
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, August 25, 2008


This last sentence confuses me:

"your I am volunteering to go away to be no more, is the sacrifice of all, that one must make to know the truth of self."

Please explain otherwise I agree with all of this except this
> Maryanna

Hello Maryanna,

This is where it gets uncomfortable, everyone talks about the death of the false self as if it is something separate from them and in truth it is. Your false self is not you, but there is no you that you know, that is not the false self. You don't get to the truth of self, to the enlightened eternal truth, until you die as all that you have accepted as the truth of you that in fact is not you.

Everything that you perceive as you that isn't you, acts as a filter to your knowing all truth. Every lie accepted as truth, contorts your reality like a maze of mirrors and they build upon each other until you lose the ability to know a lie when it is in front of you and you live in a fallen condition of unknowing. To extract yourself from this dilemma, you have to assume that every part of yourself that is not in a condition of enlightened knowing is a lie. A lie that has entrapped a portion of your consciousness and is using it in a diminished capacity to operate some kind of false beingness or valence.

That which you perceive as yourself right now, must choose to sacrifice what it is upon the alter of eternal truth and feel its self dissolving in the realization that it was only a creation. When you do this it is frightening as you do not know what the result will be except that you will be no more. The result is like taking a spiritual bath, once this minor false self has dissipated, you are still there, more aware, more happy, more able and more conscious that you were before. Now only 99.9% unconscious.

From my experience it is a long process of thousands of minor deaths of self, which may be because I am a coward or because I have not found a faster way, but each time you let your self go and choose to be willing to die as that identity that you know your self as in order to know the truth, you are reborn into a higher state of consciousness and you are glad that you did it.

Kind regards,


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