
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Embrace everything?


I would suggest, and this is totally up to question and sincerity, that maybe WE don't HAVE to embrace everything.
i have some really good frequency, technology stuff that suggests that we cannot embrace, but that we ARE the embrace.
i'm suggesting that a part of you (if you will) is looking for a result that can be directly what it WOULD be if you weren't so certain about the possibility of embracing everything... and its result. i know what you mean, but i'm wondering if you would be willing to know what i mean? i can't but help suggesting that you watch tony parsons. i'm sorry but i can but refer to "him"... unquestioningly.


The truth that frees you is found hidden in the darkness of everything that we will not look at, We have to embrace everything, there is no room for separation or judgment of any position if enlightenment is the state of consciousness that you wish to operate from. The problems of fallen consciousness are easily dealt with in the light of eternal knowing. Opinions of those in lower consciousness are not a relevant factor to a mystic looking to embody eternal freedom. Continue on your path the end is all you desire and there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is the truth of you. You are also all of the darkness and evil, but it doesn't matter once you transcend it and it must be observed without judgment and realized for what it is. A transitory experience made by an unconscious confused being.

We don't have to do anything of course and that is certainly the best way to get our work done here, is to do nothing with this reality whatsoever. If we don't know the difference between this reality and us, there is no basis for a reason to act and so the best course of action when we don't know what to do, is to do nothing until we do know what to do.

When we come from a place of not knowing this reality and what controls it, then we certainly should not be taking the controls, or we are certain to either move it in an aimless or destructive direction. To suggest to seekers that desire more knowledge, more ability more love and joy in their life that the life of a temporal body is all we are or have, is to place an end to the evolution of consciousness as it perfects itself in the forms of humans. Things are as they are of course, but things change and change comes from somewhere, where does it come from?

It comes from superior control, superior consciousness, superior power and when they evolve enough, they dissolve into divine love, which is the end of times and the regaining of timelessness.

To know it all, one has to embrace it all consciously, that doesn't mean to approve or disapprove of it, only to know and understand the form, structure, purpose and resolution of the imbalances in it. So that it can be perfected in the divine love of your knowing embrace and released back into the eternal truth of nothingness or the relative truth of a heavenly restoration of eternal spiritual beingness.

I would never suggest that you do or participate in anything that is not uplifting to, and willingly received by everyone involved. The divine dance of God consciousness, embrace it, welcome it, recognize it and move with it as the ultimate expression of yourself.



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