
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, December 18, 2009

My allegiance is to my freedom

Observe your habitual states of consciousness from your highest possible state of consciousness and take responsibility for the rest of your life that you are acting in, relatively unconsciously.

Observe that which is influencing and impacting your body right now. Feel your energetic limitations to the free flow of divine love being the dominant reality of your embodiment and introduce them to the divine and let them make their choice. What does this energetic limitation have as it's own self interested choice when introduced to the divine freedom that is available to all? They drop their beingness and their pretenses and they don't look to any other for a validation of self.

Look at the lies and introduce them to the truth and the lies will make some new choices. They will choose freedom for them selves and as a result of that they will choose freedom for others.

Willingly choose to host the divine, that will end your time in purgatory. The embodiment of the hosts of heaven, who could ask for anything more than that?

Remember the way to truth is to do nothing, be nothing, observe all things as separate from your consciousness, yet known by your consciousness.

My allegiance is to my freedom, that's better than a mantra, it's your motto. Slow down until you can observe your eternal truth, you are a consciousness that comes in to and inhabits a body, but does not alter it's self in anyway, except to expand your knowing awareness even more through your inhabiting this body. Love this life, God.


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