
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

You don’t need to aspire to anything other than what is already true

I can’t do anything in this reality.

Pay attention in this reality as the truth of yourself as well as the truth of the circumstances of the life that you have created. From the awareness of your eternal truth you can guide your life as it is into a better realm.

When you pray, don’t bow your head in reverence, lift your face and eyes to the heavens and celebrate that you are here as that. Now remember that the past of the body is irrelevant, the relevancy is that you see eternally now.

The knowing of truth results from the embrace of all that exists, that doesn’t mean that you choose all that is as your reality, but you acknowledge that it is what is and know that it is, as it is. Now once you know reality as it is, you are able to achieve your desired reality for yourself, by recognizing what is and where the opportunities and limitations are and surrounding yourself with the opportunities that present themselves for the furtherance of your wishes. That is where your person is to be located, where it’s personage is aged gracefully, in its pleasure of its experience of living life.

Admit your limitations, admit your cowardness, admit your unconsciousness, admit your pretences, admit everything that you are ashamed of to yourself; I did that, I do that, that is my reality. It is what it is, but what it is, it need not continue to be. See eternally and see that you are free. Sense your life in every way that as it exists and say to yourself; this is my life, it is what it is. It is what it is and what it is, is the way it will be until I observe my eternity. Observe your eternity, from your life as it is from this moment. For your life in this moment to change, it need only serve eternity. If the life that you are here knows eternity, then eternally free, that life will be, be that life you, or be that life me.

The life that you are is an organism, an organized “ism” cells, organs, complex systems of muscles, tendons, lubrications, energy generation and waste generation and elimination. That is the life that you are, allow that life that you are in all of its aspects, to know the eternal truth of your consciousness.

There is no one else that is to be your example, you are not saving your personality, you are saving your sanity by allowing the truth of eternity to be known by the identity that you consider yourself to be. Realize that you do know eternity; your consciousness is the consciousness of eternity; observe it as your truth, the truth that in fact it is. Our consciousness is the consciousness of eternity and as our beingness realizes the truth of that, our reality changes and transits to a divinely free state of being.

Even though the reality of my life is as it is, I am the consciousness of eternity. Even though my reality is not divinely free, divine freedom, I know, I am and I choose to be, divinely free, for you and for me. I am the freedom that we love, the freedom that we love, the freedom of love.

What sort of limitations would the eternal consciousness of divine love embodied, keep for itself, here and now?

This reality that I live is as it is and yet, I am divinely free, even though I don’t always agree with me, I am free.

Don’t try to be the eternal consciousness of divine love, just realize your truth in that, you are that. Realize that you are that, who would wish less than that for themselves? certainly not the divine being that you are. Realize our truth, our truth of divine love, our truth, the shared truth, the real truth, a true truth, a truce with conflict, a truce with reality. No more conflict with reality, enable us all to know your eternal love, the eternal love that we have looked for from above, but now as above, so below. Below our darkest dark and above our lightest light, is the enlightened truth, divine love is what we are. Shine that light on the life that you are inhabiting.

A realized self is its divine self, the divine self of selfless love. The love that redeems all from the fall within the hall of your location, the heavenly halls of divine love is your house, the house of the holy home.

Allow yourself, allow your divine love to be the truth of yourself, where you are, as you are, who you are. It will give you a greater ability to deal with reality successfully.

We choose to make real our divine love in this body. To realize divine love in this body, the truth of eternity, the freedom to be absolute love, freedom, power, without limitation.

You don’t need to aspire to anything other than what is already true, the eternal you is all that you are and all that you are is the consciousness of divine freedom, divine rapture, divine bliss and unconditional love for all that exists.

The embodiment of divine truth is not a new Idea, it has been done before. It may be a road less traveled, but to travel a road other than the truth is only an interesting story, no more.

The realization of divine truth is not that difficult to do;
just look at your life through the lens of divinity,
through the halls of eternity,
in the moment that you are being,
In the eternal now of the halls of the divine creator of reality.

The responsible one,
the son of the holy one,
the sun of the earthly realm,
the light and enlightening iron rod,
held onto by the knowers and the livers,
and the deliverers of the divine truth that we all are.

The bringer of the light,
the light of enlightened truth,
to the truth of the embodied you,
fill the shoe that you were meant to fit,
the it that was meant to be,
the seer of eternity,
the beier of you and me,
the love that frees,
the birds and the bees.

Allow your eternal truth to pierce the core of your being, to merge with the lies that you have been living, free the beings that you have been being, to sing the song that you should have been singing. Realize the truth that you believed that you could never be, realize the truth that is true of you and also of me.

What dark truth is there in you that prevents your being free? Is it the stories that were told by you, to beings that chose not to know the truth in themselves so that they could be entertained by the stories that you told, so that there could be a reality that could be shared of something less than the truth that you believed to be true? Well, there is no more punishment for a being regardless of his mis-deeds, when the truth indeed is embraced by he who chooses to be free.

Say to yourself of your body; the only thing that is true here is our divine love of this expression of our self, the rest of it is less real than that is. The truest thing about ourselves here, is our divine and unconditional love. Everything else is less than that and so if you are going to identify with anything, identify with the highest truth that you are.

We realize our own divine eternal love, we have no other choice if we desire to be free.

My reality is the supreme reality, is the only point of view that will keep you eternally free in the world of polarity.

To anyone that professes the truth and suggests that you follow the way that they say, say to them; where does your truth free me, please me, bless me with the light that frees all held by the might, that those hold tight, believing it to be the power that makes them right? Where is your truth the frees all that restrains me? Bless me with that freely and if what you have got, does not do what it ought to, hold onto me no more, for your truth is worse than a boar, tire me no more with it, if I may be explicit. Don’t come at me with the assumption that I do not know my own truth, with the decision that you are going to free me from the bindings that you see, that are a projection on me, by you. Instead, know your own eternal truth; the one that frees truly, me, when you, I see.

When you are looking at a project in polarity, observe in your contemplation of it, how it can work out wonderfully for everyone and see that it is so manifest. Let go of all of your considerations of life that are less than divine freedom, actually do it right now. Feel all the considerations of what it is you believe to be true about life, belief, not knowing, but the unknowing tendency to guess at truth without grasping it. Let the guesses about truth go, they are wrong, there is no knowing of truth from not knowing
and all considerations are not knowing,
all ideas are not knowing,
all beliefs are not knowing,
all attitudes are not knowing
and all decisions made in not knowing should be reversed.
All decisions made in not knowing are not binding when one knows.

Allow your limitations to remind you of your divinity, the limitations themselves being the mechanism that frees you of them. If you allow your limitations to be that which frees you, you need nothing else to believe in, other than the truth, the truth that will free you will come through that which you already know. Your limitations are that which will free you in the end, let your limitations speak to you, whisper to you, reminding you of your freedom.


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