
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Decide it should get better for you, now.

Take your life seriously man, look at it for what it is. See where you have the ability to make positive change for yourself and do it. Choose to be better than you are. Choose to perfect yourself as much as you can. Enjoy your body, but pay attention and keep it optimized, tuned up and ready to serve you in the most capable way. Pay attention to your body today and how do you do that? How do you choose continuously for things to get better for you? 
Well, you just decide that it is OK to and when you feel the signal that it is not OK for things to get better for you: you just stare it down, until it realizes the truth: that it should get better for you right now. If you yourself and your self image. (and how could it be anything other than that?) If you yourself is what is stopping you, then: stare yourself down right now, until you back off from your self destructive tendencies. 
What you can say to your enemy is: I disagree with you, I think that things should get better for me. Don’t go into an agreement with somebody that thinks things should not be better for you than they are. A person who requires your diminishment, for their happiness, is not worthy of your companionship. The friend who believes that if he destroys you, that he is better of for that: let him be friends and destroyer with someone else and walk away from that game. 
Continuously realize that its OK for things to get better for you, realize that now, and now, and now and now.
Be direct, tell people what you want and work with ones who want you to have it. Let the “tomorrow self” of you know, that you have chosen its day with harmonious impunity. Go through the door while it is available for you right now.

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