
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ultimate truth

There is a chance that our life can be wonderful.
There is a chance that your life can be wonderful and that is the question that you ask yourself before you decide on any option “which choice here always leads to wonderful? Where is our wonderful life available to us?

The truth is; you are truly exceptional and you know it. You are a sensation when you are in your true nature.

Our life has the chance to be wonderful, really it does.
It’s true, we are allowing for our infinite expansion, in consciousness, knowledge, wisdom, Joy and the knowing of all that we wish to know.

Observe how your personage changes as you allow for the manifestation of truth without opposition comes through you. Do not oppose truth being exactly what it is. If the truth of you is divine, is divinity, is supreme consciousness; allow that truth to be true for you.

You are living this life, you might as well be fully conscious in it. May the truth that you find be the truth that frees you, to be divine. Look for ways to be divine in each and every one of your relationships. Your relationships are infinite; you don’t need to struggle though because you are also. In your infinite allowance, allow yourself to be divine in all circumstances. Allow the change, the change for the better, to happen in you, for you and through you, to others. Truly allow yourself the very best, especially right now.

Reality is as it is, but it doesn’t mean that you have to buy into it as your reality or somehow able to influence your reality to be something other than what you wish it to be. You can enjoy reality fully, while reality remains as it is. Hold your divinity as your first and controlling reality, regardless of the reality that you are in, in the physical world. Divinity is the controlling reality of your own consciousness. There is nothing that opposes true divinity in this reality, this reality welcomes, celebrates and revels in it’s Gods. Everyone loves God that knows him.

You can at least harmonize with the perfection that you observe around you, with the extraordinarily talented lives that you see that are expressed here. You allow yourself to go with that ahh example of glorious perfection and you say; yes, me too, me too. I love what you do and I love my own expression here. It’s OK with me if I get divinely better, yeah I’ll try that. So give me a hand, God, and all the Goddesses that I love, that I adore.

The adoration of divinity as self, for that is what the divine would wish for us, for us all to realize our divine truth. Come on, the miraculous is the improvement that you are looking for. You don’t need anyone else’s permission to be divine; their opinion cannot limit your truth. Your reality is free to be yours as you wish it to be. Don’t limit yourself to being less than brilliant in everything that you do.

I can be divine here, fully divine here.

You get to be the one to be right, all of the way right, so right that reality gets to be perfect, when you are in it. A reality is perfect when you are in it.

Allow your healing to be divine healing, divinely realizing its liberating truth.

If you are human looking for enlightenment, you have a really poor opinion of yourself. Your either God conscious or you’re not, now you can be both at different times, but you can always be God conscious when you continuously choose it.

You can do it better than the best of them, you know you can. Allow that to freely move through you, be present as you, the freedom of divine grace. Yes it is true for you, you are divine, you really are.

Yes we accept our divinity in this moment fully.

Your home, your truth, is where all go to for inspiration. Your truth is divinity, the divine that inspires all that can share their inspiration with others. Allow God to move through you for the blessing of others and feel the freedom in you when you do this. Feel all of your sins in life and then allow yourself to be divine, regardless of your past. The flowering of divine wisdom is what you came here to be.

In your contemplation of enlightenment, do not try to figure out tomorrow’s problems from the anticipation of an enlightened state that you presently do not have. The only place you should contemplate on your divinity is the present, once it is stable there; there are no rules for you to remember. In the privacy and solitude of being alone with yourself is when you focus on how to be divinely alive within yourself, stabilizing divinity as your realized consciousness.

There’s a reason why your life is the way that it is; because your life is perfectly configured to wake you up to your divinity. I know that sounds very strange, but take a look at it from that point of view and see if in fact it is no t true. Everything that you perceive, everything that you know, everything that you consider; it’s entire purpose of its existence is to share your divine states of consciousness with you, so relax into that desire to share divinity by everyone. Everyone truly would like to have a divine friend, they will love it. Move in that direction for them, the direction of the exceptional, the abnormal in it’s ability to cause others to enjoy themselves fully in his presence. It’s a divine gift; creating enjoyment for others.

This isn’t the first time that you have woken up to your divine self, so observe all of the other times where you have been divinely conscious and it will make it easier for you to choose to be that way yourself. Every time that you wake up to your own divinity, you love it.

Everything can affect you as long as you are unconscious of it, so be conscious of everything, that’s your next mantra. Are you going to ask yourself it is possible for a being to be divine here? Well, the answer is yes it is. The fact that you have done poorly in life is not the reason for you not to be divine, it’s exactly the reason that you should be divine. The only way that you are going to atone for all of the evil that you have done in your history, is to be divine. The atonement for sin is not hell, it is heaven. That is the remedy for all of your past misdeeds; your remedy is to go to heaven, not to hell.

Be divine and wise, not divine and stupid. Enlightenment is actually a nice choice to make from the point of view of the current state of earth. So the first step to knowing your divinity and what to do about it is say; I’ll allow myself to be enlightened and then I should be able to make a better choice from there as to what the next step would be.

You ask; where is your freedom? I ask; where is your divinity? In your divinity you are free. Divinity here and now is what you want. Allow yourself to be a good as all of those that you admire. All of those talents, all of those abilities that you admire, all of those admiring appreciations of what the other is able to do; allow yourself to be that good too.

What you are doing is a little different exercise than what the average seeker of truth is. The average truth seeker tends to forsake everything for the pearl of great price, that can be bought only with your devotion, which results in the end of motion and everything stops, waits and watches to see if you are going to stay divine this time. Choose that yes to being divine consciousness and to stay that way; continue to choose it. What you can say to yourself is; I am choosing divinity for now, yeah, I’m choosing divinity for now. That’s the best time to enjoy it you know, now.

In the life that you have chosen, there are many expectations from others attached to your life, which highly complicates your appreciating your own divine freedom, when it’s not your normal state of being. Allow yourself to get your own lesson in divinity, in living the divine way, in being the freedom that you have always wished to be. So in your meditations on the divine, bless yourself as you are in this time. In this time of now that is not divine, bless it that it may know its divinity.

Change your mind on all decisions to be less than your ultimate truth. There is no being held back by others; I know that it feels that that is the way that it is, but it’s not. All of that being held back by others, being held back by body condition, mm um, all of that is only responding to the decisions that you already made about how life was going to be for himself. Change your mind on all decisions for your life to be less than your ultimate truth.

Allow your ultimate truth to be known by you, at least by you your truth should be known. Your ultimate truth when known by yourself will triumph over all lesser truths and so you’re lesser truths really don’t need to be let go of, all you really have to do is embrace your ultimate truth. Consciously embrace your ultimate truth now. It’s your new mantra and a pretty good bumper sticker. Embrace your ultimate truth now. Embrace the ultimate truth now, whatever it is that you perceive it to be. Grasp the highest truth that you know to be and then allow that truth to guide you to what is in fact the ultimate truth. One truth leading to the next, higher and higher until you reach the truth which encompasses all, embrace your ultimate truth here.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Dearest David

    I LOVE it! Cut.......Print..... It's a wrap!!!!!!!

    I want to hang this mantra on my wall..........

