
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Give others their best wish for themselves

Looking for consciousness in a crowd  of people actively talking to each other… Oh boy… What an impossible task.
Where does one find a free consciousness to interact with? 
One who the universe fully supports? 
One who shares his freedom with everyone he comes into contact with? 
Where does one find a free consciousness today?
Well, the answer to that is easy; the free consciousness is one who chooses it’s own company first, until it’s knowledge of self is complete. When one knows oneself fully, then and only then, are you ready and able for consciousness to be fully at home in you. 
Being fully conscious as you, is the goal of all of your actions, it is the impetus of your every movement and that is to improve, to grow and to be the perfect expression of you in humanity and “that” will only get confused, when you look for meaning in the lives of others. If you look to be validated here, by those who have other points of view, you’re enjoyment of this reality is going to be severely diminished.
Do you care what the animals in the zoo think of you? Or, are you more enlightened there, seeing them for what they are, enjoying their diversity, celebrating their uniqueness  and being inspired by the multiple forms that life takes on as consciousness is expressed here as living things? 
Celebrate all life, 
it is what it is, 
as it is 
is here to improve itself according to it’s own awareness and point of view. 
What if there was even a slight possibility that divinity could be you?
That you could be seen as having “become” it? 
What if that could be true for you? 
If you knew that that could be “me too” (as you think of yourself)? 
Me too, 
me too for freedom, 
me too for my freedom, I agree with God on that one. 
God grant me the ability to realize my own freedom! 
Why would you be embarrassed about asking for that? 
Don’t wonder about wether something that someone else could be saying could possibly enlighten you further than your own choice to simply be enlightened. The imput from somebody else that is not enlightened, is going to be; No, that is not for you. Not even the possibility of that freedom will those who are not free grant to another. So it is for You, to look to Yourself for the blessing of the divine, or at least for the Willingness to Commune with That which is the divine, so that you can know what your own truth is. Because it is there that it is found, in those who are sublimely, divinely and wonderfully free. 
Give others the experience of the highest level of consciousness which they are willing to aspire to experience for themselves. Give them their wish, their best wish for themselves; the wish that improves them to the degree that they are a wonderful experience here for the rest of us. 
What is my willingness to allow eternal truth to move through me? 
To become me as I become it? As we become each other, we are a blessing to all others who share our reality. Where is that found in my life? You may ask yourself. Where am I able to move in such a way that I am free and a blessing to others? 
To get the answer to that question, you have to go to the depths of where you never wish to go; you find your freedom in the unconfrontable agony of self realization. 
If it were not agony, everybody would be doing it, so there, I have said it; The realization of self, in this reality, for someone who is at the “norm” of this reality, is a tortuous transition of monumental proportions. One where you move through seemingly endless amounts of fear for your own survival and where you must fully embrace the depths of that, in order to realize your Truth; that you are not controlled by anything that you do not know, or by anything that you do not choose to be so in this moment.
Who welcomes your truth here when you are at your best? 
Who is your biggest fan, when you do that which is extraordinary? 
Who would love it if in fact you yourself, transcended this reality into a radiance of divine, unconditional love?… 
As you welcome the freedom within your body, you have to also release self as that which is surrendering to the freedom. You are that which desired the freedom, so as that, you must be the “who” that transcends this reality. Your divine self is wonderful and your divine self is “your real truth” but it is not from him that you need to learn, it is to your own self that you need to be true and be realized as, until your experience of self is divine perfection.
The experience of self as divine perfection, now “that” is an interesting goal to have and what is a goal any way? A goal is a completed state, envisioned, embraced and allowed to move you through the experience of that, as your own reality, until reality sees you as that also. 
How do you inspire your enemy to bless you?
Now think about this, you can’t appreciate divine consciousness, until you have fully embraced it, until it no it no longer holds any mystery for you. Consciously welcome your own divine self realization. How bad could that be for you? It won’t be unless you are addicted to and prefer “not knowing” as your identification of self here.

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