
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Realize that you have realized the divine self; just now.

"I am going to allow myself to have the ability to move, to be, to have that which I wish for here." As you allow the divine to be expressed in you, does the quality of your experience here immeasurably improve. You’re taking a test right now, to now be aware of self as divinity that has chosen to come here and experience what happens to a body as it shifts from polarized interactions, to; divine oneness. 
Where am I able to allow my brilliance to be expressed here? With whom? Well, test yourself first, test yourself with your willingness to experience a profound change within and without yourself, as you realize that you have realized your divine truth in your body.
Realize that you have realized the divine self; just now.
If you realize your divine self now, there is no need to worry; you will handle your problems so much easier, when you realize that you have realized your divine self, right now. Allow for your manifestation here, as your truth that never changes and yet is infinite. Allow there to be infinite variables available to you, in your choice for action and in your capability for action and response. 
If you wish to know whereof we speak; you will have to slip into, swim in and drink of those waters yourself. You are not here to be a “holy man” in an abstract way, you’re not here to to be in seclusion, a cave, in isolation, solitude or meditation all of that is a denial of your truth and is a ridiculous way to say your enlightened. The embodiment of God is delighted to be here; fully, confidently, beautifully here, embracing reality as it is and inspiring it to be as it is.
Be as; he who is divine 
and it doesn’t matter who it is that you find to be divine, when you find the divine; be that way too. Be that which is love, bliss, passion, wonder, celebration and beauty. The opportunities that we have here to express ourselves; to create and then to enjoy our creation as part of our own reality is wonderful.
Create; create that which you wish for, create that which will bring joy to others, create that which will bring pleasure to all, create that which will be pleasing to the eye, the ear, the nose and your taste and thereby improve what it is to be the experience the embodiment of man here as the consciousness of the divine creator. 
Don’t be flippant about your decision, you actually have to be divine, to experience the divine fully, so allow your consciousness to be aware where you know your own eternal nature, where divinity is your experience of self and from there; observe the consciousness of your body, its density, its nature and ever so gradually embrace the body with your divine presence and awareness, not so fast that you are knocked unconscious again, but so gradually that you can maintain your divine knowing as you come into the physicality of your body. Always remember; you are transforming the body not yourself and if you are lost in body consciousness; step out again, recover your truth of self as your knowing of self and then embrace your body again in a manner where your experience of every aspect of it, is fully aware and your loving every experience and sensation. It is not something that you try to do, you just monitor the effect that the body has on your identity as you embrace it and you hold the body so lightly, that you can maintain your knowing divinity there as the transmutation of the bodies polarization occurs. Which results in your being able to maintain your natural state of enlightenment while you are embodied. : )

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