
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Divine logic?

The flowering of perfection will not occur if you condemn what is now. Observe the now and say; regardless of its seeming imperfection there is a perfect resolution to all perceived imperfections that will result in a divine wonder that all will celebrate.

You've done the test here, you have come here and experienced the range of human emotions, the range of human abilities and disabilities, you have had those experiences, you know them and understand them, on the dark side and on the light side.

As my true self, I don’t have a particular affinity for the word divinity, because the word divinity has within its self an unknown; there is the talking about divinity and then there is the experience of divinity. Divinity as a word has never been fully experienced and realized by anyone here, for if they had, they would have been transformed into the expression of absolute divinity themselves.

Open up your awareness and include all aspects of your body. It's OK for you to be fully aware here of all points of view. Whenever there is a reality that is not understood by you, it creates in you a desire to understand it fully, immediately and directly in a willing merger to be here as that and to experience what it is that they are.

Noticing more about the reality that you are in, that is what you are most interested in. Noticing everything here fully until its divinity is realized fully in your observation of it. Be willing to look at your situation right here, right now, divinely, from the point of view of absolute consciousness (all points of view).

Observe your present reality from the vantage point of knowing all realities. You don't have to figure that out, just allow for that to happen in you. There is no figuring out how to do that, you just decide that that is what you are doing and you do it. You just know that you have done it.

Don't focus on your circumstances from one point of view, that’s where you get into trouble. Observe your circumstances from at least 3 different points of view, so that you see all sides of the reality that you are involved in and thereby know what the truth is. When you see all sides to a situation, then there is no part of that reality that you don't understand. From that point of view, you are able to have a singular embodied consciousness manifest as eternal awareness.

If you would like to be whole, you should know that consciousness of the whole is what makes you wholesome, whole and holy. It's the consciousness of the whole and the consciousness of the whole is not a singular point of view; there is no other to observe. When you are conscious of the whole, you are wholly conscious, there are none that you are not wholly with.

In you is the whole sum of the totality of all that exists and all that is aware without existence. Consciousness of the whole means; not being the one who can't do it. We are if fact the consciousness of the whole, without separation, without identification, simply as a consciousness that is aware of all, as all that is. Self aware, with the definition of self as not separate from anything that can be described or exists and can not be described. There is no limitation to the integrity of your wholeness. There is no separation in your truth and the truth that may seem to be more than that; the truth of all that is, there is no difference or separation in the truth of you and the truth of all.

There is no reason to engage in a discussion of opinions in this reality. What purpose or beingness would you have to embody for that to be important in your reality? Certainly not one that is aware of all, as all, for all time. There is no divine singular viewpoint for the awareness of self to be only your particular embodiment, be universally aware in your perceptions of your own body.

To think of the need to strategize in order to consider all outcomes to choose an outcome that is for your best benefit, that is not a level that provides freedom for yourself. As you are perceiving your own limitations, those self limitations that you know what they are, you know how they feel and as you are perceiving those limitations, stop doing it from a singular point of view. Allow those sensations, allow your singular point of view to expand to the point of view of all and as you observe that, this is making you uncomfortable or distressing you, quit looking at it from the point of view of the one that is distressed. Look at it from the point of view of that one and a million others also. Observe every other point of view that it can be looked from as well as your own singular point of view, at least look at your situation from at least 10 other points of view other than yours so that you can see the truth of your circumstances.

You can maintain the identity that you like to have here with that type of ratio in the separation of consciousness into different divisions of awareness and identification of the self. With a mix of 95-96% of the consciousness that you are, residing in all other points of view and 3-4% of your awareness in a singular point of view of body identified conscious. Give that a try, don't try to figure it out, just say; Observe all other points of view necessary to be purely and finally in a perpetually divine state of existence as a being.

We are not ready to go all of the way to the nothingness that the consciousness of all is. It's just a big "so what" really. What makes it interesting, is our individuated consciousness, but what makes that individuated consciousness painful is the individuated consciousness is dominated by a singular point of view that is in opposition to all, or most other points of view.

There needs to be enough other points of view in that individuated consciousness, for that individuated consciousness to be free, free to be successful in your choice and development of your personal reality. So cultivate the multiplicity viewpoint, the multiplicity that views the truth fully, knowingly and uses that awareness to choose a reality and beingness in that reality where it operates in such a way that the reality is there to serve your wishes, until the reality here is transcendent in all ways, then the end result of this act of creation is not fully realized.

Reality is still in the movement of the development of and the becoming free, at least which is the apparency. In truth, reality manifests for you miraculously, exactly as you wish it to, but its existence previous to now, was exactly as you were choosing for yourself then. When you are living from a divine point of view; a multiplicity where you are not singularly focused on yourself to the domination of others in any way, reality manifests miraculously in the now.

You are a singular consciousness with a multiplicity of awareness’s. If you meditate on that one for a little bit, it will help you sort out the confusions in your reality. When you look at your failings with the eyes of divinity, you are not judging them, you are realizing them to their freedom and perfection of a divinely graceful end; the divine flowering that occurs only when the present state is not condemned. When the condemnation is over, then the divine flowering can begin. So condemn no more anything and praise its divinity instead.

Are your sufferings never ending? Yes? Yes they are, never ending at least in this lifetime, seemingly endless and never changing, never being fully free. And how do you change that so that condition no longer exists? I would like to know.

When you’re I AM is the whole of life, light, love and all the forms and consciousness that exists, then you are free. You bring that into self, you bring that into your body, you invite that to be your experienced reality here. You don’t run away from the body and go somewhere else, you’re bringing the divine realms into your physical form. That is the freedom that you are desiring; the freedom of divine grace, love and power. Embrace oneness it is your truth, embrace oneness it is the only truth that will free you.

So let’s take this a step further and enter into the realm of the study of divinity and observe universal consciousness as the self, it’s not an egoist position; it is the way to eternal freedom. There is no freedom in unconsciousness, so why would you argue that you are not deserving of full consciousness? Because someone else did it first and so they should be worshiped? Is that the reasoning? That is the reasoning that enslaves us, what is the divine reasoning that will free us?

There is no freedom in being less than all.
There is no freedom in maintaining the fall.
There is only freedom in the wholeness of all.
Consider yourself separate and the fall is yours,
to live.

Your awareness is not somebody else’s awareness, your awareness is your own, solely and singularly, but it is universally aware of all that is. The is-nesses, yes they are separate from you. The other individuated points of view, yes they are separate from you, but in your own singular divine awareness, you are universally aware, which means; nothing is hidden from you. It doesn’t mean you are that, at least not at this level, state and point of describing what is. So don’t think that in your expansion that you are borrowing other people’s awareness, because that assumption will cause you to shut down from doing something inappropriate and somehow interfering with their lives and their realities, no.

For your own reality to be the state of the ultimate, the supreme being, then it requires that you be aware of all that is relevant to you, if not all that is, at least certainly all that is relevant to you and your experiencing a divine enjoyment of this reality, then you have to be comfortable with the fact that yours, is not an intrusive consciousness; one that affects other in such a way that they don’t have their free agency. However, they may choose to ask you how they can be free themselves, if they enjoy watching your expression here as a fully free and enlightened being. Your every perception needs to include the awareness of all to the degree that your singular point of view is fully able to be divinely engaged in this reality without opposition and without offending anything in this reality.

A divinely embodied being prospers not by causing others to do things that they don’t desire to, he prospers from the joy, inspiration and love that others have as a result of their interaction with him. Your awareness of all is completely unobtrusive to all that is and yet your presence is there and awareness is there and when another presence requests your help, you are there to give it.

Why would you leave a record of a path to freedom, with that record you are cursing that reality to a level where it needs to know where a path to freedom would be. How is it that the reality that we enjoy can already be free and not need any wishes from us for it to be other than what it is? Is there a way that this reality, the way that it is already can be perfect? It just doesn’t seem that it can be. Yes all of the parts together make a whole and the yin balances the yang, but does there really need to be a balance of victims and aggressors or victimizers? It doesn’t seem like that is necessary in order to have a whole reality. Would that consciousness that is experiencing that particular reality choose freedom if it had an experience of what that was? I think it would and so if you are restraining options being available to people simply because those people are in a state of not knowing what those options are, it certain is not acting against their wishes by showing them in a way that they are able to love, that there is a better way than what they have been doing, for living the life that will reward them with the life of their desires. Actually it would be far beyond their current desires, but that is part of what happens as this is done, the lives are successfully enjoyed and then from there, there is a transition into another reality, a reality of sublime existence.

Nate, I will come back down in consciousness, but first I am going to show you the next step up. How far does your consciousness need to expand out from your body in order for your body to be free? Keep choosing your conscious expansion until there is no longer a desire for freedom because that desire has been fully satisfied.

Don’t hold onto your singular viewpoint and its desire to prevail over others, as it is your internal opposition to your divine manifestation. The only way that you can seemingly prevail over all others is to be divine in your orientation, your operations, your consciousness and your expression.

Don’t try to get help from others, don’t try to help me in my quest for my own divine expression, it is a path of self realization, not a path of assistance from others. Would you really wish for another to be the cause of the condition of your life, the condition of your consciousness, the condition of your beingness, the source of your reality, is that what you want somebody else to be in charge of? I think not. Choose your life; don’t let somebody else choose it for you.

Your body loves fresh fruit by the way, it loves it, relishes it, desires it; give it all that it wants. Where exactly is bodily freedom found? How much of our consciousness has to be universally free in order for the body to be divinely free?

You’re not looking to improve the circumstances of your existing point of view; you are looking to altogether shift into a new reality where this reality is a playground for you. And what is that that allows a being to transit from this reality to a reality of a divinely embodied being? Simply your own preference for it, so begin your preferring for it and your reality will get better and better, as quickly as you allow it to as it is only your own restraint and holding onto your current point of view, your current embodiment and your current state of existence, it is only that that is holding you back from living heaven on earth as your life.

By the way I am not anti Christ, I am not against Christ or any other being, I am 100% for them, what I am against is the opinions of men being taken as the truth of God. The very idea that eternal truth can be communicated from one man to another is ridiculous. When the bible said call no man good here, what do you think that was saying? It was saying there is no truth that comes out of the mouth of men in regards to anything that can affect you experiencing your eternal truth as a result of hearing it. Disregard everyone, everyone, certainly me and disregard every book, every friend, every teacher and mostly every preacher and say none of them are observably the embodiment of the divine and as such cannot be a guide to my experiencing that. The only place that you can receive divinity, the only place that you can experience divinity is where in fact divinity is and that is not here as an embodied being. So no sacred cows, no cherished truths, no lies that are held onto believing that they are truth because someone that you love told you it was true.

Divinity is the realization of self as that, it is not somebody else giving you a lesson of you as that, it’s you realizing yourself as that by observing all that you consider yourself to be and recognizing that none of that is what you would consider to be divine and so you let go of the multitudes of experiences, thoughts, Ideas, beliefs, attitudes, decisions and considerations and you say; they are all wrong, none of them is the ultimate truth, ultimate truth is not found here, it cannot exist here, it cannot stay here, unless of course you are willing to not be from here, unless you are willing to be that which you are when you are not here, when you are here. Then you can be here and be free.

Give your brothers and sisters the divine gift of allowing them to be themselves as they are, as they choose to be and loving them in those choices without wishing that they would change from the point of view that they are wrong, they are not wrong, they are just unrealized divinity, they just haven’t realized it yet and everything that they are doing is leading up to that realization for them, of their divinity. So, allow them their freedom to go through their process that will result in their freedom and your allowance of their freedom will be a blessed, divine gift that they are looking for; an example of divine freedom being granted to them from another.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Whew, this was a mindbending read...I Grock ?

