
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Did we ever exist at all?

There is no proof. There is only experience. So, what if your experience is different then mine? Everyone dies and then everyone forgets and it is as if you never existed in the first place. Or did we ever exist at all?


 We are not what we have been, and we are not what we may be, we are not even what we may see, do and are as observed by others. We are however real, to ourselves and to those we are currently interacting with. To have too much concern of our legacy in the minds of those who know not themselves, is to know that you have yet to realize the truth that frees you and that is the me's and you's the we choose to be here, are not here to leave an important and significant impression on the minds of men, other than that; you became magnificently free and a blessing to humanity, upon your rejection of humanity as being your ultimate truth and experienced what "that" actually is instead, solely upon your own choice to know and be; "That" as your experience of self now. Effortlessly. Mmm

What does it FEEL like Delphine, to experience yourself as that which is ultimately and eternally true and don't answer me from not knowing what the answer is. Ask the question and wait for the answer to move you, transform you and enlighten you with your truth. Then reveal to us the mysteries of eternity. It will be fun. : )

It matters not, wether you existed at all, If all you are is an absolute pretense of a temporary identity. So thank God that we are gone when we are done with that, but if we allow others to glimpse eternity in our eyes, our presence and our words once in a while; then you will have lived a memorable existence, for some. (not that it matters) 

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