
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Creating a cooperative work environment

Something that should be important to two people that are interacting with each other is that they each maintain the best interests of the other person as important to them and considering what that other person is wanting and needing in the relationship. Can we look for ways for both people finding a way to be at peace at the same time? To be happy at the same time? To feel whole and complete? Not needing anything, being resolved, fulfilled and finished? A perfect completion of a well lived life.

Thats what we should wish for all of our friends and for everyone else, so that they don’t cause us any problems in our realizing that as our experience for ourselves. How do we go through life experiencing and receiving the things that are important to us at the same time we do it in a manner that is harmonious with the people we are receiving it from? Giving and receiving in manner that is mutually supportive? Thats the kind of group that I would like to put together for the company. One in which each one of us looks out for the other and genuinely wishes the best for each other. A co-operative endeavor. One that results in everybody feeling even better about themselves and everyone else. 

How do we put together a group of people who are able to successfully participate in a cooperative endeavor where everybody wins? 

How do we foster an environment of mutual support for everyone winning in life? 

It shouldn’t be so hard to figure that out, but it has to start somewhere and so I guess it has to start with me. I’m not saying that nobody else does it wonderfully, its just that I am not aware of it and I am not comfortable maintaining my state of unawareness of things like that, so I have to allow myself to realize what truth is in each circumstance I find myself so that I can interact with those I connect with in a manner that it is worthwhile and mutually rewarding. I can’t keep maintaining relationships with others in my business with people who aren’t wishing to give me exactly what I need from them. I need to have people in love with what we are doing and want to do it and are counting their blessings that they are making a generous amount money for doing something that they love, just for the doing of it.

So how do we put together a group of people like that and maintain that as a standard for ourselves? Regardless of what we do we are going to have a corporate standard, a corporate environment and a corporate culture that everyone is familiar with. How do we set that standard where our culture is one where we intend everyone involved to be successful and happy and fulfilled?

Well, there has to be clear communication of the intent for this type of cooperative endeavor and mutually beneficial relationships between each participant has to be communicated as our chosen standard. Then we have to ask each individual that we are considering working with if they want to be part of implementing these standards and operating by them as their own guiding purpose in this endeavor. 

So how do we create a business culture where what I want, (which I believe is in the best interests of everyone) happens? Where I get exactly what I want out of this endeavor as well and everyone else is happy with my receiving that? This has to be put together with realistic expectations for each job, with  each person comfortable knowing that everybody else involved is supportive of them meeting the expectations we have for their job and upon each person meeting them: receiving the benefits that result from that performance. 

We need clear communication of the company standards, goals and intent for our employees, each job position, each product and then find a person for each position with the capability and willingness to fulfill the duties of the job in a manner where they consider their job with us a blessing in their lives. If anybody that is helping us on this project is less than enthusiastic about their participation being a worthwhile use of their time and intelligence, then they are not someone that we want involved.

I am going to let some of my bad attitude burn off, I think I could use a better attitude. 

Jim: well, I think we all can. 

There is a blossoming going on here now, feel it in your own body and feel all that is you blossom and fulfill their intention of a beautiful thing being expressed through you. 

Tomorrow I am going to pay attention to my business. 
Tomorrow I am going to ask people to support me in my vision. 
Tomorrow I am going to tell them what they need to produce in order to maintain their position and what they will receive in return.

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