
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I am that which is not true.

I am the lie that I have accepted being. I am what is not true, as soon as I realize that fully I will be free of that.

I guess that is your new meditation;I am that which is not true. Instead of calling it a meditation, call it a realization and focus on the realization that you are not true and when you realize in yourself that I am not true, then you have begun the path to freedom.

I have no defence for myself being correct as I am. The man that I am I no longer wish to be. The man that I am is not free, there is no truth within me. I am not the truth who will free you into knowing eternity.

I am not the truth, what a happy realization that one is. For a life of quiet desperation to be the truth of you ahh, what a disappointing truth that would be. Not the truth, is the truth of me and you.

You can relax about trying to defend yourself and your reality, it's all a fraud. Your reality is a fraud, you are a fraud, get comfortable with that. Once you are comfortable with that, maybe things can change for the better.

Its not as if its that big of a revelation, everybody else already knows it. Your not the truth, its illogical, a lie cannot be the truth, the truth cannot be a lie, but to lie about the truth, now that is the human condition.

I am not the truth, let that truth set you free.
I am not the truth, but I am willing for divine perfection to be me.

What would the truth be in a human form? A living fountain of inspiration, of infinate possibilities of joyful expression, a loving embrace of wondrous enlightened pleasures. That is is what the truth would be in form and I am not that truth.

I am the truth that frees not,
I am the truth that is not,
I am the truth whos life is a not,
I am a truth that does not do well, for myself or others, that is the truth that I am. The truth that will set you free, is the the truth that my truth cannot be, the truth of ultimate freedom. Ultimate freedom is the ultimate truth and the truth that I am is not the ultimate truth, truely.

If it pleases you, you may know that you were right completely about me. I am deluded, I am full of the lies that are obvious to other eyes, eyes that see me truely.

When you go searching for the truth, the truth may not be what you wish it to, the truth you see is not in the birds, or the being, or the singing. It is in the truth beyond being. The truth beyond being; now that is the one worth seeing.

There is no truth in me, that, even I now can see.

I am not true is the truth that you can hold onto, until the eternal truth is found within you.

There is nothing true in you to find, will get you out of the bind that you are in.

There is no truth here to find, you will find, is a rather pleasant way to be.

There is no truth to find here, only the realization that there is none.

There is no truth to find here, other than to be true here to what you say here, maybe.

The more I find that I am not true, the more I find that that statement continues to be true.

Realize the truth that you are the lie and lies will never again be a trap for you.


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