
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Your enjoyment of life will be the making of the new you.

Regarding that which limits you, ask that you may know all things that there are to know, about all aspects of what created and controls the limitations. Let all of you go that is not God conscious. Its not you, its a fraud of you an imitation that went badly.

Everything about me is unable.

Well then it should feel good to get rid of all that then, wont it?

Yes, I guess.

Give it a try and decide for yourself, the hosts of heaven are with you, open up to them. Trust in the beginning and know that it is going to be very funny on the other side. The blessings of God come to those who are willing to be blessed. Haven't you always dreamed of a grand inheritance? You have the grandest, the inheritance of divinity. Unlimited possibilities of divine pleasure, contentment, rapture and bliss. The power and control of harmonious realities.

We get anything that we want to, without effort. Feel all of the flaws that anyone and everyone have ever seen in you and let them all go, they were flaws after all. Celebrate the flaw finders for reminding you that if someone is opposed to you, you do have a flaw. Celebrate their having helped you to choose a higher state of consciousness than you were at before. Now let them all go.

You don't have to be mechanical and insensitive to life, on the contrary, your enjoyment of life will be the making of the new you.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Dear David!

    this is perfect......I am connecting to this and have been thinking of you, especially since last week when I received a (gift) book titled "Becoming Like God, Kabbalah and Our Ultimate Destiny" by Michael Berg. I have just started reading this and I have connected with this...interesting to me is how simply it is written. the language and style is like a primer.... Or sort of like 0 to infinity in 60 seconds...Lauren
