I get from you dave now is something different in this moment, because I am no longer projecting is that you are equally able  and willing to do the same thing for me.


John: in other words, if my reality was something that was foreign, obnoxious or weird to you, that you would simply allow it 100%.

Absolutely. It is the only way that you can transition into a greater reality is to have the one that you are in receive the amen brother. This is your reality, I get it, now what? Whats next for us? Where is our transition into a quantum leap?

John: that gets to an interesting question for me and sort of what goes back to where I was before I got hit wit a pocket of resistance in side of me; if I go back a little bit without the resistance and just hit this one deal. If your objective is one thing and my objective is another thing, why cant I just completely allow your objective? I can.

Let me tell you an experience that you should have with Narelle and I would devote 2 hours straight to this; its a game thats never been played before and that is; absolute allowance and validation of the other. OK, so here are the rules of engagement for that; if I am talking and you open your mouth to say anything, what do I do? As soon as I perceive that you have a desire to say anything, I shut my mouth and I wait for you to say it and if something builds up in me and I’ve got to speak and I do; you shut your mouth and let me say it.

John: the game is; can I respond instantly to your need to say something. I like that, wouldn’t that be fun honey? I love that 2 hours straight. Have you ever had anybody do that?


John: is that the first time you thought of it?


John: why haven’t you shared that with me? 

I have known for a long time that this is the key to the ease of the transition into the divine realms. For you to say anything that you want to say, in the instant that you want to say it, is my gift to you

John: and my gift to you.

Thank you brother.

John: I am not really sure that I want to do that right now, because I don’t, but I love that. Ha ha. I love the idea, but I am not in right now. Ha ha.

Thats why you are speaking. 

John: I am having fun with my ego right now. Ha ha.

Narelle: do you think that you will allow me to do that? I get 2 minutes and so 2 hours?

John: yes 2 minutes is long. Ha.

Narelle: superman can do anything.

Heres the point; here’s what neither one of you realizes about your interactions, is that you are both right. Until you shut the other person off, the one who is being allowed to speak by the other one is being given the grace of the attention of the other and part of that grace requires a reciprocal flow of that. So it doesn’t matter if you are in mid sentence, mid word,  mid thought, second by second, if you are talking and the other person wants to interrupt; you stop and you drop everything that you were communicating.

John: that is one of the most fascinating ideas I have ever heard in my life. 

Narelle: because John teaches this whole control tower theory, for him to feel that he can hear me, I have to enroll him and get him self ready, if I have and issue on something that I want to give him feed back on, because otherwise his is going to feel like a super baby instead of superman.

You know why he needs that? Its because he has a lot in him that he has to communicate and say. What ever it is that needs to be expressed in order for him to be freely expressed here; that has to come out of him and because of how we suppress each other in our interactions in life, we don’t trust anybody.

John: right.

Not even our own wives, not even our own kids, certainly not our parents.

John: right.

So, how does one find there way here with another? It is only that way; and that is the person that is speaking, always has to shut up if the other one wants to say something. It can go as fast as this; say something.

John: hey Dave…


John: so do you think we’re…

If you immediately feel the need, you don’t restrain yourself, ever! But you always respect the others communication, so you drop it immediately and as soon as you need to hit that ass hole over the head again, you do and that ass hole has to let you. Now when he can’t stand it himself, he hits you back and you let him.

John: what if both people keep interrupting each other?

Then there is no communication. 

John: it just stops.

Because there can then only be silence, because if you will silence your brother as he begins the first syllable of a word and he does the same to you, then the only thing that you can do to improve the situation, is to share silence, until words can be spoken in respect.

John: have you ever tried this before?

We’re doing it right now. 

John: but have you actually ever done it?

To some degree yes. I experiment with things like this as I go through life. 

John: I think what I am intrigued about is the idea of doing this in a high stakes conflict context. I just wonder if that would be possible?

A person has to choose to want to be conscious, to want to be enlightened, to want to be a loving person…

John: heres what I am asking and thank you for shutting up. What I am asking is, Narelle and I were having an argument and we both were in our positions and we like to have our rightness.

You like to have penalties don’t you, prescribed?

John: I like to have vengeance.

Narelle: he does. 

John: but if we are in that kind of a context, would that kind of thing be possible? Could we actually both enroll?

If your not willing to do that, to the person that you have committed to spending the rest of your life with, then how much have you really committed to love anyone, even yourself? Because the love of another is in knowing and validating the other person exactly as they are, exactly as they are, without your changing them in one iota in any way; you love them as they are and the experience of unconditional love, of a love that loves you as you are, is a transformative experience that heals your soul from that which has diminished your experience of self into the realms of incompetence, anger, vengeance and a need to explain to somebody else that they haven’t got it quiet right.

John: again though, I would love your opinion on this and this is not just academic.

Of course, Ok.

John: I’m like freaking out about this.


Narelle and I are having a moment of conflict.

OK, your fighting and your yelling, 

John: is it conceivable that we could both enroll in that game?

Narelle: are we going to do the trail thing?

You know what I would suggest? I would suggest that that is the end point of the success of that training, not the first step.

John: tell me that again.

The first step is when you are in your gratitude that this woman was willing to say yes to spending the rest of her life with your, when you are in that gratitude say; sweetie, lets do that little communication drill right now, because I would love to enhance my existing love for you.

John: she is pissed though, she has got some information about what an ass hole I really am and that information is burning a hole in her heart.

Then let her express it. 

John: I understand that, but what I am saying is; in that expression, lets say suddenly I develop a large amount of information about what an ass hole she is. In theory how would we negotiate that?

As soon as she responds to your communication of he asshole ness, as soon as the other person begins their response in anger and un-enlightenment; you shut up. And at some point, one of you…

John: I think I get it, I think I get it, what your saying is; if she has a big agenda for me right now, alright?

Of course she does.

John: I jump in and say, great lets go. Now that maybe brings up a lot of things for me.


John: and I go on and she shuts up. That would be really be fun.

To the greatest degree that you are able to allow that in yourself, if you are able to be self reflective and say; OK, as the ground rules for this, I am going to remind myself that I am going to feel compelled to be an asshole in this conversation.

Narelle: we’ve done a similar thing dave where he says I have something that I wan’t to share and I don’t go crazy on him.

John: she never does, she’s a lady.

Narelle: what I have experienced from him is, I will actually ask him permission if there is something that I want to give feedback on if I notice that he has done something in a workshop or whatever and initially he will be; sure go ahead, but one minute into it, if it is something that he is feeling that I am saying he is being an asshole, where he goes with it in his mind; it is immediate “cut me off and come back with defense” and I have felt sometimes like a stepford wife. 


Narelle: So then I just need to just be quiet until he says what he has to say.

Let him get it off his chest, let him get it off his chest and then take responsibility for yourself…

Narelle: and I’m doing pretty good…

Don’t ask him if he is done, because he won’t be done.

Narelle: thats the thing, its goes on.

Ask him for this; to be as much as possible for him to be in his grace and truth and to allow you to communicate when you feel compelled and if you only get a few words out before he has to come back again, let him, because maybe you will have to let him go for 60 seconds for your 10 seconds and 60 seconds for your 10. If you can be enlightened enough to allow there to be an unequal amount of communication, if your willing to give him the floor 80% of the time and he then allows you your 20%, then you can relax.


Narelle: most women would be like; wait a minute, I have lost all of this control and I’m the doormat that can only speak for 2 minutes and I have to listen to him for 2 hours, but I am buying into that to choose to be like you know what? Its OK, this is his experience and I am going to choose peace, I am going to choose to give peace because I can choose to give this as a gift, or at any time I can say; 

Be in the moment, don’t have an agenda for this, I wan’t to point some things out to you. Can I show you something Narelle? I want to show you something right here. The perfection of everything around us, even the perfection in the disarray, in the conglomeration of shapes in the dead vegetation that is in the process of returning to the earth. There is nothing around us that is not perfect, look at the dandy lion perfectly framed by everything around it and everything around it exists in its own perfection of being that and this being this and this being this, it is worthy of our awe.

John: lets walk.

You can do a fast walk anytime.

John: how about when I want to?

Yes you can do it when you want to, I am just suggesting that a fast walk prevents noticing what will inspire us. I would suggest even stopping once in a while. 

Narelle, Johns concerns are for his heart.

John: I want you to keep talking about what you are talking about, I love this concept about this communication thing, you call it “the game.”

Narelle: its a different version of your respect and synergy. 

John: this is a whole new arena, I have never heard anything like this. 

Its never been detailed before.

John: its unbelievable. 

Narelle: I don’t have to say anything to defend myself.

John: but if I want to, 

You don’t restrict yourself in any way, except if your the one talking it is your obligation to shut up if the other person talks talking.

John: there is something very fascinating about it.

And so, say your piece until he cuts you off and then he says his piece and the only time frame that he has is until you cut him off. He doesn’t know if he has a tenth of a second or 10 hours because you are validating yourself in your every communication and your validating the other in allowing theirs, yes you have the power, both of you have the power, both of you have the power, you are granting each other the power.

Narelle: when I start to speak, you in that moment like Dave said, even though there is more that I wanted to say, I am going to stop right now and I will listen to my sweetheart and then..

When he becomes your asshole partner, you express it, now at some point you are going to get you angst with each other out and then you’re going to stop interrupting each other with light, laughter, consciousness and jokes and the celebration of life.

Narelle: we really don’t have wars and it is wonderful the growth that we have made, 

John: this takes it to a whole new level. This would be like the next currently unseen level.

Narelle: it would be something that I have wanted, because I have still at time felt that there is control at times from John.

Of course there is, he who has the floor has it only until the other person takes it away from them and it can be every second.

Narelle: but at least you are choosing for that second to get out of the way.

John: so if I could identify my personal goal in that kind of a moment, it would be two fold; one, I am going to say what ever it is I want to say as long as I am being somewhat respectful about it and authentic.

Express your authentic feelings in every moment.

John: I will do my best to, number two would be just as strong as that goal is when I feel my sweetheart coming in with her authentic expression, I’m going to shut up and let her go. Its the most paradoxical thing I have ever heard.

Its not when you feel something, its when you either hear a uh, the beginning of a vocal utterance or the furrowing of her eyebrows and you can say; oh, do you have something you would like to say on that? 

John: lets do it.

OK so look at each other and talk. 

John: no problemOK so, whats an issue that we have? 

Narelle: I am trying to think of one to start with. 

John: what are you a little pissed of about?

Your communication to him after a seminar that you think is constructive.

John: you see, I’m to pissed off enough. I would love to experiment with this when I am pissed off. 

You know why you can’t? Because as soon as you get this, you won’t be able to be pissed off. 

John: you’re blowing my mind, I’m loving this.

Narelle: we wont choose to go there anymore, because it is always a gift that you are giving.

Yes, “where is that point where we yelled at each other and I felt like hitting you and I walked out the door and said some bad words, what was it that we were talking about right then?”

John: you and I have to do this right now, because we have got enough angst between us on our different philosophical stances.


John: do you ever have breakthroughs over and over again, the same break through? 

Of course, it’s called the “breaking in process.” 

John: this break through that you have actually facilitated hundreds of times with me, I had an especially delightful revisit to that today, the allowance breakthrough. Nobody has taught me allowance more than you.

Thats what this conversation is.

Narelle: before you two start, I just thought of an example that will be really good for you to assist John with Dave. This would be perfect with the feedback I was giving you, in the seminar; you were cutting people off like hitler would, they are not even able to get a sentence out to feel validated, because your feeling that what you are there to teach them is far more important.

Oh no, oh no, John’s a worse David N, than I am.

Narelle: He just cuts them right off, one girls asks; could I just ask a question and he just says; no and I am like “honey help them feel safe and at least let them get through their sentence” 

Do people ever come twice?

John: a lot of times I hear a woman say; “can I just finish what I am saying?”

Narelle and he says no, at least let he go for a minute so they can feel validated.

OK, they do and they don’t. The truth is that everybody that comes to your seminar is someone who is coming to learn tools and strategies to be more successful, they are coming there to learn from you and so as an orientation for them so that they won’t waste the others time with airing their stories and frustrations, you can say; If we wanted to, I could be up here and you could talk for the 2 hours that we will be here and you each can take turns and tell me what all of your problems are and I won’t say anything. But is that what you came to this seminar for? Or did you come to my seminar because there is something that I might know, something that I might understand and something that could be communicated to and experienced here by you from me on what I am an expert in that would enhance your life. Thats what you are paying me for isn’t it?

John: what I say is in the 2 hour seminar is; there is something thats not working for you and thats why you are here, but in the weekend retreat, we have a whole process that I enroll them in to the possibility of absolutely giving me permission to interrupt them at any time and they actually raise their hand to speak.

Narelle. They do raise their hand, however honey I think that it would be a good to give more enlightenment to what Dave is sharing, to give them a concept like; this is why and then they understand.

It’s like landmark; here are the ground rules; everyone is a screw up and they don’t do what they say and they don’t honor their word and so you’re going to be in here before 9am because the doors are going to be locked at exactly 9am. Anybody that does not make it in the doors before then is going to have to be outside and experience the result of their decision because we have set that as our ground rule here. That kind of rule will train somebody out of a certain level of unconsciousness and irresponsibility, but at the same time, it is not an advanced system for honoring the other person, but you are dealing with the people as they are. When you have 20 to 50 people in a seminar like you do, you would need them there for a week to address each of their issues and problems, so you set some ground rules so that you can deliver the message of the seminar in the time you have”What I am here to communicate to you is going to take an hour and a half, so that allows for a 15 minute break and 15  minutes of questions at the end, so please don’t be offended if I you ask me something and I respond with; that I not something that we are going to address right now.” Its off topic.

John: I do that, but I think that Narelle’s point is still good; there is a certain way that you can do it, where you can let them go a little bit.

And it is like this; “I had an agenda for this workshop and I was wrong”, this workshop is now you and I and the rest of these people are going to watch, what do you have to say? Because I have only one purpose and that is to say; “God loves you and so do I”, so how can I be of service to you? 

John: I think that is a really good possibility. 

Narelle: that way they are feeling the love.

John: that is a really good possibility, not that I would necessarily choose it 3 out of 5 times, but if I feel that this would be the appropriate tool for the moment I would use it.

Narelle: it is all in the approach. 

John: I don’t know if you had a sense of where he was going there, but that was brilliant. He’s saying; “lets go a whole different place.” Thats a whole different thing than trying to train people.

Yes, screw the seminar. 

John: lets now take them to another place. 

By example. If somebody see’s you respect another person to the degree that it is a transformative experience to just observe how somebody can change somebody else by giving them unconditional allowance to express themselves in anyway that they choose in the moment and love it, love what that is.

John: that would be more powerful than a thousand words. More powerful than 3 days of words.

Narelle: and then that person then will sit there and think; I don’t just wan’t this to just be about me, I wan’t these other people to be learning and so lets go back to the workshop and they made that decision and they didn’t feel completely exiled and cut off by Hitler.

John: exactly. I am removed enough from my agenda and resistance, that it would be difficult to simulate that at this point, but I will wait until I get to that point with Narelle and  I want to do that.

Do it starting now and never stop. 1;01;25

John: well, its easy now. What I am so intrigued about is how to use this in a conflict.

How can you have a conflict, if both of you say; this is a good operating modality for our communicating with each other. 

John: so there is workshop communication and couples communication. In a couple or friend communication, you just always do that.


John: when somebody else wants to say something…

Guess what? You allow them.

John: Just like that?

Just like that. 

John: I was saying, “the minute someone wants to say something and you said guess what? And I stopped.

Yes, you did it perfectly. You already got it.

John: Have you ever done that with anybody?

With you, right now.

John: Thats it? This could be one of the greatest breakthrough’s in history and it just started here? 

It changes the world, from here. Now of course that statement could be perceived as a very presumptuous and egoic “I am something and nobody else is,”

John: but I allow it.

But it might be true.

John: I have always said that, I am not saying that it is not true, I am just saying that is the experience. Who knows what is true? We only know what we experience and that is the other piece of feed back that I want to share with you and I don’t know if it will be of any value to you, but my experience has been this; 

Its probably going to be a lot of value.

John: I don’t know.

I think it is.

John: I don’t know.

I think it is going to be a lot.

John: I can just tell you that it is my experience. 

It’s going to transform me in some way that I am going to love, I promise.

John: OK, Everything has a different flavor.

Just the fact that you are willing to tell me something that you have been previously hesitant to maybe, means that we are making progress in our relationship. Go for it. 

John and just now I stopped in mid stream to all you, I love that, it’s so good.

I know. 

John: I stopped again, ha ha ha, I love it.

Narelle: what you are doing Dave, is he would interrupt so much that we started this game where we would like charging fines for restitution, because it was like I don’t do that.

This is a better game. 

John: this is really exciting.

Transformative, because you don’t have to wait to interrupt them, you have permission to interrupt them anytime that you feel compelled, so you are completely free in your expression of yourself.

John: but the big, big, super nova thing for me is; I can’t tell you what it felt like for me just now, when you interrupted me twice and I stopped.


John: That for me is the big deal.


John: I can talk off of my rocker for the rest of my life, what it feels like to stop.

And give respect to the other.

John: what a gift.

Narelle: without being in your rightness of; “you just interrupted me.”

You can say that! And that is part of the fu… game. 

Narelle: now I am giving you permission, go ahead. 

Interruption is good! It means that you have something to say and so I just shut up and I can speak again when ever I wan’t to. I just have to shut up as soon as you start communicating, but if I have a few more words I want to say; I can hit you back with those as soon as I feel like it after you have started. 

John: I haven’t quiet made sense of this, it is coming and it is so close. I think what it is is this; the game becomes an immense possibility when its played in the context of two people trusting the balance that could unfold in that game. In other words; I know who you are.


John and I know you know who I am and so we know really the objective of the game is allowance, balance, union, peace, we got that and so if that is the case; I can let him interrupt me at any time and we are still going to end up at the objective.

Of course.

John: I think that’s what it requires: its the context of it. Wow.

Narelle: right 1:05:23 if we have a person where you have both bought in to having that respect.

David and when you get good at it: you don’t even have to tell someone else that you are doing it.

John: for sure thats just the way that you do it.

It’s who you become.

Narelle, I know that you do this with your wife, but what level of communication is she with you Dave?

Different, we don’t yet interact on this level unfortunately. She is the perfect person for me, because for me to be divine in her presence is a workout that I have not been man enough to go to the gym for yet.

John: thats a good way to put it, now here’s the feedback that I was going to give you: Theres different flavors of things and here is a good analogy: theres water, cold water, hot water, murky water and its all water. And then theres air: steamy air, cold air and the air is a little higher than the water and outer space is a little higher than the air, so my experience of you is water that is very beautiful, it’s as high of an experience of water that you can get, but what I experience from listening from general conference is air.


John: thats just me and there is a very distinct... 


John: I stopped, did you hear that?

Yes, it’s like your already a master.

John: it’s so fun, you started to interrupt me and its so fun I just stopped. Ha, ha. Dave, you have invented one of the best rides possible! 

I know.

John: back to my feedback: the reason that I share that with you, is because, you know how you have this great desire to have somebody experience what you have experienced?

Of course.

John: It’s such a wonderful desire, I so relate to it, because I have the exact same desire for you.

Ahh. What would I experience as a wonderful thing that you know? 

John: it’s the exact same feeling that your feeling towards me, there’s no way you can say it: you have to go there.

Yes, OK well done.

John: you just have to go there and its a very beautiful thing to me. So powerful and so beautiful! So sacramental, you know and I just love it with all of my heart. I love the water, but I love even more the air of ukdorf or what ever his name is that is the counselor and Thomas Monson. When he talks, there is no way to describe what that is and when I go to the temple… I haven’t been there for a long time, but it has a permeating presence of what happens in the temple and all of this experience that I have in the church: I just can’t get enough.

Thats great!

John: now when I am with you and I am in deep in the “Dave world of water” its all beautiful and when I am running in grass and I love that grass. Its all just different substances.

I get it, there different. 

John: the point being: I have a hope for you, like you have a hope for me.

You think that the water doesn’t know the sky that touches it in every moment? 

John: pretty much yes.

OK, I got you, I get that you think that I don’t get it. I’ve received that communication.

John: and I’m really excited that your allowing me to have that experience and here’s whats better: I’m allowing you to have that experience of allowing me to have that experience. Ha ha.

It’s wonderful. 
John: and truly that is a very high realm, not the highest, but it is a very high realm. It’s the beginning of something.

It’s step two on the stairway to heaven. 

John: OK, having said all of that, now I would just love to have you go off. Do you still have your recorder on?


John: I wouldn’t mind handing you the ball for a bit. 

OK, that was good, this was our preamble, Now let me…

John: I am buying into and enrolling to your being a teacher.

I get that, thank you.

John: does that make sense?

I’ve got that completely, yes. 

Narelle: Ha ha, John, you put your students through a hard time with your “buy in rules”  Look at patient Dave waiting for you to finally submit. 1:11;03

John: you have no idea the difference so, and that is such a beautiful thing to me. In fact I love it when my students enroll, I love it, because when they step forward, they raise their hand, they sign the papers…

So are you going to talk until I jump in? Is that whats going on? Or do you just wan’t me to jump in? Thanks, I was going to give you an orientation and you just kept talking and so I was unsure, so just let me know when you are done. 

John: OK, I will let you know. Ha ha. 

No, what I am asking you for, is to be complete in your communication, so that I can do what you have asked me to do, because if you interrupt me on an intellectual “word” “human to human communication” then your not going to get what you have asked for.

John: I get that. What I am asking is this…

Ha ha ha ha, ha, ha. Ok.

John: are you done laughing?

Yes, you have got the floor man.

John: what I am asking for is this: that if suddenly in the midst of the stream that I want you to share with me, I jump in and acadamize it and intellectualize it and interrupt it.

Then that is the experience we will have.

John: right. In other words, the original game that you set forth: thats the game I am in on. I love it and if it makes you laugh, even better. Its on tape and you set the rules and I am playing the game.

OK, so your saying: that instead of me jumping in and doing a stream of consciousness,  if I start doing that and you have a question about that, instead of experiencing that in the breadth and depth and length of whatever that is, you would like to communicate about another concept. We can do that, it’s probably a good transitional point for us.

John: I am not saying that, I am saying that whatever it is that I choose to do, even if it is to hit you over the head with this bottle, or share a drink with you: I just do it, I like the Game. 

Yes, Ok, can I give you some orientation? If there is something to communicate to you that requires me to embrace a subtle realm and becoming aware of it and surrendering to that to such a degree that I then can touch and receive the knowing of what it is to know the divine, if you “snap me out of that” then thats where we will be communicating at is, is my snap back point.

John: I understand that. 

So what I am saying is: if you actually want me to do that and you exercise your freedom to jump in at every point: you won’t receive what you are asking for.

John: what I am asking for may not be what I am asking for. 

I heard you asking for a continuation for a continuation of the communication game at the point that I dive into what ever it is that I dive into. 

John: did I say for how long? 

It doesn’t matter, each time that you say a single word, it brings my consciousness to here and now.

John: got you.

And it does it for a long time and has the effect of my never being there, my never speaking from where I can speak from and so the effect is: the shutdown of what you have asked for. 

John: then what my work is, is this: when I initially said that what I had in mind for this Sunday afternoon due to our planning meeting, is just a certain amount of time, so what would be really smart, because I know what you are saying, because when I am doing a  process in a workshop: I can’t even let somebody leave to go to the bathroom, I lose it and I’m done. 


John: so what I am asking honey (Narelle) is: I totally get what David is saying, because I am a facilitator too. So nobody understands that more than me, so I am not going to interrupt him at all. How long do you intuitively feel that it would be good to just really invite dave to go there for us?

Narelle: until we get to the end of the trail and we turn around and we walk all of the way back to the beginning of the trail. For the rest of this walk.

John: I love it. 

Would you allow me to take another puff?

John: hell no! Thank you for asking, thank you for asking! 

Thank you for being appreciative of my asking that, just realize that I do consider it to be a beneficial tool.

John: I understand that. 

In communicating.

John, I want the real thing. 

But what you are not willing to receive is my communication that you will get more of that If I did and so we will just leave it. OK.

John: having said all that: Ladies and Gentlemen, we welcome one of my closest brothers. For those of you tuning in this late in the program, understand that this is a very special child of God and he has a lot to receive.

I am truly nothing special at all, there is nothing unique about me or anyone that is not the same for all.

John: Oh yea? Except for your willingness to receive. I’m done, thats it.

Well, then what we’re going to do is walk in silence, until I feel compelled to say something…

It is nice that you are willing to do this with me, I appreciate it because when your willing to look for the transcendent in another and to say: god bless this man thatGod may move him in such a way that the words that come out of him are the words that God himself would say. Who can you get that “gift” from right? Who can you get that gift from? I treasure that gift, thank you, because it inspires me to look for where is my freedom found in this reality? Where am I open to being one with Christ? Where am I open to that? Where is there a possibility for that in this moment? Well guess what? There is a place and you open and you allow just like a virus, for it to spread through you. So thats the game that you play with God on this level: I’m open, I’m ready, I’m willing, I’m willing to be that, which is open to receiving knowing of what it is to know God and to have God know me in such an intimate way, that I myself know God equally well. 

It’s a tall order, but if thats not your goal, if you don’t shoot for that target of the possible, the seemingly impossible, but this possibility has been fore told by every holy man who ever lived. If your not shooting for that for yourself, then what is the likelihood of your being that in somebody else’s experience of you being here?  Not your own, but somebody else’s experience of you as the transcendent light of God himself? Because why should Gods light be limited in any way? Is not every structure of reality, structured in such a way, to be a welcoming home for the divine being the embodied consciousness of it? Isn’t that what heaven on earth will be: where heaven is the reality that we share with each other? And what’s the level of consciousness there? It’s the consciousness of the divine for each being divinely home, divinely free and divinely expressed in our communication with each other. 

Now you take the floor for a moment and speak what you wish to speak. 

John: I feel just such a sweet spirit, where heavenly father is walking with us. Because when there is allowance and respect, there is God.


John: regardless of our come from and our dogmas, he doesn’t care.

No he doesn’t

John: he only cares of our allowance.

Yes, yes. 

John: so it is very sweet.

You don’t find freedom in chains, bounds, rules and regulations. It’s in allowance, the unconditional allowance in allowing the other to speak until that which is in you, is emerging like the Phoenix out of the ashes. But it has to go from a transitional phase of expressing confusion and you allow it, both for yourself and the other. You don’t invalidate yourself at any point, you allow it to be expressed and your enlightened enough to recognize what we are talking about and to say: Hey, I can communicate that concept and I can live that in my life and I know that thats going to enhance my life in such a totally awesome way that my life is going to be one that people are jealous of, not to gratify my ego, but in the knowing that I can be here as the man that it is possible for me to be here. That, “that” is a blessing to myself, is a blessing to everyone else that I come into contact with. 

Narelle: just backing up: when we were driving down the canyon and I was listening to both you and John: it was a really amazing experience to me to feel fully present with no judgement, just observing and feeling heavenly fathers spirit telling me that you are both his children and that its ok, it’s each persons experience, there is no right and wrong, you have your beliefs, John has his and as we walk along on this trail looking at the beautiful temple. Even though you may feel differently about it, when we go to the temple. I know that John told me the story about you were the one who first bought him his temple clothes: there you were and really all that doesn’t matter, its just being on this walk, in the now, listening to the birds, I loved how you have pointed out that there is nothing that is not perfect that God has made, everything is perfect. 1:24;53 

Even the seemingly deteriorated imperfect. 

Narelle: you can still find the perfection.

There is nothing that you can look at that your welcoming of your experiencing that, that you can’t experience God. 

Narelle: this is the end of the trail.

Everyone does the best that they can and everybody despite their experiences is becoming more and more. Even when it is seemingly destructive, even when it is done in the worst possible circumstances and ways, there is an expansion and progression of consciousness.

Narelle: so David, in regards to the perfection of everything: there is this guy who stands on 123rd south with his homeless sign and initially when the kids were with me I would give money, even though I felt that he would use that for alcohol or drugs but that is his business and we are all beggars and I can still give and then the police officers came over one night because we thought that somebody had broken into the motorhome and we were saying well there has been this homeless guy around and the police started laughing saying: he’s not homeless, he’s bringing in over $600 per day, he’s living better than you guys and so the other day we saw him on the street corner and my sone goes: mom, here give me a dollar to give him and I said honey I am feeling differently now because I know that this is a scam and I feel like I would be enabling him.

No, because he has always been asking for money, for nothing, for being pathetic. He is asking for money for being pathetic. OK, you can say: that is a great pathetic performance: well done! You are one of the most pathetic people I have ever met, you have perfected the act of being pathetic and for that: here is money, because you are truly, truly, as pathetic as you are pretending to be. 

Narelle: and so when I would not give him money my son said: mom, you are judging him for what he is doing and I said no, I am just not feeling comfortable supporting him in his type of work.

Here is how I would suggest to look at it: your previous desire in giving was to support somebody who was in need and now that you know that he is not in need, then your giving has to come from a different place than a desire to support somebody in need. If you can enjoy contributing to his performance of a pathetic person, then give it for that, if you can’t do that you can say he is well taken care of by others, he doesn’t need our money and there are other people who actually need our help so I would like to give bases upon somebody actually having a physical need. 

Narelle: thank for answering that because the main thing was Brett thinking I am judging him. 

Now here is another level on the communication drill: if somebody is having an experience through “their filters” even though through your filters you know that they are completely wrong and full of it: it is incumbent upon you to check and see if they are right. 

John: absolutely.

Narelle: um hmm. Double check and be still and quiet.

Because if you are in resistance to those words whatsoever, your deserving of it and if you are in allowance: it will go through you like a cloud moving through the sky.

Narelle: thats what I was noticing about both of you, you were resisting each other with your positions as I sat in the back seat.

Unbelievable, I am so embarrassed. 

John, Me too, I’m humiliated.

I’m chagrined, what is worse than chagrined? Because if there is something worse than that, I’m that too. I can’t even believe that I just don’t kill myself right now. I’m not even worthy to live.

John: ha, ha, that is so well put. 

Why God just doesn’t strike me dead is a mystery.

John: you have just spoken  the human voice for all mankind! Thats where we go. I have got to remember that, don’t let me forget what he just said.

It’s on tape. 

John: you have got to send me that, because we’re still back on David Newren’s “interesting” we still teach that at the workshops. I’m going to go way past that now, because this is 10,000 times better.

I know and thats why I get a little ridge when you say that my stuff from 15 years ago was the best stuff I ever did. 

John: this new one that you just came up with right now: “I can’t believe I did that” “I truly can’t understand why God has not taken my life right now” that is the ultimate bust of our self judgement. Send it to me, the game is over. That is perfect.

Narelle: Yes the women will just go in and beat themselves up to consciousness.

John, I got my money’s worth just on that one.

How much am I charging you?

John: way too much. 

I remember what I am charging you and it is too much and its for you to accept that which I am right now in this moment and that is an unbearable request and I sincerely apologies for it and its what I experience myself as. So my apologies because this is what I am until I change my mind. 

John: I like that.

A change of “mind” is what the mindful choose to experience and it’s not a mindless activity. This is a better walk. OK, can we try a few moments of silence again?

John: you bet.

You guys are so good at this. Wow, I am honored, I am truly honored.

John: and I love it.

I am honored to have the respect from you to allow me to do this, so here we go in silence now… OK, so now I have a question for you: if I were a patriarch, given the responsibility of giving a particle blessing to a young man who I knew was going to refer to it over and over again as he was thinking about his life and if I were sincere about that role. I would prepare myself before I ever did that for someone and wether it would be fasting, or prayer, meditation, contemplation or reading some divine scriptures or what ever it were, I would choose to turn my phone off, to be in a non distracted space for some period of time before that person cam and then I would open up and surrender to being a channel for God communicating. So one manner of preparation for that is “off the table for you” what is on the table? 

John: I am just enjoying the ride, I am having the time of my life.

Can I fast, pray and meditate? Can I break the word of wisdom in any way?

John: no.

Great communication, OK, so where John is willing to receive from me is in the context of adherence with the word of wisdom, OK. I am going to up my game you know.

John: I like it. Thats what I am talking about! 

Narelle: and that was the first thing that he said to you up the canyon, was this is the best.

However, just be aware that I stretch myself every day regardless and your being the determining factor in how I deliver things to you will channel it in such a way that from my point of view it may not be ideal, thats all. 

John: understood.

But, they will still be darn good. 

John: I’ve got so much more than my moneys worth already, I’m just freaking so everything else form here is a bonus.

Well, is there anything left? Maybe when we get back to the car and are a little more still, we might have gotten our sessions worth already so I am going to turn the recorder off… Well I guess I should have left it on. 

John: Oh my goodness, ha, ha. Can’t you say it again?

No, I can say something else though. Well, I was appreciating my recognition of your conscious recognition of a higher consciousness gift that I was giving you and so my ability to see that you both received it, realized it, recognized it and fed it back to me: makes my day, because while I am not in judgement of this reality, I recognize it for where it is and what it is and what its potential is and its potential is transcendent. It’s perfectly “this” but its potential is magnificent! 

John: thats really beautiful.

It’s potential is not just magnificent: it’s potential is a living miracle for every one of us and so to have somebody know and realize that theres hope in our being able to open into living our lives as that experience here: wow, that is something else, because your not just talking about it like all of those phony guys who write those books, oh my God, your experiencing it! At a level of communication where its not conceptual its: Oh my God! I just had a realization, something just shifted in me and I’m more awake and aware. More present and more loving than I was before and thank you, thank you, and thank you God and thats why we’re friends: to be there for each other. To be holding that space where we “know.” The person that you walk around as every day is just an act, a pretense, a human doing human things, but we’re here to share a secret with each other once in a while: and that is the experience of what can be for this reality, with each other, in reverence, in awe and then in celebration of the divine potentialities of this reality and how we can be open into that “sparking into existence” in this reality and the transformation: who it begins with, what it begins with, none of that matters, because there is no credit or responsibility for a shared experience of a divine state of consciousness.

It’s just the wonder that it happened at all and at the point that it happens and it is a shared experience: who are you being reverent to and appreciative of? Everyone and everything, because you are now not trying to be something that you are not. You realize that you already are and always have been and that is: a divine consciousness that is choosing to awaken itself as the knowing of self as that, while embodied and thats the bravest journey that a man can embark on, because there’s so few that have ever done it here on Earth. And who did it really? Jesus? Yes probably, but who else, who else? Can you count them on your hands, or are there hundreds or thousands or millions? How many are there in this world right now? Is there even one? Maybe, god bless that there would be and hundreds and thousands more until all of humanity is infected with the virus of divine consciousness and awakened to their native knowing of eternal truth, that is their natural state of being when they are not embodied.

You cannot act divinely with another without that brother soon recognizing the same within himself and thats why there is no guru, master-teacher-student relationship. If there is a true guru, the guru is known by the enlightenment of his students and associates. 

John: what do you mean?

If those that are around you are not the best examples of consciousness awakening to the unlimited possibilities of self, then what kind of “low rent” guru are you? 

John: I got you.

If somebody has to meditate with you for 20 years before they realize that they don’t have to meditate with you, then you have done started your service to humanity a little early: before you realized the truth of yourself and thats the first work that we all have and that is the realization of our own truth and so we look around and say: who’s interested in having a shared experience of that? So that I can have someone to practice on, on what it is to be the living embodiment of my own truth: that which I am eternally, but that which I can’t quite remember exactly now, but am I open to that? Yes I am. Good, bad, whatever it is, I don’t have any desire to hold myself back from any of it. 

John: iv’e got nothing, I just love what you are saying. I love it, its very sweet. 

OK, It’s not air…

John: but it’s the sweetest water I have ever seen. Ha, ha, its definitely not air, but it is good water! 

The water of everlasting life. 

John: for this kind of water it is. It’s wonderful, I’m skiing on it right now. Really thank you, thank you heavenly father. Thank you for speaking through Dave, we’re still listening.

It’s nice that Utah has done trails like these, it was my intent to do this today and walk up Provo canyon and so God had to use you to get me out to get some exercise, because you were going to have a nice pleasant calm walk and then you said: David has to get some exercise, he hans’t exercised for years, lets get him on a walk under the pretense that we want to hear something that he wants to say: it will be torture, truly a burden to us, but..

John: that couldn’t be further from the truth, I feel such Joy, such a joy right now. To feel the depth of your authenticity, your reality, your “realness” is an inspiration to me.

Thank you, because there are so few people who see it. 

John: Dave, I could read a hundred books, but what I have gotten from these 20 minutes, was worth more than that/

Thank you.

John: do you hear what I’m saying?

Narelle: I’m am totally, but I am waiting until we reach the end of the trail because I wanted to go with what my agreement was. 

John: I just had to say that, I wanted to praise God. 

Narelle: at the end of the trail, I would love to share my whole experience, thats what we promised to do.

Well we’ve go a little bit left, lets walk in silence and see if there is anything else thats worth communicating, because if you can’t be comfortable in silence then you can’t be comfortable with yourself, because everything is perfect. Everything is perfectly unfolding here, exactly as it should be and when you look at the whole of all reality: its transforming itself so quickly that its truly a miracle and although were here from a perspective of everything seeming to be the same as it was last year, its not, its not. We are so different than how we were 5 years ago, 10 years ago, with what amount of chance in 1985 would you have said “David has the potential to truly touch and inspire me?” No one would have guessed it. So the point is: we have both chosen to go for the best that we can, to be what it is possible to be here and theres a lot of resistance to it, because as soon as somebody gets a “lock onto” who they think that you are, then you are not being real if you start doing something beyond what they considered your limitations to be. OH, oh no, oh no: thats not you, I know you, I’ve got you pigeonholed, I’ve got you in a box, its a nice box, a pretty box, a wonderful box, but: it is the box that you deserve to be in. And thats what you are dealing with when you are here as a teacher who is open to what ever it is that is ultimately true for each of us.

It’s the unwillingness form the people you are talking to for it to be an actual truth that they can experience with you that is your barrier to them experiencing their truth with you. So, you teach the easy subjects first to other teachers who know that that is the dream that they have for themselves, that thats their choice also, that thats their presence, that thats the essence of who they are also. You share with somebody who is open and that allows you to open into the realization of the embodiment of your eternal truth by knowing that you have somebody who supports you in that, who says: Yes, not just a little change, all the way, change. Not just a little light, the light that enlightens all confusion, all darkness, all unconsciousness: that which redeems, restores and reclaims all that we are identified with that is less than what God wishes for us himself. That is what your truth is and does and has upon yourself when you open up into letting go of who you know that you are.

So with my friends that I do this with and I don’t have a lot, I guess that I should look for some new friends, because frankly even you have never before been willing to do this with me before, even though you are my biggest fan and yet you probably have the biggest potential for the embodiment of truth that I know. It would be nice for you to say: yes it would be nice every couple of months I should spend half a day with Dave and we should remind ourselves and each other that we can be appreciative and in awe of what we can experience with our friends. 

A walk in consciousness. The reason why it is a good Idea to do this while walking, although I would prefer a slow walk, is that much of the unconsciousness that you are, is held within the structures of the body and so as you experience the consciousness of the different structures of the body: its dense and its dark, but you are in touch with it when you are moving and what you experience in here, when your bodies in motion, permeates you physical structure.

The first time I took magic mushrooms was a funny experience: I was with about 15 other people and everyone was sitting and meditating and just present and I was in complete connection with all of the insanity that I was embodying. I was just groaning and “what is going on?” “Whats this?…” Oh, There is another part of this that I can show you, we’re talking about your embodiment of “what is” the level of consciousness that you hold within your body that you are so resistant to feeling. You can touch it lightly and move it, allow yourself to be moved through your awareness like a tai chi dancer. Your not doing it, your allowing the body to move, you not directing it, but your finding where freedom can be found in the body and your letting the body move in what ever direction it wants to that brings it freedom. And so you going: oh, wow, whats that? And then you feel it, isolate it and feel the core of what disables you in the body: its right there, ahh and then you dive in and embrace the pain and ahh, ahh, ahh awe and its gone and its the “O” in God and that type of movement will allow you to be present with your infirmities until your infirmities are transformed. Because your consciousness will inspire your own body to perfect itself. You don’t need to exercise yourself in a particular way according to the rules or precepts of some expert. Your body is only consciousness anyway. Consciousness in motion becomes an atom a collection of atoms becomes a molecule, a collection of molecules becomes a cell, a collection of cells becomes a body and the structures of a body and then they are all influenced by outside consciousness, thats says: this is mine to control and direct as to what to do and guess what happens when that I done? Its always wrong, its always wrong. You grant your body the same freedom that you grant your spouse in the communication exercise.

You say: OK, what do you want to do? Do you want to open into an embrace your freedom? (yes, yes, yes) OK. “Go ahead, I am just along for the ride.” and it will move its way into the freedom that you have been preventing it from. You don’t have to read a book, you don’t have to have an expert tell you what to do, you don’t have to do anything other than grant the fact that your body is divinely aware if you allow it to be and it will shift and shift. I am ready for mine, I haven’t given my body any attention since we lived in Long Beach. I though that I would let the spirit transform my body, but I really haven’t been in a position of consciousness until now, to actually know how to do it. So we will see what the next year brings, so Take a good look at me and when we are walking here a year from now we will see if it’s any different.

The miraculous is really possible John, it really is. Its not a concept, not an idea, not a belief system…

John: I get it. 

It’s an experience if you just open into having it and here’s how it is initiated: you are the consciousness of God consciousness, thats your ultimate truth. There’s a concept that you’ve bought into that it is something other than that. Now, how is that realized? The Miraculous, what is it that creates the miracle? This is the course of Miracles on the pathway to zion. So here it is: what is it that you truly wish for as the highest and best good for yourself? What do you want?

John: __________

As soon as you chose it (and you can practice choosing so that you can get sensitive to it) as soon as you choose for something so wonderful that the universe applauds your choice, as soon as you choose something that is supposed to happen, something that is in the direction of Heaven on Earth for this reality and your openness to that being your experience. Whatever it is, what ever any aspect of it is, whatever it is that you choose for yourself: you receive that instantly! In that very instant, you receive that and it stopped almost instantly by your unwillingness to receive what you just asked for. So if you ask for something that is a thousand miles high and you stop it at a tenth of an inch, you were granted that miracle as soon as you conceived your desire for it and then you said to yourself: its only appropriate for me to receive this part of it and so since your mind is all over the place, you didn’t even notice that: your request was granted, your miracle was received and you received the fullness of it, up to the point that it made you uncomfortable and then you said no and this is a free will reality, this is a free choice reality and everyone here is god conscious and so whatever it is that you choose for yourself: you get and where people are confused, is they don’t notice the point where they stopped themselves from receiving, where they limit them selves as to what they are willing to be here because of the fear of the unknown, their acceptance of the condemnation by everyone else that they ever met, the judgement of every person that ever came into contact with them to diminish them in their mind in any way that they then went into agreement with means that you then restrict yourself from living a miraculous life.

But, once you are aware of this mechanism, you can notice what you received, where you limited it and then choose for it again and up the stairway to heaven you have begun. You choose it and you choose it and you choose it and you grow and you expand and you realize your truth.

John: Perfect. We’ve come to the end of the trail and it is one of the greatest moments I have ever experienced. Ha ha. Short and sweet, I know that you wanted 4 or 5 hours, but you’ve got to admit: you got a lot don’t in that little half hour, you moved at light speed. 

I don’t get many chances with you. 

John: I just want to tell you how proud that I am, because you did it. You were out of your comfort zone, you came through for your buddies, you spoke for God, we heard it, I got transformed.

Narelle: now keep that on because I want to share.

John: David is TRANSPARENT and that transparency changes the people around him. 

Narelle: and what I wanted to say was what at first I don’t think that you were fully realizing because in my experience, what I was observing was because this was such a rare opportunity to be with John, that you were wanting to make sure that it was the best  and so you addressed 2 times your desire to use your friend because you wanted to come through for John and I noticed that there was a part where you were like “this is not going to be my best session for my friend and so it was really interesting  for me to watch you, so I’m giving you the feed back: I saw you shifting between the natural man where “I wan’t this to be my best session because I’m meeting with John who is also a teacher and I want to help him the best that I can help him improve his teachings. So, I was watching you wrestle with that and then when you were finally: well this is perfect and whatever I share right now, is exactly the way it is supposed to be. So I watched you shift through that agenda of “I want to give my best” to “this is how it is” and what you weren’t realizing Dave was just the walk, in and of itself and I was staying quiet, because I was just beaming inside, thinking Dave if you only knew, you were already giving John the greatest gift. In all mu years with John, I have never been able to take a walk in absolute quiet consciousness, peace…

John: ever.

Narelle: meditation and I have wanted this so many times, where I would say: lets just have a gratitude walk and its been impossible for him to do that.

John: never done it.

Narelle: and the spirit has been telling me for so long: “his mind just needs to be still and quiet and notice the beauty” and his walks have had an agenda; I have to walk fast for my heart” and I’m thinking I just need you to be still and one with God and quiet and just take this all in and you just stopping him and pointing out the beauty of everything it was just exactly what God was wanting you to do today! You were being an instrument in the lords hands right from the beginning. Anything you said beyond that was just and absolute bonus. To have him be absolutely still, to truly connect with the beauty of everything around us was the best for him. His mind has been so active the past few days with the concepts that he is teaching.

John: I have my workshop now.

Narelle: The miracle at the very end, I have been feeling that. We have our vision boards and our attraction process for some of the things that we have been wanting and you answered my prayers. The planning meeting that I have been wanting to do this planning session with John because I have some goals with my business that I have been wanting to do, but this morning I woke up and thought that this is impossible: my schedule is too busy, I cannot do this. When I put it on my board, it was with an absolute conviction that I can do this and the spirit told me I could and this would bring in the money for my children, but this morning I went to a lack of faith and so I stopped that miracle right there by thinking no. So now I am able to take that next step so thank you for sharing. 

Your welcome.

John: this car is just cool to drive, its like perfection. This is like it represents the “real” us, doesn’t it?

Yes, the reason that I bought it is that I knew that every time that I sat in it, it would remind me that excellence is OK. It’s OK to actually have something that you want and enjoy something that was designed to be superb. 

Narelle: which was what I was saying, so that goes along with what I was saying: I put this on my vision board with heavenly father saying Narelle, its OK to want a nice home for your children and to not have the stress of the rent every month where we are so cramped where we are living right now. If you want that and if you are asking me, I will provide that, but then I go…

You have to be careful about that, because that is a stumbling block for a lot of religious and spiritual people, because they put it on God and then are not willing to change and receive what it is that results in that thing that they want. This car did not result from God saying “I am going to put a bow on the car David wants and put it with the title in his driveway. I had to ask: where is it possible for me to receive what it is that I want? Can it come through any of the channels that I am working with? Of the people that I am engaged with for making money, will millions of dollars come through any of them? No? OK, quit trying to do business with them. No here? Quit trying to do business with him. If this guy were a tool and I had a job that I needed performed by a specialized tool, if the nice house that I want has to come through the mechanism of commerce and it requires hundreds of thousands of dollars coming to me: who is willing and open to being the channel of my receiving that? And if there is nobody that you know that fits that ability, then you better make some new friends. And you better decide what your gift or product is that is worthy of that. 

John: I think that thats brilliant.

Narelle: well, thats what I was doing this morning and God told me that it was through Dotera and with the goal I would achieve this, but this morning I woke up thinking that this is impossible to do this goal and like you said, the moment that I said that it was impossible, he was like OK, it is.

John: I was born to drive this car! And I don’t want you to feel bad, but nobody in this world has what I have in the back seat here. 

She is uniquely yours. 

John: she is something that I do not know if I deserve. 

Og course you don’t, but the real question is: are you willing to allow yourself to be changed to the point necessary for you to be deserving of her? 

John: I am. 

OK then thats all that is important then, god bless that. 

Narelle: thank you for all that you have blessed us with Dave, we wold have had our wedding without your help, but it would have been just out on the street.

John: Honey, everything that we have done in the last few years has been Dave. All of out outings to Park City, mothers day.

Narelle: that was a perfect day, because I was able to make a choice to have a beautiful day with John and the children. 

There is a higher law beyond how many steps to can take on Sunday. 

John: much higher.

When you believe in the lower law, it truly is a sin to break it, but once you know what is above it, then it is a sin to bind yourself to it.

John: there is the spirit of the law and the letter of the law and those two things there are both important and you have to know which game to play when. 

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