
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Why Buddhism?

David D It is the only right answer thats why Buddhism

To see all others as wrong blinds you to the path where all can realize their truth, each from their unique placement and circumstances.

Why Buddhism; because that is my path.
Why not Buddhaism? Because that is not their path.

The path you are on is your path, realize your divine perfection there where you are, as there are no "must do's, be's and haves" to knowing eternal truth and being divinely present.

All "isms" come together in embracing the whole truth when followed back to the source that inspired them.  They all point the way home to one who has chosen to reawaken and as presented here they all must be left behind as you embrace the actual truth of yourself for they cannot contain it, they cannot explain it and they all serve the one whole truth as best that they can; that we never lacked anything, have always been eternal, have always been whole, holy and complete.

Cease becoming and realize that which you already are instead.

Follow them to their source, not to where they say you must go and what you must do as they are all wrong on those counts.
You need to go; nowhere.
You need to do; nothing.
You don't need to change anything other than what you choose to be aware of and give significance to.

And what might that be? How about that which never changes? Or that which existed as you before this life and will exist as you after this life? Or that which communicated to every holy man who when he did his best to explain what that was, resulted in his sleeping followers setting him apart from them as the unique source of truth, the embodiment of the divine or the voice of God? Do what the holy men did not what they say to do, words are lies, not truth.

Including mine. : )

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