
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Its your body, Its your life, Its your truth.

A visit with Mom and Dad, beginning halfway into a conversation.
Allowance doesn’t have any reference points to it, what I am speaking to is where you are seeing yourself, where you believe your truth is, that sense of self that you have that is less than god consciousness. You have already experienced a feeling of what the truth is, so all that we are talking about is saying: OK, we are in allowance of that knowing, being more than a glimpse. We are allowing that opening; we don’t know where it is going, but we know that its OK to go there. We know that we are safe in moving with God and God moving with us, don’t we? 
Mom, Yes.
OK, so allow it right now, Allow yourself to be moved by God. Allow yourself to know all that God is and through the knowing of all that God is: you will know yourself truly. Know that it is safe, that it is allowed, that you have permission and that you are invited to know your truth here now, right now. You don’t have to keep checking to see if its OK, you can just surrender into knowing that its appropriate and allow the body to be freed by your own willingness to be the temple of God. All that really means is that you are willing to be here as your truth: in your body you are willing to be the eternal truth, of you. 
Allow the fire within you, the light within you to shine forth through your body. 
Was this more of what you were looking for?
Mom, what I see when I close my eyes and I see a light like fire works, is that what I am supposed to see?
Your seeing something somehow. 
Mom, my eyes are shot, but I can see bursts of light flashing on, fading and then coming on again. 
Dad, I do the same thing, oranges, reds, purples, yellow. Definitely images. I like the feeling of being close. 
Mom, we need to have unconditional love like Jesus. I can learn to have unconditional love.
No you can’t, you have been, you always will be and you can’t be anything else. You can pretend otherwise though...
Mom, because we are part of our heavenly father?
I wouldn’t put it that way. No, because the way that you are saying that is that you are less than that, that you are a diminishment of that, that you are not the same as that yourself and thats not true. The only thing true about yourself is that you are the same as God. Nothing else is. Everything else is a pretense.
Mom, everyone is the same as God?
Every single one, nobody’s special unless everyones special. The only question at hand is: how much are we going to know right now? 
Dad, how far am I willing to go?
Yes, you made a nice shift already.
Dad, I was really close. I got the same kind of feelings that I have had before. I don’t get the full change though.
So you chose to stop it, thats OK. 
Dad, no I didn’t.
Did it stop?
Dad, I guess it did.
Then it must have been OK for it to stop. There are limits to how much change people are willing to experience in each moment. Don’t be frustrated, be grateful for what you did, for what you achieved.
Dad, OK, one day I will make it and I will be able to let go.
Maybe you will and maybe you wont. But, I am starting to believe that you will.
Dad, I keep making little changes. I am not the same as I used to be. 
Me either.
Dad, You’re a whole lot different, hopefully, I can keep making changes and make that release. I feel strange about how much desire I have to make the change and yet I don’t make it. 
That is because it is equally counter balanced by the desire not to change. 
Dad, but I don’t feel aware of that.
But, you put it in place. 
Dad, I probably did, but I don’t feel it. I feel like I am being held back, thats the way that it feels.
Well, lets take a look at that. Do you want to take a look at that and see if somethings there?
Dad, I don’t know how to. 
Its a yes or no question.
Dad, Oh, I better look at it.
Do you want to look at it right now?
Dad, Ok, how do I look at it.
Be comfortable, be at peace.
Dad, I am being crushed.
Dad, I am being crushed.
OK, let me take a look at it then, while you are being crushed. (Long pause)
OK, here we go, it is going to open up now. (long pause)
In this space, everything that is in opposition to our choice, is going to see the light of its own truth, because our choice is our own truth. Anything that has an opinion about that from outside of us, separate from us, is going to know our truth and that truth is their own: they are always welcome and wether they stay or go, that is their choice. In your divine knowing, you always welcome all others to share in the experience of the eternal with you, silently. Because there isn’t anything that has to be communicated when you are here fully free. So to that which was crushing you, there are only two things that can happen when you choose to embody your truth: either it relaxes into knowing its own and thus it is not opposing you, or it runs away. Every aspect of consciousness gets its own free choice. We don’t have to alter ours because others choose differently. 
Now, you will be challenged on that, but just look at the challenge without doing anything about it, except continually choosing to allow your own truth to be known to you. That is how you overcome all challenges: free choice for you, free choice for them, no opposition. You don’t oppose them at all, but the choice of your own truth is such that you cant be fought: you are either joined, or separated away from. It doesn’t leave much of a story for a war in heaven, but thats how things work spiritually. You either embrace the truth, or you turn away from it to protect your pretended identity. 
When someones chosen their truth: they don’t have to turn that off for anybody and everyones got the free choice to move in harmony with it, or go somewhere else, because you are allowed to manifest your free choice here. As a divine being you are allowed to know your truth and live your truth here. 
Its your body,
Its your life,
Its your truth,
and if you choose for the space that you occupy here to be holy, whole and complete, the entirety of truth: then it is, as long as you allow it to be.
Dad, that seems to be my problem, allowing. 
Of course, its every body’s problem. But, now that you know that the solution is so simple…
Dad, it should be simple. 
I am not saying that its not difficult, there is a difference between them and you don’t have to get a doctorate in philosophy to understand this. All you need is a level of bravery yet unknown here.
Dad, maybe thats it. There sure is something that is causing me to stumble.
We are not in opposition to that something. What ever it is, was absolutely supposed to be there, but it was not supposed to be there forever, because all blockages are temporal and temporary: there is a time for them to transcend that beingness and do you know when the end of that time is? As soon as you choose for it to be, because who is in control? 
Dad, I have to take responsibility for myself.
Its the only way out. I’m sorry but Jesus while he is everything and more than what you wish him to be, he will not save you in your insanity, he won’t save you in a pretense of something that is temporal. He will only stand by your side and say: we are one, you and I.
Dad, it makes me ache when I think about that. Its the grandest feeling that you could ever have. 
OK, so, right there. Feel the energy in the room shift, feel all doubts dissolve in the presence of one who’s presence is unquestionably divine and say: me too Jesus, me too. Then let it happen, let your-self, transcend the lies that you held onto as your identity here. Welcome the embrace of Jesus and say: 
what ever my truth is, bless me with that. 
I know enough to trust you, 
I know enough to surrender, 
God bless me with the knowledge of divinity. 
God bless me with the truth of myself. (not that I need Gods blessing, but I would like it anyway.) Even though I don’t need Gods blessing: I prefer it. I prefer God to work a miracle through me: the miracle of transformation from darkness into light, from frailty into strength, from not knowing and unconsciousness into consciously knowing. From can’t into able.
Mom, you have got to see the rainbow, come out and see the rainbow. 
A rainbow?
Mom, come and take a picture of it.
Time to look at a rainbow.
Mom, Oh it is so beautiful. 

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