
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The divine way of life

As far as politicians go, I want them all to win. I want them all to get better, to succeed in the realizations of their desires to bring about a better reality for and with us all.

I want everybody to win, to win always in dreaming and achieving magnificent realities where we all succeed and where none of it is done on the backs of the unwilling.

I want every body to win all the time in everything that they do. We are bringing about the study of "knowing consciousness" as an optional subject of expertise available to all. Exclusively available to those who choose it.

To talk people into becoming involved in life, is good. To orient them to an opponent to defeat, is to condemn them. To inspire them to give of themselves for the betterment of all, is pleasant to each one and to the whole of all.

I give my blessing to everyone who ever thought to ask me for help. God bless them. God bless everyone and everything.
God bless me,
God bless the trees,
God bless all the Me's, I AM is.

Isn't it nice to love?
Yes, man has an advantage. The opportunity of knowing their eternal self while embodied. Man has the option to choose to set aside his animal instincts, his automatic programmings of a stimulus-response operating system for his reality. A choice that is easy to make, once they realize that to wish ill of another is to collapse your own universe into a reality programmed for your destruction.

The first inclination of man is to point out or fix the obvious flaws that he See's in others. The others either disagree that they are flawed or resist the attempts to change them. To see flaws in others is to have them yourself. To see brilliance in others, is to free yourself from your own blindness, a blindness that that has caused you to believe in the existence of limitations for yourself.

Is God inclined to assist me in improving my reality?
Are you kidding? Of course he is, its just that you have to let it improve his way, not yours. His way is where your improvement harms no others. To be specific, to harm another is to limit your reality and your choice of your expression in it.

To limit others reality, stops their progression by your demands that they battle you in keeping their right to have self determinism. Limit their self determinism and you have purchased the same for yourself. All realities self correct to a harmonic perfection in the absence of opposition.

Love is possible in every circumstance, just don't look to me for the evidence or proof of that truth. Look within yourself, where you know that this is the truth of you. You, the lover that all wish to have. The lover that inspires all to realize that love is the correct governing principle, with which to guide their own reality.

Ask yourself, Where do I know myself as love?
Nothing but darkness? I don't think so, look again while realizing that I know the truth about you. The love of your God self is beyond this realm and we are now ready to welcome, receive and celebrate it as a shared reality for us all. You may ask yourself, where is that love expressed in my life?
It's not.
Can it be?

Whenever there is a call for emotion in your life, let your response be love. The higher law has always been love, which is expressed best by your allowance of anothers path to the eternal. Allow him his path and yours will ascend to heaven, when you get there you will meet him there, having reached the same destination on his own chosen path. He was delayed only by your resistance and judgement of him and his path. Any way, as the only way, is a way that has not made it yet. My way, was the no way way. I allow God to be in charge, my vote of confidence is in him. The he in whom we know ourselves. The song "Put a little love in your heart" had it right. Love is a conscious choice and the choice of consciousness.

What about those who choose the destruction of others, how do we deal with them? Love them into submission, if in person or dance the dance of God. Don't get stuck yourself by being an oppositional target to those divine beings operating in a condition of fallen oppositional consciousness.

Why not let the light of Gods love be expressed through you, into the world that you interact with? The light of God moving through your form is the enlightening experience that we all long for. Releasing us from the cares of the world into the space of caring for the world in the way that will actually save it. The care of a being of love.

When you love those who injure you, you redeem yourself to the realms of the uninjurable. Give into the God of love and as him his love will make you. The light and love of God flowing from your every pore and encompassing your every molecule, It's your choice, its your option, its my opinion, you will like it.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Dear David

    Your words flow as golden pearls of wisdom....and love.

