
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

There is no inequality in divinity

Part 4 of a visit with mom and dad

Despite what I said, that doesn’t mean that there are not divine personages, ready willing and able, to give you assistance when you ask. But the same thing applies: you can’t ask and immediately reject it and still receive it. Thats what everybody does. Everybody is in the business of stopping the miraculous in their own lives. The only way that you can stop the miraculous from being your life experience is a continuous No to God: 
no thank you, 
not for me, 
I don’t deserve it, 
I am not worthy, 
“I don’t deserve it-I am not worthy” that is pretty much the mantra of the entire civilization.

Dad: pretty-much the entire population. 

So it’s consistent: its your choice to receive it and its your choice to be unconscious to it. Now why is it that it seems like absolutely everyone choose to be unconscious? Now there’s a mystery, but your not going to figure that one out by being one of them.

Dad: no way.

You only figure that out by choosing what none of them do; by saying yes to God and receive with open arms everything that you don’t deserve that God blesses you with. You don’t deserve it, but he blesses you with it anyway. Deserving is not part of the equation: 
don’t censure yourself because you don’t deserve it, 
don’t censure the divine because you don’t know yourself as the divine, 
don’t damn yourself because you are damned. 
Open the dam and allow the water to flow, thats why the dam was put there in the first place was so that the water could be more perfectly used. So, let it flow: allow the dam to be useful and not just something that just stops everything.  

If your going to be damed, at least be a useful one: one who lets go and spreads life when its needed, 
when its wanted, 
when its welcomed. 
When someone is open to receiving divine love and eternal light,. Say: 
Gods will be done and if that flows through you to another: 
Gods will be done. You don’t even need to decide, you just say:
Gods will be done and if it happens, it happens. 

But where there is a willingness for the divine to be expressed through a body: those who are open to receiving the divine and knowing it as themselves will be ready for some of that water from the “Dam that never stops flowing.”

Dad: Ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha. Because regardless of how damned you are: you still allow yourself to know the divine: 
and allow the divine to move as it will, as it chooses 
and you delight with being in harmony with the flow of the divine through this reality. 

No more stopped yourself and stopping the miraculous from being part of your life. So be healed, if you choose to be: 
choose it and don’t second guess your choice. 
Choose it and open instead of contracting. 
Choose the miraculous and then open even more than you are. 
Choose the divine and then open even more than you are. 
Choose the divine and allow the divine to choose you anytime it wishes to: to move as it moves you. You can move divinely by allowing the divine to be that which moves you.

So, is there a Jesus? Absolutely. 
Is he divine? Absolutely. 
Do you need to know more than that? No. You don’t have to argue any aspect of him.

Dad: all you need to know is he is your brother and you can be like him.

You don’t even have to know he is your brother. All you have to know is: there is a guy named Jesus and he is divine. 

Dad: and you can be like him.

You are like him!

Mom: if he is divine, we are. We came from the same source, right?

In heaven, (depending on what you are defining heaven to be) wherever there is divine unconditional love embodied in a consciousness or a beingness: all those who are there in a place where they share that reality: each one is just as divine as the rest of them. There is no inequality in divinity. 
There is no hierarchy in the divine, 
there is no looking up forever in a position of not being “good enough” and “not being there” thats not the truth, thats why every body is confused: “the divine is something else other than them” they don’t see it in themselves and they’ve accepted a condition of fallen consciousness as their identity that their being here as.

Mom: right.

Will they wake up from it when they die? Most people do. We don’t particularly have a sterling family legacy in that regard.  

Dad: well, I would think they all do.

Oh Ya? Your sensitive enough to know now. OK, feel Aretta. Ahh, thats nice. Mmm. Feel Clothield your little sister… Hmm, still a little confused: not as free as Aretta, but she is on her progression: she’s not accepting it all at once but she is moving. How about grandpa Roundy? Feel him. 

Dad: seems to be very happy.

Free as a bird. OK, now feel Brigham Young… Blaaaaaaaaaaagh…  He is stuck like a rock.

Mom: why? He was such a wonderful...

Because he thinks that the church has fallen away from the truth and he’s not happy, ha, ha, and he’s stuck, he’s stuck and you can’t talk him out of it: I’ve tried... 

Does my opinion of others prevent them from knowing God and if it does: what should I do with that opinion? If I wish the very best for myself?

Dad: then you better wish the very best for them.

And, if I wish the very best for someone who doesn’t deserve it?

Dad: you still wish the very best.

And, what is the very best?

Dad: I don’t know, you may not know either.

Well, one has to: ask the question and feel what the answer is, before one begins to realize what the possibilities are. So, ask yourself the question: what is the very best that you could choose for your self right now? 

Without a body, you have no more responsibility for those who are embodied. Your time here has past. Your responsibilities were carried out in whatever manner they were: good, bad or indifferent. Whatever those actions were: those hands have been played, those actions have been taken and the repercussions have come through. So is there anything more to do now other than to bless each as God himself does? 
Each and every one, without “respecting” anyone more than another? 
Any one group more than another? 
Any one society more than another? 
Any gender more than another? 
Any species more than another? 
Any individuated consciousness more than any other? Is it for you to judge the right and the wrong at all?

Dad: not at all.

Then love, despite all.

Dad: love everyone the same.

Love God with all thy heart with all thy heart, might, mind and self. Love yourself as you love God and love your neighbor as you love yourself. 

Dad: right, we agree.

Mom: what a great world this would be if everyone would do that.

What a great world this would be if One person did that.

Mom: one person?

One person: You!

Dad: you haven’t made it yet?

You, this is about as good as I get.

Mom: no.


Dad: I know the feeling that I’ve got to have, now if I can get back to it.

You keep saying that.

Dad: thats the wrong way to say it.

You don’t need to say it at all. Just look at that desire only! Look at that desire as being separate from you, because it is. Observe the desire and all that it is attached to. Feel the beingness, feel the beingness that is so determined to stay the same, to stay in that place as a comfort zone where it knows it “can’t get back to where it wants to be.” Oh my. Sit and watch that. Who does that belong to?

Dad: I don’t know. I don’t want it to belong to me. 

Well, it doesn’t belong to you, quit holding onto for dear life it like it does. It’s someone else’s. Let go of it. The unconscious should not be their brothers keeper because they don’t know what is worth carrying and what isn’t. The only thing thats worth carrying and that is the living experience of life as eternal truth. 

Are you willing to take on that beingness as am expression of who you are here? Is that going to distract from your life purpose if your an example of perfect health at 85? It doesn’t seem like it should.

Dad: doesn’t seem like it. 

If you don’t have you ego involved in it and you just have it as and experience as a wonder, a wondrous happening. Why not open up to having that as an experience of your body? Well, try it and age appropriate for myself also. You too mom.

Dad: why not? 

And, if you are open to miracles, you do not need to limit that aspect of it: its not cheating. In fact: its playing the game by the right rules. 

End part 4 a visit with Mom and Dad

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