
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Transformed by true love

The divine nature of reality is revealed to and by those who chose to see it. To see the divine in the beauty of nature, is easier than in the interactions between humans and once you can see the divine within yourself, then you see it in all others you observe. So observe the divine nature of yourself and to your own self, to your own divine nature, be true. 
Observe your own divine nature behind the self that is confused, behind the self that has given up, that doesn’t care, that is embarrassed, ashamed, in apathy, hateful and enraged. Observe all the aspects of self that are in disharmony and then look underneath them to the self that supports all, that gives a place for all to manifest and holds the redemption for all aspects of yourself to return in harmony to the source of all. 
Love somebody enough, so completely that they know that they are truly loved by you and can’t resist loving you back and as you feel your love for them: meditate on that and transfer it to yourself and merge your love of another with yourself, so that your self image is transformed by true love. That will release you from your bindings and your shackles of your self judgements, your self restraints, your self imposed limitations, that is the redemption that you need and that is your forgiveness of self and the forgiveness of self only comes from the realization that you love yourself and others.
The freedom that you desire for yourself is achieved in the realization of the unconditional love of self and others as the transforming and transmuting power of personal freedom. 
Observe unconditional love flowing from you to others and feel the transforming effect of that in your body and as your body adjusts to and harmonizes with that frequency, observe your love to others pass from others to others. Others unconditionally loving others and feel how that further transforms your limitations into infinite possibilities. Now open up and receive the unconditional love available to you, offered to you from others and gratefully receive that love without limiting it in any way. Allow the unconditional love of others for yourself to further transform and reveal the truth of you to yourself. And finally, love yourself unconditionally. Allow all of your sense of self, all of your ideas of self, your individualized manifestation here, to open and receive your own unconditional love that is your own eternal nature. Allow the idea of self, that sense of self, that manifestation and beingness of self here, to be the recipient of your own divine, and eternal unconditional love and redeem yourself by allowing that divine love to have its way with you, unconditionally.
Relax into the absolute ease of the allowance of unconditional love flowing from you to others, from others to others, from others to you and from you to yourself in the divine and unending flow of the creation and manifestation of life through love.
Each one of your individual blockages, your limitations, your pains and frustrations, will be unlocked, by observing and allowing, one or more of a combination of those flows to flow through it. So observe those physical limitations that you have, the mental and spiritual blockages that you have and observe the flow of unconditional love form you to others, others to others to you and you to yourself: a completed circle of the divine, all within one, the holy one in love with all creation.

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