
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Experience the self that has lost its light, as the divine that has been found and awakened to its truth once-again.

part 3 of my visit with parents. 

What does it feel like for you to realize the truth in your own body? Within the identity that you are, that you have been stuck at, that you have been confused as? What does it feel like to realize truth as that which is in a state of confusion?

Dad, I don’t know.

Open to it and find out. 

Dad, letting things be and that old ego pull just about turned me sick.

What did?

Dad, the ego: “you can’t do this, you can’t do that.”

Who was talking?

Dad, that ego part.

Were you watching it talk? Were you listening to it talk? 

Dad, I was feeling.

OK, so what if it is there?

Dad, thats what I said and it went away. 

One thing is for sure: it doesn’t know the divine as itself and so its opinions on the subject really don’t matter do they?

Dad, not a bit. Thats where my troubles are and have been all of the time.

Of course, giving credence to an opinion that is less than divine wisdom…

Mom, are you going to read to us? 

You are getting the real deal now, but I will read to you if you want. No matter how comfortable you are with your infirmities.

Mom, people get comfortable with their infirmities?

Of course they do. You are, I am and so is dad. We’ve accepted things the way that they are, we’ve gotten comfortable with them. Now on the one hand, that is the first step in ridding ourselves of them is to do noting about them until we: 
fully see them, 
fully know them, 
fully understand them and 
fully realize our own truth in regard to who we are and what they are and what caused them to be with us and when we know and understand that because we are doing nothing except observing what is and allowing eternal truth to move us, then your mind can open and know the eternal and not until. 

Someone that speaks divinely, doesn’t prepare their talk beforehand. 

I’m not talking about an intellectual understanding of what your truth is, but of the experience of awakening: just like you wake up from a dream, you wake up from this reality and you go, wow that was interesting, being stuck like that. Glad I’m back. 

Are you awakening?

Dad, not that I noticed.

Tap into me and you will be able to feel what it is like. Everything dissolves in the oneness of the spirit and nothing remains, except: everything in a state of freedom. Lets see how easily we can create a mutual awareness of a state of transcendent consciousness. Open your eyes, be aware of the entirety of the room. Don’t try to do anything, except continually choose to be awakened, fully. Each time you are stopped: you choose again. Now just keep being aware of everything within and without and each time there is a barrier: you choose again, a continuous choice of awakening within the dream that we have been living here. 

Now feel how reality shifts as we continuously choose to awaken within this reality. Regardless of our disabilities and infirmities that we’ve carried around with us as our own, as our defining markers of who and what we are here. We are now choosing to awaken, completely in disregard to our circumstances, in complete and utter denial that they have anything to do in regards to our being awakened here to our eternal truth. 

When you awaken, the reality around you awakens also. Even though it hasn’t taken responsibility for itself; it can’t help but go into harmony with you, at least momentarily. So just keep choosing through every barrier, through your every limitation, your awakening here and now. (You don’t choose anything for yourself that you don’t also grant every other consciousness: their freedom to be the same themselves.) You restrict no one from manifesting as the embodiment of God, because everybody here is designed to be the temple and host of God consciousness. So don’t condemn anybody to less than that and give them the freedom to experience that, the moment that they wish it for themselves. You can experiment with me and I with you on that. The granting of eternal freedom as chosen by another. As you feel my giving you that permission, that assurance that I support you in your embodiment of the divine: feel how much easier it is for you to know that within yourself and as you accept it: what a blessing it is to me, because to be in the presence of one who chooses freedom for themselves: wow, what a blessing it is to this reality. Especially when you are connected by blood. 
So choose freedom, choose awakening, let go of that opinion that you are holding onto that there is not worthiness enough for it to be true as an experience that you can hold onto, that you can know as yourself. There is no worthiness required to be the embodiment of the divine: anyone who chooses it: it is granted to the level that they are willing to receive instantaneously. There is only the stopping of your receipt of that by yourself, that prevents you from knowing all that God knows. Mom? 

Mom, are we supposed to stop wanting for things to be different? 

No, but your supposed to take the time to know yourself before you decide what you want. 

Mom, like if I could see better…

You would like to see better, is that what you are saying? 

Mom, yes.

OK, close your eyes.

Mom, l just allow it to not bother me?

If you want to tell us how it happens for you, go ahead: open up to the divine and allow the divine to speak through you. Repeat what you already said.

Mom, I would like to be able to see. 

What you said after that. How.

Mom, I should stop wanting it and should just allow things to happen?

Good, so, feel your eyes and then choose to allow the miraculous to be the experience of your eyes and choose again for the miraculous to be your experience of your eyes. Feel the solidity: choose to experience a miracle of seeing. Feel your eyes, choose to see what God would see if he were looking through your eyes. Choose to feel what your body would feel with the consciousness of God inhabiting your body and looking through your eyes: what would your body feel like if it knew that the presence of God was fully and absolutely consciousness within your body and fully merged with all of the embodied consciousness to the point that there were no secrets of yours whatsoever from God and the more that you looked into what God knew about you, the more you knew about yourself, until there was nothing that you knew of self that you didn’t also know about God and vise versa. So feel your eyes and allow the miraculous, allow the miraculous

Mom, I know... 

Let’s get your mind out of it: feel it, feel any solidity and allow the miraculous right there where it is solid. I’m not talking to your mind so that you can understand it. Your supposed to be experiencing it and choosing it in each moment. Feel the solidity in your eyes, choose to experience the miraculous there now. Choose to experience the miraculous right here, right now. Open up to a miracle.

Mom, I choose the miraculous.

Open up to it and receive it. Receive the gift of a miraculous experience. Open up to receiving all of the miracles that God will allow in his love, for you to experience. Open up and receive them all. Open up to your reality being exactly what a fully God conscious, unconditionally loving, divine being would wish for you as your experience of self. Open up to receiving that willingly. The only reason that you don’t have it is that you have refused it. Welcome it now. Welcome all that the divine would choose for itself if it were to embody here in this moment. Welcome that same thing for the embodiment that is you. Welcome divine presence as what you know yourself as. Welcome divine presence as what you know yourself as. Welcome yourself as a knowing, divine being, perceiving reality through this body and as your experience of life continuously choose in each moment, the experience of self as divine, regardless of whatever else it is that you are feeling. Choose it, choose the divine and the blockage will dissolve. Choose the experience of the divine self and the barriers will come down: as you are fully merged with the barriers and the blockages, choose the divine self there, Right There, In the midst of your darkness, in the midst of your chains, in the core condemnation of self: choose the experience of self as the divine there. Experience the self that has lost its light, as the divine that has been found and awakened to its truth once again. 

Is that enough for tonight?

Dad, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

End part 3 with mom and dad.

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