
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Allow that which knows it all, to know itself, as you.

The wish for abundance and wealth; its not something that you make happen from the point of view of not knowing wether you can make it happen or not. If you don’t know wether or not you can make it happen; don’t act from there. As soon as you realize that you don’t know wether you can create the abundance that you desire for yourself, as soon as you know that you want that and don’t know if you can do that; that is your signal to yourself that your “out of wack” and that you need to let go of whatever it is that you have picked up, that has you limiting yourself to a state of relative unconsciousness. This state of consciousness is not normal, it’s not natural, it’s not what you currently choose for yourself. You’ve allowed yourself to go unconscious, because of outside influences.

Steve, Um hmm.
Just realize that that which you wish for; the abundance and the miraculous divine and enlightened state of being that you believe is possible for yourself, is not something that you attain; it’s something that you already are and yet forgot. It’s a realization process, not a creation process. It’s a process of remembering and bringing into reality; real-ize-ation, its the process of bringing into reality that which you already are. 
Steve, so lets do that now. 
Good instruction. Just don’t stop yourself. Feel your eternal nature; the truth of the wondrous divine lover that is who you truly are. Allow yourself to feel your truth in your body, why not man, why not? Feel the truth of you that causes choruses of Angels to sing in your presence, celebrating the fact that there is one who loves so truly, so beautifully, so universally, that universally; he is loved and celebrated by all of reality that he interacts with. Thats the truth of you and why you choose to experience yourself as less than that, is certainy up to you, but if you are telling me that you wish to realize your truth, then; realize that you have chosen to realize your truth now! Realize that your self realization of eternal truth, is the choice of who and what you are as your experience of self. 
The realization of the infinite, the manifestation of the whole truth of eternity; that is what your choosing to realize as your own identity; that that is in fact who you are eternally. Allow yourself to realize your truth; just feel yourself and continually choose to be in allowance of eternal truth manifesting here, through you, as you; the beingness of you, as eternally divine, realized truth, without opposition, because it is so wondrously, beautifully and lovingly true for you and everyone else that experiences it. 
Be that which sparks into being, the rembrance of all beings here of their own eternal truth here, should they wish to know it. If one wishes to know their truth; allow the truth to flow through you, until their self realization is full and complete. I allow you that and I am focusing in every second, my allowance of your self realization and manifestation of that for us both. 
I no longer choose to see you as one who can’t be ultimately true here. I allow you the possibility of realizing your truth here, I welcome that choice for you and I support you in the knowing that it “is” you and always has been. You always are, your ultimate truth and as soon as you choose to realize it; it’s realized in your body, so that the realization of your eternal truth, is animated divinely, by your own truth. 
Why wouldn’t you want to allow that for yourself? Allow it for yourself; allow divine truth to be realized in you. Feel it, feel the realization of divine truth in you, oh my! Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, the realization of divine truth in you; what a funny thought, what a kick for this reality, what a joy for your family and friends. The realization of the divine as You, yes you, the realization of the celestial glories, glorified and manifest in man, as You. Who could want anything less? Who could ask for anything more? What would God himself wish to restore in you, other than that which is ultimately true for you?
So, accept the invitation of divine awareness, divine abundance, divine companionship, in the knowing and celebrating of all that know themselves as the divine. It’s a party, it’s a glorious celebration, it’s the ultimate realization of truth; that we are that which loves, all, divinely.
Realize that you are that which loves all divinely. “Oh my God, how can I do that?” Well, you don’t “do it,” you “are it.” Tag; your it. The “tag” on you says; “divine love here, as much as you want, you don’t even need to ask for it, I see it in you, as soon as you are willing to receive it and I give you all that you have the guts to take.” Thats who your manifested truth would be in this world; that which loves all to the fullest that each is willing to receive and as each receives any portion of your love here; it opens like a flower for more, in the celebration of the wondrous nature of that which enables itself to love the nature of all things here. 
Allow the seeming insanity of that statement to just bubble away, in the realization that the “divine way” is “your way” that the highway to heaven, is the one that you drive on every day. From Heaven to Earth and back again and Earth to Heaven once more, for man. A Heavenly Earth, what does that feel like to a Man here? A heavenly earth of joy and serenity and all in harmony, celebrating the wonders of the other and of self.
Steve, what shift do we need to free the abundance?
You don’t create it, you allow it to be manifest through you.
Steve, OK, what shift do we create to facilitate the abundance?
What you do is; you allow yourself to be the facilitator of abundance yourself. So, don’t try to get your mind around this, just have the experience. 
Steve, OK.
Open up to the Universe moving through you as the facilitator of abundance for self and others here. You don’t have to think about that, you don’t have to read somebodies book, there is no instruction manual for it other than; feel your manifest destiny of embodying this body as a divine and self aware consciousness, that knows the eternal nature and temporal nature of all things, manifest and un-manifest. Just allow your truth to move through you and awaken you from your slumber and confusion in your considering yourself to be; but a man here, when surely it is observable to yourself, that you are here to embody self as a god, just like Jesus did and just like God wishes for you to be able to have the bravery to choose that, for yourself. 
How brave can you be? This is a free choice reality, its not a difficult thing to figure out; you have as you choose; choose abundance and then allow your body to shift into a frequency where abundance moves through it as it’s natural course of being here. Lets feel that right now. 
Steve, OK.

Allow your body to shift into free flow abundance as its reality here; the abundance of wonder, the abundance of all that you would wish to have for self in abundance and wonderfully. 
Keep feeling yourself, until you allow yourself to freely flow, with the flow of abundance. Keep relaxing into the choice of being free. Choose it in every fraction of a second, so that your body fully realizes your choice of presence here and that is; the magnificence of divine manifestation. Choose that continuously right now, choose to be the magnificence and glory of the manifestation of God consciousness here. 
You know that you shouldn’t, 
You know that you couldn’t before now,
But now that you realize that you can;
Choose it.
You don’t have to fix anything to open up the divine flow, all you have to do is;
Realize that your not stopping yourself any more,
Realize that your not stopping yourself right now,
Realize that you’ve stopped stopping yourself from embracing the divine,
Realize that you’ve now have stopped rejecting the divine way. 
You no longer say; no to divine truth,
You no longer say; yes to confusion and unconsciousness for yourself,
You choose to know what you wish to know and realize it as you choose it,
Realize as you choose, thats what makes your life appear miraculous to others, is your continuous realization of the best choice for yourself.
These things all sound more miraculous to me when I say them, than when I type them up later and then read them. Even my own words are death when compared to the experience that inspired them and I like my words, I love them, because I say things that I don’t know if anybody else says or not. So I love myself for that; the willingness to speak freely what it is that moves me as I allow for infinite truth to know me, to embrace me and to be me here. Why be resistant to knowing yourself as that which knows all? How could what you are doing right now be better than that? It’s not, it’s not, the best choice is; ultimate truth and absolute freedom. Within that, there is no sin, because you never, ever, ever, make somebody else feel bad or small. You forever, are a blessing to everyone you interact with; they are all better for your presence here.  
Allow that to be true for you,
Allow that to be true for you in this moment, so that I can feel it and glory in your glorification. The glorification of eternal truth is the light that shines brightest within you, if you allow it to. 
Feel those areas in your life where you are most destructive to yourself. Where you create the least joy in your life and be your truth there now. You don’t have to hold on to what you are going to do in “that” situation tomorrow. All you have to do is be that you here, as you allow eternity to transform you. 
Allow eternity to transform you; just do it. 
Allow eternity to transform you into the physical expression of divine truth.
Allow divine truth to be your truth.
Allow the truth of eternity to be that which you know yourself as.
Allow that which knows it all, to know itself, as you.
Allow yourself to know divine consciousness as well as divine consciousness knows you. 
Know yourself there, as that.
Know yourself here, as that. 
Know yourself as that truth, that is true, truly, for you.
Allow the miraculous to be normal for you in your life, it’s as simple as remembering that this is a free choice reality and choosing to allow the divine to move you and any place that it does not move you; you just quit stopping yourself from not allowing the divine to move and for you to be moved as that.

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