
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Experience the divinity of everything

A visit with Kimberly
Look at what I get to frame me; what could be more inspiring than looking at that beauty behind me? Do the Gods back you up when you are willing to be true? And you are, are’t you?
Kimberly, I’m seeking for that; “what is true” sensation, because it is all relative and its always in the moment and its ever changing.
And the opposite of course at the same time if you are talking about relative truth and circumstantial truth and so; if it is permission that you are looking for, or a need within yourself to know that, your truth is welcome here. The truth of the wondrous, healing, “Mother Goddess” energy that we all love. Yes, yes, yes to that, from you, through you, as you, as the truth eternal, moving through the ever changing forms. 
Kimberly, But it is not welcome here! It is not welcome here.
OK, where you are speaking from is someplace other than right here and right now
Kimberly, yes.
You will find nothing in me other…
Kimberly, not in you, just the past. 
Than the welcoming of your truth and so; let go of the past, its already gone, you already left home.
Kimberly, yeah.
Your not there anymore, the relationships that you have with your connections here in this world are irrelevant in this moment, because this moment is the time that you said; “I want to know” and “I want to be here as my truth, let me find a way to be that here” and so, thats why your here with me, because the answers always, always, always; yes to the essence of your truth. Yes, to your magnificence here, but, own it here, instead of here, allow that infinite love that is unconditionally granting to this reality in every direction the best that it can wish for itself.
Kimberly, I have such resistance in my heart.
OK, lets
Kimberly, Cause I did that once in my life and I was so outcasted and so; You’re such a weirdo”.
I gotcha, the change is for you, not for them. The problem…
Kimberly, you end up so alone!
The problem you had before, was that you were so eager to share that which you had found in yourself with others, that at the first taste of the divine ambrosia, you ran out to try to sell it to other people, to share it instead of saying Mmm, Ahh, Mmm, Yes! That is welcomed to me. I welcome that; the knowledge of it, the experience of it, the transformational quality of that, “I welcome that in me, purely for my own self benefit and realization.” 
Are you really going to decide how it is going to be for you and for others, after your consciousness returns home to its wholeness and your here as your wholeness and your going to let your behavior in your wholeness here, be directed by a command that you gave yourself when you were less than fully conscious? 
If you are admitting to yourself that you are less than fully conscious in this moment, less than 100% here as eternal love for all that is, then take this opportunity to say; I remember something I’ve known thats true and I have not been living as that being the knowledge of myself as that, but I know enough to trust to say; OK, I will let go of this that I have been here, to find a way to live that truth here and as that “seeking and unknowing, desire for a better life, state of consciousness;” I can’t maintain control of how that is going to manifest when fully realized. You have to surrender into it and let go and just because something wasn’t 100% for you in the past, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t let it be 100% for you in the future.
Kimberly, are you holding that drink for me?
Yes, try it while it is in its perfection. 
Kimberly, wow, that is so spicy, that is really good!. Mmm, Mm-hmm.
So we have some time, what do we do with it here?
Kimberly, with me?
Yes, where is that shift that you want to move into and own as being who you are here? What is that desire that you have for yourself that is not fully realized in your experience of self as that truth that you know that you are? What is that that you have been looking to embrace, that you haven’t embodied yet? Show me that wish for yourself. Mmm. OK, I got it, I got it, Well done! And, so be it wondrously!
Kimberly, ha, ha, ha.
Now, your like a little warrior with a pointed stick. 
Kimberly, ha, ha.
And your shoving it at the truth, every time the truth gets near you. HAH!
Kimberly, ha, ha, ha.
Oh no, not this time, not again, not again am I going to be in my truth here; I learned my lesson, I learned my lesson, I know what happens when you surrender to that which is wondrous. I’m not doing that any more!
Kimberly, I do sometimes.
Or, are you? 
Kimberly, sometimes I do.
Are you?
Kimberly, Sometimes I let it out, sometimes I let it in. Ha, ha.
Are you? Are you? Let me see that. Let me see that openness to that which is wholly truth. Let me see you open up into that, that which has only been dreamt of by the holy men here as coming in “some far, far, far off space and time, never to be known by us.” Surprise, surprise, your the one, the choice is open to you. To know the truth of both me and you and the “living successfully,” as your life; the life that is celebrated, because it is such a blessing to the others that you interact with. 
That’s the focus. Not on the healing that you can deliver, not on the knowledge you can impart, but, how! What can we say and what can we do, so that when we leave that person, that that person is thanking God for the experience? Thats what we want to create in others; a gratefulness and celebration that life was experienced as it just happened in their interaction with us. Why would you be afraid of that?
Kimberly, I really could do that? I love that. 
Kimberly, I feel like I am supposed to be doing something else though, for some reason. Ha, ha, ha.
What is that?
Kimberly, I don’t know! Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha. Ha.
So, if I took my clothes off and ran out the door.
Kimberly, Ha, ha, ha.
Screaming; Oh my God! How presumptuous of you to assume better than I, what trash I wanted to keep and what I wanted to be thrown out? “it didn’t stink quiet enough yet for me to realize my mistake there.”
Kimberly, Huh? Realize what mistake? 
What ever it is that you were willing to take, that I was still willing to hold onto tightly in my ignorance.
Kimberly, OK.
As you take that which is in a seizure of terror,
Kimberly, what do you mean?
If somebody is so disturbed by their experience with you, that they run out the door with their cloths off, what did they just experience? Something so foreign and so shocking, that all normal measures of self restraint were thrown out, in an effort to run away and go unconscious to it again. I am just suggesting that instead of shoving your realization to others unwilling to receive it; let it further refine you until there are no more doubts left in your body. 
Kimberly, how do you do that? 
By knowing that its OK to be selfish, to be divinely selfish. It’s an odd, odd, odd, concept; Its repulsive, to hear it, but until you open to the truth and receive it fully yourself, you don’t know it. Until you experience it fully, its not a part of your experience of self here.
Kimberly, selfishness, you mean?
No, what I am saying is; it would sound selfish to a polarized point of view, that somebody was so willing to open to the magnificence of ultimate truth, that they actually received it. 
Kimberly, I don’t know. My reflection when you stated that the first time was that maybe it is more selfish to not open up to that and to hold it in and not share it.
Of course it is, however, however; if you share the first taste of divine nourishment with someone else, then that stopped your further receipt of more, because in your instant desire to go out and do something with it, instead of letting the process of eternal refinement complete itself, you went out prematurely before you were fully transformed and it is that same inclination that everybody has in their first experience of transcendent truth; oh my God! “I know what the truth is now”! It’s “this” and “that” and my uncertainty is gone and I want everybody to feel what I am feeling, know what I know, to be what I am! On this first step on the stairway to heaven; it looks like it is the top of Mount Everest. 
Kimberly, ha, ha.
But, where is it? Its the first step and if theres many more from there to that which is being discussed. How close are you to that which is being discussed? 
Kimberly, Ha, ha.
Close enough to piss somebody off, that you have a higher level of truth, but not close enough that without opening your mouth at all, that a person can experience their own transcendent divinity, simply because you are there. Thats closer to your truth than the one that you were trying to express before. 
Kimberly, yes.
Open up to that and feel what thats like in your body to be a blessing to this world; just because you are here. You already know yourself in that realm…
Kimberly, a little bit.
A little bit, yeah. 
Kimberly, I see it more every day, but then conflict comes and eek.
I got that, but
Kimberly, through my loving presence I am able to work through it better. 
Just be the living transcendence of all of that right now. Just (whispering)
Kimberly, (whispering) just what?
(whispering) I won’t tell anyone, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die. 
Kimberly, ha,ha,ha.
They will have no idea that you; “actually came here as your truth” for a minute. 
Kimberly, ha, ha, ha.
They will think that you’re still you! But, you and I know better.
Kimberly, what?
That your not still you.
Kimberly, I’m not? 
Kimberly, Isn’t it all me? 
Not at this level. Not at this level that; you, me, us, our, them, are on and thats the truth here, but it doesn’t mean that you have to shut off every other source of truth, to live in a singular human experience without knowing the rest. You don’t have to shut that off to be human; you can be human divinely and if you do, wow! What a wonderful thing for this world to have the opportunity to interact with divinity here! My, my, my, how would that be? 
Kimberly, it would be worth it. 
Well, OK, not to be presumptuous, but; I am open to knowing yours, right now, thank you.  It’s all OK, it’s OK, for us to be here, it is, it is! We don’t have to pretend that we’re something else. We can be here and relax into knowing that what ever it is that we do; we do fully presently and in a way that supports and celebrates the other that is needing reassurance of their choice to connect with that truth, that has been inspiring them to live a life here in a particular manner. It’s OK now. 
So, it’s a dilemma this question, yes, when we focus on it we can open ourselves to some degree in sharing our divine presence with someone else that is open to that for themselves and as you know, the only way that your own experience of that happens is when you allow that to be the presence of another and I know what my choice is, Mmm.
Kimberly, What is your choice?
My choice is to experience the divinity of everything, until everything has an opportunity to choose as to wether they wish to embrace their truth or not. Celebrate it yes, its perfect, but for you to be able to choose your truth here in my presence is my wish for you and for myself. For you to trust that its OK for you to open into that unknowing experience of the embodiment of the divine; Oh my God, talk about a presumptuous choice right? But, isn’t that the one that you are supposed to make, ultimately? The welcoming of your own eternal truth? The divine embrace of what is.
Kimberly, I feel like I am open to it. Am I open to it? 
OK, Lets see; what does the divine embrace feel like? Well, one thing for sure is; it’s made with consciousness and awareness, a desire to know that which constructs you. That which has resulted in “this beingness and identity” and says; wonderful, truly wonderful!, I have nothing else to add or suggest that you be, other than the “me” that you consider yourself to be. Now you can express that in your actions and in your interactions with other life, when you cherish the connection and there is an awareness on the other side that, “I am safe here”, “I am loved here”, “I am appreciated here”
Kimberly, What if you don’t have that? I have that right now, sometimes in life I don’t have that. When I am not feeling that what do I do? 
You awaken by awakening. You go; OK, this is my place here, obviously. This is my vehicle. This is My vehicle, OK, what do I know? What do I know? OK, there is a past, there is all of this life that has been lived. How do I integrate in to that in as sublimely as possible? Where every body’s maintaining their free will and choice and making those choices, but how do I come in; embodying my truth and have that be non disruptive to another’s freedom to choose their path in the way that they are doing already?
So, what do you want that you think that I might can help with?
Kimberly, I think that you have helped a lot. 
Thank you for that, what else?
Kimberly, I don’t know.
Um, Then I am free to continue on as I have? 
Kimberly, I mean, you could make me a millionaire, ha, ha.
You want more money?
Kimberly, I love money. 
Whenever you have a session with somebody, do you ask them before they leave, when they would like their next appointment to be? 
Kimberly, sometimes.
Thats how chiropractors have their calendars full.
Kimberly, its a sales thing that I am having resistance to having to sell someone, I want them to do it.
OK, and what has reality taught you about that?
Kimberly, Ha, ha, it hans’t worked out very well. 
Are you happy with the results that thats been giving you?
Kimberly, not so much.
Kimberly, I think I offer a great product.
And you want to keep going down that road of receiving what you have been receiving?  
Kimberly, Pickle?
As long as you don’t put me in one. 
Kimberly, Ha, ha. Look at this; its so professional and beautiful the way that you displayed this thing and the perfect little napkin.
What can you say; she is a facilitator.
Kimberly, yes she is a facilitator.
For all of the, codependent divine beings walking around in utter confusion here.
Kimberly, ha, ha.
She lets them come home and take a drink of truth out of her well, once in a while.
Kimberly, I doubt myself sometimes and often for no good reason at all.
I am going to do a little exercise here. I am going to show you how you can facilitate someone into a state of freedom without their even being aware that you are doing it. OK? It is the ultimate non intrusive method of being a healer to the world. Your intention for another to have an experience other than the one that they are having, is whats preventing a miracle from occurring that you wish to have happen, is by thinking that you are the instrument of delivery for that.
Kimberly, Umm,hmm.
No, you can absolutely be a facilitator.
Kimberly, I know I am not in my mind and yet I act as if I am, but ultimately I know that I am not.
At the same time, 
Kimberly, I still feel like there is something that I am supposed to do though.
Yes, there is; your supposed to go all the way. 
Kimberly, what do you mean by that?
You know what the definition of a dilettante is?
Kimberly, no I don’t.
There’s a difference between the priest and the  bishop and the pope and the prophet and an enlightened master and a god conscious individual and a consciousness that has already experienced ultimate freedom as its truth of himself and with that, there is no need to transform or transcend or descend or ascend; your just here in such a way that perfection is realized here as a recognition of the individuated consciousness; the others realize their perfection in your presence. So thats the possible state and where I was going with this; when you allow that to already be true for the other person, when it is observably not true…
Kimberly, so how do you get there?
OK, here is how you get there; I’m going to allow you to talk and I am going to allow myself to be enlightened, fully and absolutely divinely, by what you are saying and even though I know that its not accurate, the fact that I am receiving it as a wondrous truth, causes you to continually expand out your horizons, to be a vehicle of the expression of that that is.
Kimberly, my horizons, what are my horizons?
As you tell me your story and I listen from “there” 
Kimberly, yes.
Your story expands until it encompasses eternal truth, you have no other option.
Kimberly, you have great guidance as far as manifesting clarity in another though, I don’t know if I have that. Sometime I do I guess.
Well, lets just try right now, I am not saying anything, you are speaking and something wonderful is going to happen, I know it. 
Kimberly, I don’t know what that is. 
Don’t mind me, I am just going to act out physically as I talk. 
Kimberly, but I don’t have anything to say. Ha,ha
Of course not, why would you? Its not necessary. 
Kimberly, Ha, ha, ha ha,
“Its a laugher,” man.
Kimberly, I’m a giggler. 
Ahh. OK, well, whats this? Hmm, let that out.
Kimberly, That feels really good. 
Whats, this expression here? Mmm. Mmm. Kind of looks like the blue light special at Kmart. If you ever want to speak to God, all you have to do is look at the person across from you and observe them until God can’t resist speaking through them. You just know that it is going to happen and your just waiting for it, you can’t wait; you know that God can’t hold back from you! He’ll speak through anyone to have a conversation with you. So look for it, expect it. Expect the divine in us all to reveal itself to you; and be delighted for the opportunity to share that with you.
It’s “old hat” to you, it’s how like is, for you.
Kimberly, Um-hmm.
And, you want to know all that is wonderful about everyone that you meet, you want to know; “yes I know that you have fucking problems, what do I care about that for”? I want to know what is extraordinary about you man, that’s what I want to know! I want to know what the peak of your expression is here, I want to know that, which if I knew myself, in myself would be; Wow! Wow really? So, where is your best stuff man?  Don’t hold it back, especially when it is overtly welcome. 
Kimberly, are you trying to move past that point of feeling the need to do something? Cause as soon as I latch onto that I need to do something; what is it? What do I need to do? Ha, ha, don’t know what it is that I am supposed to do.  
Of course you do.
Kimberly, I do?
Your supposed to provide the people who are; Ugh, Uhh, Argh, in this world; which they all are in their chosen expression here. You can just decide that the universe perfectly knows the truth of all things, 
Kimberly, I know that.
And if you choose that Universal truth of the knowing of all things, to be your consciousness here that you are, then you know that since the universe perfectly knows  all parts, that if you are here, chosen as that, then the people that you are going to interact with, are people who have already agreed on some level, that they are going to be positively benefited by their interactions with you in some unknown, yet exciting way that they anticipate. 
See, you did it again. Thats nice, thats nice how the heart opens, Mmm, Mmm, Ahh, yeah, Mmm. Don’t worry about other people; worry about yourself. Get back to that selfishness. You know; what am I holding onto being identified with and how does that compare to the highest truth that I have experienced in this body before? Oh, so now I know; I am operating from; ”there” and it could be different, if I chose for it to be different and thats all that it is, is a choice.  
Choose for it to be the difference in you already, Fully, before you bless another with it, in a half hearted way. Bless somebody with it when you can deliver it as your blessing and in order to do that, you have to receive that blessing fully within yourself first. So, its OK, Its OK,  to allow divinity to fill you, to know you, to be revealed fully to you and you to it as it always has been. 
Allow yourself to get comfortable with that in your body, you know.
Kimberly, I just wan’t to take a big fat nap. Ha, ha, ha,
Well, that happens too. 
Kimberly, Ha, ha, ha a big, fat, nap.
OK, was there anything else that would be nice to share with you, that would overrule your decision for a cat nap? Ahh, lets see, probably not. See it was even weirder than you thought that it was going to be.
Kimberly, not weirder. No, it just reminds me of what I already know.
Of course.
Kimberly, I was, I haven’t really been taking care of me that much, so I put myself in a place where I am constantly tired and fatigued and my energy is, you know, its a choice that I have made and I have done it consciously.
OK, so, this is a space of re-evaluation, of life direction, life choices
Kimberly, thats what I am reflecting on now.
The beingness that you are choosing to be here. It’s OK to change for the better, it really is.
Kimberly, I know. 
So, what would be a wonderful change for you to make?
Kimberly, making yoga a regular practice again, exercising and doing things that make me feel good. Instead of feeling my feelings and stuffing them down, because I don’t want to feel it or look at things about myself sometimes or my surroundings; sometimes I just don’t want to deal. There’s nothing wrong with that, its OK and it’s Ok for me to not shut down too.
Of course.
Kimberly and that would make me feel better. The shutting down part feels like...
If you are shutting down, you should leave open the possibility of a reawakening, it shouldn’t be an eternal condemnation. 
Kimberly, Well definitely, theres a vortex like there was something that you were saying about the stairs going upwards. When I shut down, there are stairs go down inwards too.
They go down to complete unconsciousness and unawareness. 
Kimberly, I know and I’m in a place where I could do either.
It’s OK to go there and do that, but you know it doesn’t provide the comfort that one hopes for. To be unconscious of that which is influencing you is a pretty low level manifestation of consciousness here. It’s a cop out to being in conscious interaction with this reality.
Kimberly, I know, why do I feel such a pull to do it then?
Kimberly, cause I do, I really struggle with it. 
Because theres not enough about life that is happening the way that you want it to happen. 
Kimberly, yes, thats true.
If life were going your way, in every way that you wanted it to; they couldn't drag you out of here with 4 horses.
Kimberly, thats true. So, everything would be the way that I wanted it to if I could stay in that place that we were just talking about.
You don’t need anything here. You don’t need anything here. There is no pre-requisite to the divine being embodied here. Theres none, well, one; its your choice, it’s as you choose it to be. Prison? Limited freedom? Partial freedom? Average freedom? Successfully appearing to be free? Someone who “wins” at things here all of the time. Thats a pretty nice state. Or, you can be in any one of those circumstances.
Kimberly, I like the winning at everything all of the time.
And choose divine presence first and then you can say; Oh, divine presence first and that starts shifting so much for you energetically you just go; yes I can actually do that. All of those lists of “to do” things? Screw them,
Kimberly, ha, ha ha,
Divine presence first and I will decide what to do about it later. Otherwise I will be making a choice that may or may not bring me the result that I want. So move into your truth first. You will know what to do in every circumstance. The highest truth embodied here is observably the best choice for you. It is. Then you will know, you will know how to successfully move in this reality, for reality to be the way that you want it to be, so that your surroundings are the surroundings that you want and so that your interactions are ones that you appreciate. Get baptized first man!
Kimberly, OK. 
And all it takes is… You know all baptism by the spirit is? Its a decision to stop cursing yourself.
Kimberly, Ha, ha, ha.
Thats all it is, you stop “pushing” with that sharp stick the truth and saying; get away, stay away, get away. Let that go and say; now “come on”, “not too fast”, “at a comfortable pace”, “I am not too sure what the truth is going to do with me, but I want to be comfortable with it”. I don’t want to just disappear and not know what has become of myself. Right into the one truth that encompasses all and not have my individuated self to refer to the significance of what is going on here because I have a mortal body and I want to maintain that reference all of the time. Why not?
Kimberly, maintaining that reference point is allowing constantly? Or where do I bring my awareness? My mind need something to do.
OK, OK, what would the mind be best doing for the height of enjoyment, to be felt in the body in the enlightened self realization of truth? How is that done most pleasurably would be the task to give to the mind. For the rest you just go; OK sock it to me, cuz I am not holding onto anything and I will go where the slightest breath of truth moves me. 
Kimberly, that means changes to me.
Thats what your asking for! You can’t change and not change at the same time, come one, oh my goodness!
Kimberly, Ha, ha. I’ll have to quit my job… 
Every human is demanding the permanence of their personality as their truth of themselves at the same time they are saying: “enlighten me now, God!” Enlighten me, while I stay exactly as I am. Enlighten me now! “I’m not changing here, to be enlightened”! Is that really going to work? You’ve got to say; I have had enough experiences to know that theres a transcendent truth available to be known.
Kimberly, thats just the story anyway, honestly I could be enlightened anywhere. 
You’re enlightened everywhere, It’s just wether or not you realize it or not.
Kimberly, are there certain situations that promote that better like if your at a place that you don’t want to be and your constantly thinking about you not wanting to be there, so I am just not allowing? All of those thoughts are not allowing, so I either need to change or stop thinking those thoughts all the time right?
All you have to do is this; can you perceive the divine in “that”? Well, if you look for it, guess what? Yes, OK, now its easy to perceive the divine in this, because look at that wonderful presentation there. I mean you would have to be an oaf to not go wow about that. But, when you get the divine in this one you will be free. You know it is so hard to find something wrong in this house,
Kimberly, ha, ha,
Every place that she goes, you know, you can’t just say; where’s something disgusting?
Sophia, Um, Right here.
Kimberly, ha, ha. 
I did, Ha, ha, I did find, One thread that is out of place, that as far as this place goes; this is behaving inappropriately. 
Sophia, What?
This string. The way that you have this reality ordered, this string is out of order. 
Sophia, OK.
So what we are talking about is; look at this, if you can’t say that you perceive divinity as you look at this presentation here and do it, well this facilitates that, but what were going to look at now is; a normal maybe even a dirty rock, thats pretty representative of the reality here that has not gone through the process of “conscious ordering” by a pretty enlightened person. OK, so yes, when you come and interact with people like Sophia, theres a peace that you can feel because you know its a safe place to be yourself. But, when your out in life where one of these are looking to put a crack in your windshield and they do… If you look for the divine here, this is the easy way here, but when you can see the divine there, just take the leaf there and see the divine there; the completely  apparent natural divinity, Ahh, that will enlighten the darkness within you, that part that wants to shut down and go down to the bottom of that staircase and dive in the depths of that.
Kimberly, that will give my mind something to do. Just keep seeking that.
Don’t seek it, because that implies the fact that it is hidden, that implies the fact that it might not be everywhere. It implies that it is not everywhere that you look, that is what is wrong with that paradigm of thinking, because the divine; heaven on earth is already here. The divine is here to be noticed in everything. Especially, that which doesn’t know itself as the divine. 
Kimberly, thats really beautiful.
So, notice the divine everywhere you look, everywhere you look, everywhere you look and when you do that you will be living in the world of divinity and when you do that, you won’t have the concerns about your life that you are carrying around right now. Occupy your mind with noticing the divine everywhere and in everything, especially that which is normally downtrodden, looked down on, pushed away, swept out, removed, blocked from being part of polite society. The divine celebrates the divinity in all, especially, (is that right?)... observably, in that which has not been recognized in its divinity before. 
Notice the divine in everything, even where everyone else knows there is never the possibility of the divine being found there; in that person, in that form, in that event, in that society, in that reality that you live in. Notice the divine there.
Kimberly, I do think that would be easier to do if I was not dependent.
On what?
Kimberly, on those people.
On which people?
Kimberly, I guess I am just struggling with my work right now because, I have internal judgements about the way that my boss does business, it’s an integrity issue that I don’t want to make a part of my reality. 
If it is apparent that somebody that you deal with on a daily basis is choosing a way of life that is so unconscious as to be enturbulating to everyone else that deals with them, why would you consider the need to resist your desire to remove yourself from that influence?
Kimberly, OK, well, because I justify in my mind that I can find enlightenment anywhere, and that I should be able to transcend my experience with this situation just by allowing myself to be more unconditional and finding the divinity in…
Everybody has free choice; they can love or they can kill love. This is a free choice reality and one who has decided to kill love, to kill intimacy, to kill the knowing of truth within himself, doesn’t want your help and is having the experience that they choose to have. But, when you align your life purpose with someone who’s life purpose is so far from yours as to be antagonistic to it, then; what are you doing?
Kimberly, It’s part of what prompted this session today.
Whatcha... Doing? 
Kimberly, so it’s OK for me to leave? I don’t have to make it work? I don’t have to like be obligated to…
Why would you? When someone chooses to…
Kimberly, I feel like a failure if I’m not making it work somehow.
Allow divinity to work, in you, to work through you, quit owning the results of it. Everyone has their free choice; they don’t have to be healed, they don’t have to be better than they are, but when somebody comes to you, who isn’t that way and has finally said; “I wish to realize my truth, right now. Be there to share it with them. 
Kimberly, thats where I see myself.
Of course, Of course. Be there waiting for somebody that is wishing to know that which you are willing to share. You know, you can’t feed a baby meat and if somebody is your boss and is operating their business by deceptive, dishonest or immoral standards according to a polite society, then where is the harmony going to be in those motions with the reality that heals all of the imbalances that are ready to shift in somebodies life that has prepared themselves and said; not anymore “this way” but; the one true way, I’m wanting to know and to embrace. Be the one who welcomes at the gates of truth, those seeking to come home. Welcome home, welcome home, sister.
Kimberly, Ha, ha. I do want to be that person. I am that person in so many ways already.  If I left that situation and followed what I wan’t to do, I would hurt her and yet at the same time, I would be like; 
Where do you work?
I work for ….. At ……. 
My son’s mother is a masseuse also.
Kimberly, I’m not doing massage, I haven’t done massage for almost 2 years.
What do you do?
Kimberly, I work at a clothing store. 
And why did you stop massage?
Kimberly, I got really burned out. I worked at the 4 seasons and it was really, really hard on me. 
The Four Seasons hotels?
Kimberly, Um-hmm, I connect with my clients and the 4 seasons doesn’t care what you are doing. It’s like; you have another session in 4 minutes and you have to take them back to the tranquility lounge and then go back and make up your table and then get your next client. I did that for 2 ½ years and that really burned me out, emotionally and physically.
I would think above everybody, that the management at the Four Seasons would know that if they are providing that type of spa service to clients, that the practitioners themselves have to be glowing and have the time to come back to their centre between clients, thats ridiculous.
Kimberly, No, its a machine. Personally I like to have the freedom to work with somebody as long as necessary; sometimes sits 20 minutes, sometimes its 4 hours. It just depends.
Tell me about it, I’ve got a body that just loves to seize onto something and never let it go.
Kimberly, and when you find those places, it takes a while to move through it, to have the person connect to it, to have them get to the place where they are receptive enough to let it go. Healing work of all kinds circles around that very moment of the “letting go” and I never know what it is going to take to get somebody there. Thats the work I need to do.
Well good, sign me up for a session. 
Kimberly, OK, do we have a massage table? 
I don’t know? Right there.
Kimberly, I like to have a table because it is easier on my body. 
Keep on talking.
Kimberly, I am watching you move and I don’t know what to say. Ha, ha, ha.
Its OK, I know it’s ridicules, I know, 
Kimberly, Ha, ha, I love it! See, I will never feel silly again when I do crazy stuff.
Why would you? 
Kimberly, I am not the only one, thats cool.
There is nothing weirder than this.
Kimberly, There is nothing weirder than that. Oh, I’ve done some pretty weird stuff. One time I had this client on my table and I just felt like she had this energy in her gut and it would not move and at the time, I was practicing sounding and so I did this sounding into her belly and these vibrational frequencies. My voice just naturally made the sound of what was going on in her guts and it was just really an amazing experience. I don’t quite believe it actually happened.
Of course, thats the way it always goes. 
Kimberly, But it did and she used to have all of these belly problems and I felt this mass of black and dark energy. I don’t know how to explain it really, but I sounded onto it and it started to break up and it moved up her throat and she had this choking fit and it got caught in her throat and I was sounding in here throat and she opened up her mouth and this energy came out of her mouth like an entity and I like grounded it into the Earth and it was like this powerful, powerful moment and she has never had stomach problems since and she still tells me about that.
Sophia, Awesome, its, inspiring when you have those break throughs. 
Kimberly, I know, I have had a couple of experiences like that in my life you know and it kind of freaked me out, I’m like; I don’t know what that was and she’s like, trying to ask me what happened and when I try to explain it, if I have to put it into words, I don’t what happened.
Sophia, you helped her to release some energy. 
Kimberly, I don’t feel like I really did anything; I listened and I followed and I just
Sophia, just the sound alone, you are doing something, you moved something for her. There’s no bad energy, its just stuck energy is the same.
Kimberly, so what do you do when you feel obligated to explain yourself to them?
To who?
Kimberly, to the people who are asking what the hell just happened, what did you do or I want to tell my friends or something?
You can say; you just came to a place that you could do the healing that you wanted to have happen and you did it yourself. If they don’t take responsibility for it, then they will keep finding something else that is bothering them. You just hold the space for the healing and expect it. 
With each person that I meet and interact with, how do I behave in that instance in such a way that that person receives the interaction with gratitude, as a blessing and as a change in circumstances that they prefer? The answer is always; well, wake up, be conscious and see what you are interacting with and deal appropriately.
Kimberly, sometimes it is in walking away.
The appropriate action almost always, is to walk away, otherwise you would have 7 billion people stuck to you. You’re so free already, that you have the time to devote to somebody that you just met. 
Kimberly, thats true and I love that.
So, you have done a lot of walking away already. 
Kimberly, Ha, ha, ha.
The actions in the physical world, actually have to be taken. Whether it is a phone call, an email or showing up at work. The question is; what level of consciousness are you going to be embodying when you take those actions? You are going to take those actions regardless, so take them at a level of consciousness that gives you the best advantage for living your life in a manner that you choose for yourself. 
So what would be different about you (speaking to all levels and subtle layers of consciousness and physicality) if you were in the presence of a divine, radiant, God Consciousness? Just experiment with that, right now in this minute with me; feel what happens when we allow something glorious, to be that which you are.
Yes, that is a nice, shift. What would that change in your life if you lived that way?
Kimberly, that would change everything.

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