
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What are the ultimate possibilities for you?

A visit with my friend Sophia and her life partner

Sophia, I savor every step of the awakening process.
Absolutely, but God also reserves the right to do what ever he chooses each moment.
Sophia, to choose to stay totally awake after that, which some masters do, they pop and thats, it.
Or, not.
Sophia, Or not. 
It doesn’t matter.
Sophia, it doesn’t matter, its the whole enchilada.
The only thing that matters, that I think is relevant is asking each other interesting questions and observing what the possible answers are. Something like; whats the highest level of consciousness that we could harmonize on in a shared experience with our friends, who know what it is to know the truth of ourselves here? 
Sophia, the highest, the further you can go the better.
Yes, so we have that as our preamble, what our intention is, is to experience each other if not at our very best or something beyond that which we have yet to conceive of; what ever it is that is magnificent, inspiring and glorious within us, we choose to willingly share with each other and say thank you for allowing me to drop my pretenses and be awake in you’re presence and now be here as “oh yes” and “here we are again”. 
Whatever was; who cares? These are the vehicles that we have here. 
Sophia, thats it.
And, so drop the reference point to the vehicle for this moment and without that reference point, what reference point do we have left? What was our relationship before this?
Sophia, everything but this.
So, my objective for myself is to embody that awareness as my waking and moving through life awareness of; “everything is the divine in motion here”.
Sophia, right.
Everything is already the perfection of itself in this moment and allowed to be that, so that reality can then move into a perfection of self. Acknowledging the flawed perfection, the unique presentation, acknowledging the perfection of that uniqueness, allows a relaxation and an acceptance, an OK; I am what I am and I am that here and I am here to be this. Not anyone or anything else other than my truth that I know beyond this life.
The first time I saw a goddess this life time; a magnificent personification of Isis, an embodied glory that I did not know was possible in this reality. When shown that, I was able to begin to embrace my own, so thank you for that example. Oh my God, what it is to choose to embody our truth without having an example to observe so that we can wake up and be thankful for the remembrance. 
Sophia, its a great honor, what else is there? There is nothing better than that, this is pure, its just pure. 
So interestingly, I am almost in my normal state of consciousness and its easier for me to connect with whatever it is that allows the body to welcome in, grace as self. I simply go; nice, me too, why not? 
Sophia, I still remember him like this from years ago and your so much more! Seeing you in your truth now, it just gets more and more and more and every time that I see you, you are just more open, more open and more open. You’ve been through so much to get there, its just very, very cool, so cool to see you. It just makes my heart so happy, its like when you don’t see someone, where we are in this understanding and how ever you need to let it in, you let it in, if you've got to do “that” you do that! You do whatever it takes.
Whatever it takes.
Sophia, whatever it takes. You just have to let it in and you've just got to know your body. Give your body what it needs so that it can settle down, so it can come through. You've got to be quiet and centered. We just want to be quiet and centered and totally in the flow 100% of the time. Thats just the bees knees, its so damn good. 
Yes, and we are.
Sophia, And its true.
Its only our observation that it isn’t that creates our issues.  
Sophia, exactly, your either present or you’re not.
We can’t ever not be what we are.
Sophia, Were completely unchanging, changeless beings, totally changeless beings. There is no change from the time that you are born until the time you die.
All we have to do is let go of the personality.
Let go of all the stuff. 
Sophia, right, because we are already whole and complete. 
You get the idea that you wan’t to become something magnificent, right? I want to do good, I want to be that example of one who knows and is wise and behaves appropriately in this reality, so that what I want is freely given without effort.
Sophia, right and freely received, because it is all given. 
Yes, the embodiment of grace, thats the part that she missed you know and that is; what will be gracefully received here? How does this person receive their truth with gladness? There, there, there’s the opening, right there. Graceful, simple, elegant…
Sophia, grace, thats what I’ve been bringing up to you (Sophia’s partner) a lot; grace, grace, grace, grace grace. Do you understand? You need to get here and you need to stay present, stay in your body, stay focused and then you’re in your body and you’re doing what it is that we have been talking about and everything becomes graceful. Theres no toil, it’s not a dis-grace.
The reality goes into a harmonic resonance. 
Sophia, grace and a beautiful harmony.
And dances with you 
Sophia, and paint an amazing picture. 
And, they don’t even know what they are doing; they just can’t resist…
Sophia, I know.
The presence, the consciousness of divinity.
Sophia, right. So there’s this magnetism that draws.
And, she’s my sister in that way, because my resonating divinity has always been Osiris.
Sophia, Um, hmm. I sewed you back into one piece, ha, ha, Isis and the divine puzzle. We are all over the universe putting together Humpty Dumpty. 
Operator? Operator?
Sophia, who tears somebody into pieces and hides them all over the place? Come on? It could only be, could it be, Satan?
I still haven’t found the last part of myself. 
Sophia, oh my God!
Taking a Break…
It’s kind of a spiritual exercise for the remembrance of yourself, by letting go of the personalities and the opinions about other people.
Sophia, um, hmm.
So, how this works for me is; if you are looking to embody your divine consciousness, its something that you want to share with other people. Not share as in teaching, not share like a Guru, but to share it as a shared truth, a shared reality, a shared experience of every body that you know and since there aren’t very many examples of this going on on this world, or any that I know about. Once you can “ask the question”, you can observe what the result is. My wish for you and for you, is for your divine presence to be here so palpably, that I can’t help but go into resonance with that myself and easy maintain…
Sophia, Um, hmm.
My own truth when I am in your presence.
Sophia, right.
And, so we bless each other with that.
Sophia, Umm, hmm.
We bless each other with their wholeness, the embodiment of their wholeness so that when were in each others presence we go…
Sophia, Yes!
Oh yeah, oh thank God, every now and then; I can experience you.
Sophia, Thats what I told Kimberly today when she wanted a description of David. I said he’s a mirror, a really good one. And, she wen’t Oh and she knew what I was talking about. 
I can actually, I can move to your words. 
There’s nothing like a great space, well thought out esthetically, for the impact that the images are going to have on your denser layers of consciousness.
Sophia, umm, hmm, yes.
What you surround yourself with, are materials to aid in you remembrance of truth, in your knowledge of perfection and so when you find something that inspires you to wake up in its presence; congratulations, you now have a place in my presence, in my room. 
Sophia, ha, ha.
Cause your doing your bit, so I am just acknowledging the fact that she does that fairly consciously.
Sophia, in feng shay, they say every where your eyes fall in a room should be on an object or a material that you absolutely love. So it just makes your heart sing. All of the Louis that built Versailles, they built Versailles that way. They would do these pondering’s and they would take their court and tell everyone what to do “and then I turned to the left and I ponder the fountain of the horses and then I look up and ponder the sky and turn to the right… and then he looks down on a wall covered with gold and decor. Every way they looked there was gold, gold, gold.
Unfortunately it needs more than that, because, were they observably awakened?
Sophia, to do it? 
How awakened were they?
Sophia, right. Totally, it was the experience of Versailles when France revolted, that was the largest and most grotesque abuse of wealth and power in all of known history.
India did some as well. 
Sophia, but it was huge, he sucked out everything, until they couldn't even feed themselves. When you look at that and how perfectly it played out; every King, in the world was waiting to hear what they were doing in Versailles, because he was the trend setter, he was everything in the world to the other Kings and so they were always copying him and emulating him. 
When you are awake in your body, is there anything that assists the other bodies going into full agreement with that?
Sophia, Ha, ha, that was well said, that was well said. Ha, ha, can you repeat the question? I have forgotten it already, but it was well said.
The question is; when you are here, fully present and conscious, is there anything easy that you can do, to have your body respond to the consciousness quickly? Instead of like mine does; being so, needing to move to release, I have to follow the energy in movement in order to release.
Sophia, everybody is wired differently, you have to follow the mirimex. You’re just programmed differently, especially guys, most of them have to move energy this way. As a matter of fact, I don’t think that I have ever seen a woman moving that way, but, I have seen so many guys, ha, ha, its pretty funny. So I can get there a few different ways, for me its mostly quiet, inner; I just come to a zero point if you know what I mean.
Yes, of course. 
Sophia, going to that point of bliss consciousness, I can use items and things in my world. If there is something that I totally love, that resonates with me, that rings my bell. It can be a beautiful work of art, calling a friend, taking an herbal sacrament and sitting here and speaking with you. It doesn’t really matter, a lot of it, is my body chemistry and that is something that you might want to keep in mind. Women in particular have hormonal issues that don’t make me feel enlightened or blissful.  
Sophia’s partner, and it definitely doesn’t make me feel enlightened or blissful.
Sophia, its so nice, when there are a number of days in a row when it is consistent and I am noticing more of that now. So I move things differently than you do, you move through your blockages and issues; I just get a migraine for 2 days and I am not getting those much any more.
Migraines are something that I could have helped you with. 
Sophia, you could have helped me with? Its a hormonal imbalance, what would you do? I’ve had them since I’ve been 4 years old. Its clinical, I’ve done everything that I know to do. For my whole life, there are a few things that have seemed to work short term, like a heavy metal detox. And, I was free of them for 3 months. 
If you tune into and duplicate the frequency that I am tapped into right now, and then did it again when you got a migraine, the migraine would go away. 
Sophia’s partner, but if there was no such thing as a migraine and you just thought that you were getting something that didn’t exist…
Sophia, I’ve been through all of that. Iv’e gotten to the point where I have it under control and I just have to be quiet.
Sophia’s partner, When I am sitting and going like this and there is no skin there and no bone there and no noise and there is only peace. No smell, hearing, speech or need to speak, because everything is known and all you are, are these pieces of energy, pulled together that kind of look like this and there is no migraines or anything, until we see ourselves as selves.
Yes, we objectify ourselves. 
Sophia’s partner, and as soon as it is an object, it possesses us, because we possess it.
To the degree that we identify with the human identity; there is our consciousness bound by those bounds. Its a real dilemma for a being that has a preference for, knowing of self, of that which he has been through the eternities, rather than the body experiences that the body had growing up, prior to the awakening of the consciousness. The past of the body should be irrelevant to us.
Sophia, what about the hoarders that won’t throw away the lint from the lint trap? Or, the hair that they clean out of their hair brushes? “I’m keeping that”
What would you like to do with that? 
Sophia, their identifying and possessing their lint in their belly button and they won’t throw it away because their obsessively and compulsively acting unconsciously.
We’re not trying to go that far into detail, we’re just trying to figure out how to not be primarily identified as a person. 
Sophia, I’m totally messing with you. I thought that was funny!
Here’s how I do it; I sit down and feel my presence and feel; “it sucks to be me”. I look at that and then I relax into it and stop fighting who I am here and as soon as I stop fighting the circumstances that I find myself in. I am able to see beyond them and realize that my consciousness is boundless, beyond this body and that I can be that boundless awareness here. It’s nice, to come into that space and then share that experience with other people who are capable of it. That same, experience of themselves, because a shared reality of the divine is better than one by yourself.
You can go to sleep and wake up in the morning and not be this connected to the divine realms when you are moving in your life. But, when you share it and know that somebody else is having that experience at the same time; it starts shifting your chronic consciousness into a recognition that the divine is already your truth and you don’t have to figure anything out. All you have to do is go; oh yeah, now I know, now I remember, now I am the me, that I’ve always have been and will always be. The me that is in harmony, with eternity.
If only just for this moment, say to yourself; I wonder what that would feel like to me, in my body? 
Sophia’s partner, my body just keeps falling down and tripping, I am so far out. I’ve been out for weeks and I’ve just been trying to figure out how to get this body to move without me being there. 
Sophia, what do you mean; without you being there? 
Sophia’s partner, I am telling you that I have almost just stopped and witnessed my body moving ahead of me and I am asking; why are you tripping so often? 
When you catch yourself in a lower state of consciousness, you’ve got to hold onto a few simple truths, in order to come back to your wholeness. You accept an incredible amount of input and impulses that you get in this reality and you accept those as truth and you begin to get knocked around, until all of your consciousness is focused in this body and all that is happening to it and so you focus on how to calm this body down, how to be at peace here and then we can look at how we can use the body, as the manifestation of your truth. 
Sophia, so many ways to say it and you can never say it too much. Ha, ha which is so cool, because you can never say the truth too much. 
If you are going to talk about things, what better than the truth? Anybody can make up a story, but how many people can make up the truth?
Sophia, I know, I know. 
Thats a trick question.
Sophia, totally. Definitely. You just need to slow down a step. What if you are walking down the street and you keep tripping, just slow it down a step.
Sophia’s partner, no, it was almost a deliberate thing to just let it go.
I was going to say on your slow down comment; if you catch yourself considering problems from a push, pull point of view. Then you have identified your consciousness so much into the reality of the body and its interactions, that you are not holding your consciousness or awareness anywhere else for a reference point. And, while everyone says; be in the present, yes, be in the present, but also be present in eternity too, be aware, have those reference points, have the unlimited range of possibilities that you could be here, known to yourself, so that you can make an appropriate choice as to who and what you are going to be here. 
What are the ultimate possibilities for you? What stupendous manifestation can somebody that has the ability to embody a goddess and knows it, what are your possibilities here as the gift that your life is going to be, for this reality? What are those possibilities? How far do they go? How far do they go? Look at those and know; know what it is that you can do for us here, as yourself.
Sophia, on a grand scale.
As what you already are.
Sophia, and how you touch the many, many, many, because you can touch so many without ever seeing them through what you do. With what you are doing with the art, you are touching many people that you are never going to meet. Thats the beauty of this day, the beginning of 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar and how fast things get to finally manifest. I am watching things finally beginning to roll now and its just, it so much more of who we are, having things happen quickly. Not from the density of the material realm where we just get so tired. Being who we are coming down into the human form, walking the planet and feeling the dread and the dredge.
Right, right, why is it that no one that I know of and so few in history, claimed by anyone, why is it so difficult to be here as our truth and have that be our life? Why has there only been dozens in history that are famous for it?
Sophia, because thats our true nature, why do we come here? To create in duality, you cant have your cake and eat it too; Until later.
Sophia, in creating duality, thats part of the big experience David.
I understand.
Sophia, coming down and forgetting who the hell that you are in this life, thats why we are here.
Everybody is doing that, observably. Everybody is observably…
Sophia, waking up?
No, completely knocked cold, unconscious.
Sophia, no, not at all, you haven’t plugged into it. I don’t know why, maybe it is because of the work that you are doing, but there are a lot of people like this, a lot. A huge amount, many groups of people can sit and go there. We’re just “right there”. OK, so whats your absolute highest truth right at this moment? 
That, if I choose to be, I can be a “me” “here” that would be shocking for this reality to experience/
Sophia, and why so? 
Because everybody limits themselves so much here.
Sophia, not everybody. Just getting here, you have to limit yourself from God to this, so OK, everything is relative.
What about that time all of the religions and prophets spoke of in the future, when; oh my God, God consciousness is what everybody just realized themselves as and everybody is ahh, in a glorious celebration of life now?
Sophia, yes, 
That is what I choose; the glorious celebration of life by everyone who chooses to.
Sophia, um, hmm.
And, everyone will choose to when they see it, when they see that, embodied in you, they can’t help it. “Yes, me too”.
Sophia’s partner. There are a lot of people waking up.
Sophia, yes, there really are.
Sophia’s partner, just countless.
Sophia, what I see is just mind boggling. When I went through my wakeup as Tam, I was 25, 26 so I knew nobody, except the person that is that white bird in that picture there. Ha, ha I knew him and that was it and then I started meeting all of these people who would take me here and take me there and it just became a full time job doing session with people and as I was doing that, I was learning so much from them and getting so much back, its just great. You know how it is, because you are not just giving to them, you are giving to everyone that they are going to touch and thats what just makes your face scrunch and your tear ducts hurt, because you can’t hold back those tears.
So, share with us the feeling of what it is when you have your divinity move through you to another and be welcomed and celebrated, wow! Mmm, 
Sophia, what opens my heart is just to see the beauty that is totally all around me, but sometimes, I don’t always throw myself in to that which I consider to be beautiful. Like, I mean; it’s nice out here and this house is a beautiful little shelter for the moment, its sunny and it’s so much better than any place else that I have lived here in this town, eek. So yea, I just need to be in a place that I love and I mean; the land, the place itself, the energy of the place, the people. It just waves outward and any direction that I look, I am just really happy with my decision to be here. You know what I mean? Everything gets checked off on the list, if there is something that is not getting checked off...
How does one accomplish that?
Sophia, you have to check in with yourself constantly. 
How do you know what you want?
Sophia, when you look at what you don’t want, you get this contraction in your heart, in your body, in your stomach.
Thats what I have been doing, how do I choose better than I have?
Sophia, well, sometimes there are things that you really can’t change, but you can change the way that you view them.
There you go. 
Sophia, if it is a relationship, you can shift the relationship in a different way, like with your Mother or Father, people where you can’t just say; I am giving you up as my mother. You can really work to consciously shift that relationship and open that whole channel up right there. It just happens that we are talking about Mother, but the Mother carries your whole linage, so you get to work, “all of the way back there too”. I am really lucky, I got to work on both of my Mothers; the one that raised me and the one that gave birth to me. 
Sophia’s partner. But, I don’t think that that was the question. 
Sophia, we already discussed the question. If there is something that you shouldn't have in your life or space, you will get a contraction. When you interface with it and look at it, you may realize that you have been creating the same thing, over and over again. Then it is time to shift it or shift how you relate to it, so that you don’t have to experience that contraction any more, because you can’t be yourself, in a contracted state.
Sophia, Lady Gaga, she said this so, just honestly and nonchalantly; “when I am on stage, my heart is all open and sharing and everything and when I am not on stage, it closes up and I don’t know what to do with myself”. You know what I mean, she said it like “from the mouth of a babe” and thats what makes you a star. When you can open like that and share yourself, it affects others, a star affects them.
Great, great, so I think you gave a perfect example of that; so she opened to whatever it was that she...
Sophia, her gift.
What ever her gift was and thats all that we have to focus on too; the willingness to be open to what ever our unique gift is. 
Sophia, plural. I thought that she was so cute, because she was kind of scratching her head and; “when I am out there sharing, my heart is all open and I have this love and total exchange, right”? And, when she is home by herself she doesn’t know what to do because it takes that vast sea of people to reflect back to her. I don’t know, she likes to be performing, so I really am so conscious that everything that you look at and interact with on a daily basis, to have pure love for that. Like this fur, I love this, but it was torn off of an animals back, so I have this; you’re so beautiful  and I love you so much and I am so sorry for what happened to you. How many times do you have to tell a pillow that you are sorry? 
Just make sure that he believed you.
Sophia, the thing is, it reminds me of death, so I am just saying that when you look a little deeper and you get a little more sensitive to your arrangement and your surroundings, you may realize that every time I look at this, it makes me get a weird feeling in my heart and I didn’t realize it until right now and now I remember why; because when I was a kid, I set a glass on moms and it made a big circle and I got in trouble and it never went away and this here, I see one has a circle from something and so it is triggering something from my past that was painful. So put only things around you that you absolutely love, only people that you absolutely adore and only do what brings you passion and joy and there is then no reason for your heart to close.  
Boy, if people would only be true to themselves, 
Sophia, you just have to be true to yourself, you just have to say; I’m not happy doing this, I’m not happy doing that, I need to go and follow my heart and it could be something so simple, what ever they go into the world to do; costume design, whatever they have passion for, they will be good at and thats great and at the same time it leads to other people and other things and they may just end up in a movie that triggers people and becomes one of the biggest hits in history and her eyes translate through the whole thing and people just wake up like that (snap). I don’t know. So you just have to follow the smallest little thread and sometimes people don’t trust the thread, they go; that doesn’t make me excited enough, but it makes you more excited, more than any other thread; “for some reason, this one thread, this one here, this is the one that I resonate the most with, so I am going to go there. OK, so I am going to use myself as an example; Architecture, interiors and modern furniture, all of this stuff, I just love it, I just love it so much. Its a total passion. What does that do to enlighten people? Well, I will tell you right now; a well designed environment can get you right there and wake them up too. That doesn’t touch maybe so many people. Instead of me trying to figure out how it is going to look, I just know thats where my passion is and I just go there and follow it.
Your own environment is worthy of granting it perfection according to your vision.
Sophia, absolutely, but I am just saying; the greatness, when I consider someone great, whether I’ve ever known them or their name or not. It’s somebody who has had a massive impact, on the whole planet and beyond the planet and has really touched just about everyone on the planet. It could be someone who had become a household name or not, but people who have made positive inpacts and helped others to awaken, to come closer to their divine truth, to take a step away from that which no longer serves them and towards that which does. Somebody that has reflected this to them is a big mirror and reflector of light. Some of them are unsung heros and we will never get to know their names, but they have been around and they have done a lot.
Thats the best kind to have, because if you come here awakened and then become enamored of those who are not yet awake celebrating the fact that they think that you are, then what kind of life is that? 
Sophia, a teacher, a guru, you know.
Sophia’s partner, that we could. 
Sophia, kind of, I recently learned that Mer Baba.
You know what I think about Guru’s?
Sophia’s partner, I would love to know.
Sophia, Guru’s the Indian name, I’m not talking about. You can’t put all Guru’s into one bag, just like you can’t put all people into one group.
I’ve got a big bag! 
Sophia, well then your sticking everybody into the bag. “a guru is somebody who dispels the darkness” thats what Guru means.
I’ve got a giant one. 
Sophia, some of them are... ha, ha, ha, 
I can put the whole world in my bag.
Sophia, yes there is only one bag any way.
Sophia’s partner, I want to know about the Guru and I want to know how big that bag is. 
Well, “it’s not big enough to contain the ego’s of some of the Guru’s”.
Sophia, Then their not real Guru’s
But, thats a good thing.
Sophia, I’m talking about the true masters. Do you know what denotes a true master as opposed to someone like Maharishi and Sai Baba and those guys like them? 
Sophia, they are 100% enlightened, 100% of the time. Where the others are on and off again which makes them unenlightened. But, thats OK, because when you are there, you are there in eternity, so thats OK. 
Sophia, so you just hop back on, It’s kind of like your on a little floating thing in the water and you fall off and then you just hop back on and then you fall of and then you hop back on. So your not necessarily moving forward, your just getting back to the same spot, all of the time. “on the lilly pad and your the little frog” 
And, it’s different; your in the air or your in the water. 
Sophia, then in the water and out of the water at the same time. 
I personally find that being in this reality is normally being in the water and when I awaken, I come out of the water.
Sophia, exactly. I have always used that whole analogy with the boats and the deep sea divers; were going down and were going to find everyone that we can and bring them on up, by starting to give everyone oxygen and we bring them back up, one by one onto the ship and those are the real “deep workers” the Angler fish people. Were talking about the light workers that are down in the effen pits; they are so low, working in the ditches, “we’re stuck, we’re totally stuck” and some of them are assholes after you help them and thats OK, cause there are all kinds of personalities spewing everywhere, but, its always the boat and the lines going down underneath to the divers that are down on the bottom and they have been there so long; they don’t even remember that there is a boat up there. So when someone shows them thats its time, by yanking their chain and you bring them up and your going from the third dimension to the fifth dimension, but you have that “in between” where you don’t live there or stay there; you pass through and thats where you don’t want to get the bends right there, you want to be careful. In the fourth dimension; don’t get the bends” and thats a copy written statement right there. 
Sophia’s partner, we’re just a little air bubble in a big ocean. 
Sophia, that 1% of the 99% enlightened; that can be really devastating.
You want to experience something that will just blow your mind? He’s going to do it and I am going to tell you how he is going to do it; in a minute, he is going to start talking about anything he wants to and as we listen to him speak, you know what we are going to do? We are going to let him be right about everything that he says and he will find that so irresistible, that he will start searching higher and higher, he will free himself from his own confusions and reach for the light that he knows that we are looking at in him.
Sophia, beautiful. Well, said!
Everything that he says, we are reacting with; Oh my God! He is getting it, he’s getting it, he knows, I didn’t think that he did. That’s the flow that you have from us right now and we’re both going to be aware of our natural inclination to evaluate and judge what you are saying, instead of celebrating it as divine knowing.
Sophia, can we pause for a second? 
And ,we are just going to react to him with just a continual; wow! To him, with a continual wow, “that was good”.
Sophia’s partner, I am not sure that I have anything to really say.
Sophia, ha, ha, ha. 
Come on, whats your middle name?
Sophia’s partner, Michael.
Clapping… right on!
Sophia’s partner, and I am just probably just one of the angriest souls around, because I have been out of this body so many times. 
I hear ya.
Sophia’s partner, that I know what it is, I know the feeling, I know what I am outside this skin.
Oh yes! Of course you do, why wouldn’t you?
Sophia’s partner, and I am just, so angry that every time I went there, that they just wouldn’t let me stay.
They who? Who did you put in charge of that? 
Sophia’s partner, Me. 
To tell yourself no?
Sophia’s partner, well, yes I guess I did.
No one else can have any power whatsoever over your consciousness, unless you agreed to it.
Sophia, but it was a legitimate experience of unconsciousness and thats what he wanted to have.
Sophia’s partner, yes, I guess I had to have it so many times. The first time that I was out of the body, I was 4 and a half years old and I was pushed under the water and it not only felt good, but when my head was about to hit the bottom, it went into the deepest blue that I could imagine, that I have never seen in this existence.
Sophia’s partner, the light... the love... and then; somebody grabbed my foot and pulled me out of that and then all of a sudden, this pain hit my back and the water came out of my lungs and I knew that I was changed forever, from that very moment and it wasn’t until recently that I released that pain in my back and gave forgiveness to my birth father who was hitting me on my back to clear my lungs and it hurt my back. I was a little boy and he was a man and he was in a panic and he emptied my lungs the only way that he knew how.
Sophia, so that was the pain? 
Sophia’s partner, that was the pain from his hitting my back.
Well, of course you have to forgive him for that. 
Sophia, Ha, ha, ha.
Sophia’s partner, I don’t know. 
He did the right thing, if you have any question, that was a good one, on that. 
Sophia, yeah.
You don’t want to hold onto that, who are you if you hold onto something like that? Not somebody that I would want to be.
Sophia’s partner, absolutely, but I guess that I wanted too. And, thats not somebody I want to be, I didn’t know what the pain was and subconsciously I was resentful to him.
Sophia, for bringing you back? 
Sophia’s partner, he brought me back from the dead.
Well, thats enough to piss off anybody.
Sophia’s partner, I know, I was pissed, “it was good down there”. 
We get our ticket out of here and someone says, “hey, your not taking this back”.
Sophia, and the hand reaches through the crack in the door and rip.
Iv’e done rode that ride already, believe me, I get it, this is living hell, OK.
Sophia’s partner, well not necessarily though, there is; a lot of heaven in my existence.
We’ll you, “got one of the good ones”.
Sophia’s partner, and I fight with it all day long. The peace of this existence can be a heaven and “the heaven” and I know that I don’t have to separate from anything to be in heaven. So I struggle with that definition with this life being a living hell, I just don’t believe that.
We’ll good, cuz you just introduced the possibility of that not being so for me now. Good going.
Sophia, ha ha.
Sophia’s partner, I know.
And, it feels good in my body to say; yes, maybe he is right. Oh well, if he is right and it feels like this, then; God bless you, you are right. 
Sophia’s partner, ha ha. But, there is 2 sides to everything, my forgiveness was necessary, because I could not live properly with everything that I was feeling that I was having, so I got rid of it. I forgave it, and I forgave myself for having that experience. Because I called it in and then I blamed somebody else for causing an experience that I did not want to have. The truth of the matter is; I am responsible for everything and everybody. 
And, so were going to...
Sophia’s partner, your trying to make that right?
No, I am trying to figure out whats going to happen here, I guess that I am going to allow myself to receive your forgiveness, for all those; “whatever’s” of the me, that you don’t approve of. 
Sophia’s partner, you?
Yeah, and all those “some, could have” places, “might have happened”, or not, because that realm still has us, a little bit. Yes, OK, Mmm, thanks, thank you for the help.
Sophia, that was as good one, ha, ha.
Sophia’s partner, I suppose I ought to say in jesting back with you; “your welcome”.
It’s not a jest. Its the truth. 
Sophia’s partner, Your welcome then.
No, Your welcome! You are welcome to show us the way to freedom.
Sophia’s partner, I don’t have a way. 
Sophia, heres some penguins and polar bears for you.
My, Mmm.
Sophia, so go on.
Sophia’s partner, with what?
Sophia, what ever you want. 
To the degree that we are still screwed up, its your fault since you are responsible for everything. But, we are willing to let you fix your mess that you have created. 
Sophia’s partner, I am responsible for everything from My perspective and you are responsible for everything from your perspective. 
The infinite perspective of all possibilities, is your own. 
Sophia, ha, ha, ha.
Lets not see who's bigger, or righter, or wronger, 
Sophia, thats funny!
Lets celebrate our truth as it is. 
Sophia, go get another one (cookie).
Sophia’s partner, I’m just going to have a little one.
With the divine flow thats always moved you and always will, that we are now observing  as the truth of it coming through you. Speak as that. 
Sophia’s partner, the truth is, after about the 5th time, I was so disgusted, I don’t even know when “this soul” came into this body. I came in and I was highly dissatisfied with what I saw here every day and I was highly dissatisfied with my life.
Of course.
Sophia’s partner, I was pissed that I still had to be here. 
Oh man, you know what? Why do we have to still be here?
Sophia’s partner, I don’t know that I am here, I think that this is an illusion.
Yeah, good luck on that one.
Sophia’s partner, Ha, ha, ha.
Good luck on that one, when you are speaking for a wished for truth that manifestly isn’t.  Ahh, you know, “this” is real.
Sophia’s partner, I know its real. I’m just fragmented with amnesia, I’m just trying to figure out how much of that juice for the amnesia I really took.
It doesn’t really matter, because if your truth has infinite possibilities and when you choose to embrace your truth, that, has infinite possibilities, 
Sophia, with some good supporting DNA. 
Things begin to move optimally for you here. It doesn’t matter what it starts with, your the one who said it, “we’re just energy in motion in a particular format”. So, who are you to say that that format isn’t going to be changed miraculously, whenever you choose to embrace that truth yourself? Dynamic change is achieved only by letting go of your current reality and saying; what possible reality could I jump to and move as?
Sophia’s partner, if they would shift the focus within for the creation of good within themselves and what they see out there, so that they can be glorified with their being of the creator.
You have to start there, you can’t direct anyone else until; it is perfectly manifest within yourself. 
Sophia’s partner, I’m teaching myself, its a lesson to me to teach.
Of course it is. 
Sophia’s partner, I am teaching everything that I really want so badly.
The best student is the teacher. 
Sophia’s partner, I am teaching so much.
Sophia, well they say, if there is something that you want to learn; teach it.
Sophia’s partner, I am a licensed director of education and the one that I have been educating has been me.
Sophia’s partner, because I don’t know how else to do it. I listen and listen and I don’t forget.
Who do you listen to?
Sophia’s partner, I listen to Sophia, I listen to Tamara, I listen to what she says, I listen to you, I listen to what everybody says. 
And, who do you listen as?
Sophia’s partner, I listen as a sponge
Sophia, ah, ha, ha, ha.
Sophia’s partner, I listen as a sponge. 
Sophia, Oh, It depends on what personality is present in that moment. 
Sophia’s partner, I have multiple personalities.
Why wouldn’t you?
Sophia, yes why wouldn’t you?
It would just be boring to just have one.
Sophia, no, its due to trauma, you create different personalities to handle the trauma.
No, you create different personalities so that you can have fun with life. 
Sophia, but he didn’t have any fun.
Sophia’s partner, What are you talking about? 
Sophia, I am talking about the abuse. 
Sophia’s partner, Thats forgiven, I got here because of that abuse, I had to get through it.
Sophia, we were talking about the reasons for multiple personalities.
Sophia’s partner, Well, when you’re a child in this body and you are beaten, molested or whatever; you fractionalize out. 
Hey, you don’t have to justify it, I think that its cool. 
Sophia’s partner, I’m not, I‘m just making a description.
It’s OK, it just seemed that you were being a little defensive on your receiving what Sophia was saying. 
Sophia’s partner, I was, thank you.
I’m saying, that that is an aspect of you, so the fuck what? So the fuck what? So what? So what?
Sophia’s partner, Thats what I think, but everyone else is telling me that there is something wrong with that.
And, has any one of them walked on water?
Sophia’s partner, not yet.
Has any one of them, struck down an enemy with their; Fuck you? 
Sophia’s partner, right, right.
Well then, Make up you mind for yourself about what truth and reality is and quit taking in imput from people who obviously don’t know.
Sophia’s partner, People tell me; “read this book and read that book” and then they get offended that I don’t read it.
Sophia, you never read books.
Sophia’s partner, I do read. I read what I choose to read, I don’t read what people tell me to read, I read what interests me. I read legal paperwork. 
Sophia’s partner, Its part of my function right now.
Of course, its your work.
Sophia’s partner, Its my work, right and I get; “a lot of satisfaction out of what I do”.
Well, God bless you for it. Now, what are we going to do here, right now? 
Sophia’s partner, I don’t know, but I also get “a lot of fear anxiety and stress out of it”.
Do you want to maintain that in the present?
Sophia’s partner, no. 
OK, so what are we going to do with it?
Sophia’s partner, I brought you here to tell me.
OK, its here, OK anxiety, OK Stress.
Sophia’s partner, I felt the anxiety when she talked about the abuse, so apparently I still need to clear that. 
Sophia, well he is holding it in his hands right now, just tell him where you want him to put it.
Sophia’s partner, I want to go like this and say its in the past.
No, You know why? You have invested yourself into that identity, your not going to throw that away, without realizing the “untruth” of that beingness that you took on, as far as it being a permanent part of your reality; It was a passing experience, Let go of it man, let go of it. Love, man; love life, God yes, oh, love yourself man, love me, love her. Let’s share that and allow that truth of ourselves to be known within our identity; yeah, “thats us” we’re the ones who love life here. Its us, we love the living here. Of our own lives and everyone else’s. We love that they have the choices to be; that identified presence and point of consciousness, perfectly that, got it, well done, perfect, Perfectly that! Man, that was chosen by a free will consciousness, so don’t second guess it. 
Sophia, your pretty conscious now, that you have created your entire reality.
Sophia’s partner, Oh yeah. 
Sophia, and he knows that.
Sophia’s partner, like that! I chose it way before I got here.
Sophia, a lot of things get stuck on the physical body, cellular memory.
Thats everything that I am dealing with, I just haven’t dedicated myself to saying; what is it that moves cellular memory?
Sophia’s partner, “a bunch of cocaine”. 
Sophia, if it is showing up in your body as a tension; do yoga, get a massage, go in hot water, go into the hot springs, put a lot of salt in your bath and breath. 
Now which one of these am I going to take a bite of? 
Sophia’s partner, any of them
Sophia, all of them, they are all yours. The top one is delicious though. 
Sophia’s partner, you let her opinion get in there and you knew it was the right one.
Sophia, that one is crispy and this one is more moist. 
Sophia’s partner, he knew what the right thing to do was.
I have utter and complete faith in her, that she wishes only the very best experience for me to have in her presence.
Sophia, Thank you. 
She’s a lover of life and loves to see life appreciate itself. 
Sophia, thank you.
Sophia’s partner, she is all that
And, so she cares enough to say; try the best one dave, try the best one! Choose the best! Choose the best for yourself!
Sophia, I went to get that one for you, because he ate the other one. 
Sophia’s partner, I went like “this” and took a piece of a cookie and she had to go get you a new one. 
The very best one, Mmm, thank you.
Sophia, thank you for eating it. So what else? What else do you want to talk about?
Sophia’s partner, I think every time that I open my mouth you cringe anyway.
Nope, nope, we love what you say and the way that you say it and we love it even when you are not saying anything, because we love you, exactly the way that you are and appreciate the fact that you have infinite choices available to you for you to be whoever you want to be here and then this is what you have chosen and so, (clapping) thank’s for choosing, thanks for being here so that we can be here with someone else.
Sophia, yeah! Ha, ha, I knew that that was what was coming out; “to be here with someone else” I was going to say; “to not be alone” Ha ha, so we have something to look at; woo hoo!
Sophia’s partner, I have felt alone here a lot, I can tell you. 
What if, the Egyptian deities, the Greek and the Roman deities and all of the other Gods and demigods got together and said; OK , now what are we going to do? And, the next thing that we are aware of; is “this, now”? Oh, OK, we’re here, OK, history, history, history, orientation, orientation, orientation, OK, this is the result of what has been and the direction it has been moving in, BUT we have an overwhelming amount of new information available to us now, so, how do we transition our normal lives and I guess that you’ve done a pretty good explanation of it on; get rid of the yucky and more of the yummy, right? That was the essence of what you said. So, 
Sophia’s partner, eat the chocolate.
So, how do we make our choice points, our important, life changing choice points that we make in our lives? How do we make those from an enlightened level of consciousness, at least in those times? OK, big life change being contemplated; choose from a level of knowing what the results are going to be, according to each option. Don’t choose from wondering; oh my God, I don’t know what is going to happen. Choose from; what is that? What is its nature? What is its predictability? What can be counted on for that? OK, got it, got it, got it, OK, now add that to the rest of the circumstances that I have in my life and what can i… Oh, OK, thats a yucky one. So, if we actually did that in our lives and made those choices, you could transition to the full embodiment of God consciousness in almost no time. If God consciousness or that experience of self as the one truth, if God consciousness is such a great thing, that which is more true of us than anything else you can name, if thats our truth; then, why don’t we manifest as that physically as a physical representation of that truth? Why are there so few people that do it, when everybody professes to aspire to that for themselves? Every body says; yes, I am a son of God. 
Sophia, not everybody.
Well, “all of the christians”.
Sophia, not the emerged fullness of God.
Good point, it’s a point of separation, of differentiation, so screw that. 
Sophia, as a son or daughter of God, all of the masters say; I and my father are one. 
Yes, nice, nice feeling for a body. 
Sophia, Thats in the lessons for SRF and the Way of Mastery, both of them have it in there. The way of Mastery is really, really, beautiful. You would really love it, it trumps everything that I have ever read, It’s great, it’s so straight to the heart, the whole thing. 
I’m getting it right now, actually.
Sophia, Your inner candle. 
“I’ve got to get the CD? Or do I; find out that its there, go there and; Ahh, thats what it is, ahh, your right! This is great. Good change, good shift, a new presence.
Sophia, It’s like putting a recipe together and you have 3 chefs saying; hey try this, now try this, hot does that taste? Ahh, excellence, or a little too much salt, lets add some water. Eat a Penguin cookie.
Sophia’s partner, so assume that maybe I am there with you guys and I have to play this role that I agreed to play for you guys and It just doesn’t look like it is supposed to look for you.
Of course, how could it not be that? Don’t think we’re idiots too. 
All) ha, ha.
We get it, we all get it, we just don’t realize that the other guy gets it too. We just don’t realize that the other guy gets it too already and we don’t have to teach him. All we have to do is; not be embarrassed about sharing the fact that we all know the truth. Ahh, you know we get it.
Sophia’s partner, I put it in writing now, just like you do. 
Sophia, except for the lie part.
Sophia’s partner, which part do you want to fill in on that one?
Sophia, There are better things to put our attention on than that. More yummy, less yucky, I was hoping that you would do your own work and I will do mine. 
Sophia, He just began 3 to 4 years ago and so he has done a lot of work in a little bit of time. He has been non stop, from detoxes to sessions, to every master healer in the US.
Sophia’s partner, I know every master healer in the US where it comes to bodywork. 
Sophia, he doesn’t know LA of New York, but he knows the best around here and some good ones in San Francisco, Reno..
I could show you something if you wanted. 
Sophia’s partner, sure.
All I ask for you to do, is to open as much as you possibly can to me, so that I may easily bless you with the best possible blessing that it is possible for me to give to you. 
Sophia, just open.
The best blessing that I could ever bless anyone with is; their knowing, their self realization of their own magnificent truth and that is, my eternal blessing to you.
Sophia’s partner, thank you, the truth is, I know what I am supposed to do and I am frustrated because there is a timing about it and I have to wait and wait and I have waited and waited and waited and I am finding a great deal of boredom in the waiting. 
What else can you do to further your interests in life while this “other” is percolating? 
Track this in your body… 
The embodiment of God consciousness is who you came here to be.
Sophia, Champagne?
Sophia’s partner, I’m going to have some Champagne; a little bubbly lightness added to the mix. 
I will have some and some juice as well.
Sophia’s partner, I would like you to taste it first and if you would like me to put something else in it, I will. It may need a little more apple. The total alkalinity of the body, the blessing of the soul and all the cells. I offer this in light and love in all of it’s being.
Oh yes and good; and I allow this to truly be the nectar of the gods. 
Sophia, Much better than the Best Western, don’t you agree my darling? 
Sophia’s partner, The Best Western on Brunswick? I don’t know, thats a pretty nice place. 
You can only talk to the TV so many nights in a row and not start to wonder about your sanity. At least you can talk to some other people so that they can wonder about your sanity. 
Sophia, I didn’t know that you were staying at a hotel when you come into town, you come into town all the time and I had no idea. How is it hanging out with Skye?
Well, he is grown up now. 
Sophia, whats it like when you hang out now as opposed to how it used to be?
Well, there is less; my dad is the greatest thing in the world and more; “my, the world is interesting, guess where I am going?
Sophia, you have so many liquids to choose from.
I know! Isn’t it wonderful?
Sophia’s partner, you have a plethora.
And, I haven’t even tried this one. I can hardly wait and then I am going to try… I don’t know which one, but this is the real Magicians trick; to take a life that was not enjoyed and enjoy the heck out of it. Cheers to that! Yes, I could be a drinker.
Sophia, of course, how could it be any other way?
Sophia’s partner, The possibilities are endless.
That’s right and if you had the willingness to have them all be just an enjoyable experience for you, then you could sample a little bit of everything and go; my…
Sophia, and then you would be a renaissance man.
A New Renaissance Man. Ha ha.
Sophia, Thats the name of his business. New Renaissance. 
I can see why people drink this and I never have to wonder about why people drink this one, thats just; always good and this one, more so when I realize how bad I have been to myself recently. 
Sophia’s partner, I think I am going to attempt to evolve my body, to have my body accept all foods as love and have no harm come to it
Why would it harm you?
Sophia’s partner, Why did you say that you were bad to yourself?
I didn’t say that.
Sophia, Ha, ha.
Sophia’s partner, sure you did.
In some dark period of my past maybe.
Sophia’s partner, yes thats true, it was in the past. Ha ha.
Sophia, when the unseen are seen, we become the bridges that set those people free. Once you see them, they are free and you can see them on your blog, you don’t have to physically see them. You can see them through your blog. It’s amazing how many people are out there that have never been acknowledged. We just think that everybody has been acknowledged by someone, sometime.
You know, I will acknowledge the hell out of anybody when I’m high, 
Sophia, Ha, ha, ha. Exactly, its easy.
So whats more true of me? Am I more my truth when I am high or when I am not? And, the answer to that is obvious; every one over 21 in the country should smoke one joint per week just to be a citizen of the United States. 
Sophia, well when you use a sacrament; it awakens more of your brain and other areas of your brain and obviously different types of sacraments open it to different degrees. 
Yes, I need a few of those “different kinds” cause it has been a while...
Sophia, when your brain is operating at a fuller capacity, you are more of your true nature. You can say that. It’s a doorway that you open momentarily so that you can see more of your reference points and you know that its going to close and then you go; “I am going to hold fast and tight to the memory of my truth” and you just continue to notice in your life when it’s not coming through.
Yes, and that’s a good word; you just have to “notice” the divine. 
Sophia, Or that which is not divine. Everything is a gift really.
If you actually notice the divine, then you can actually see it in everything, so God bless us to that.
Sophia, it really helps to go there every so often as it helps to diffuse fear in certain areas, such as the IRS. When you go back to that place periodically, in session, you just drop and create a recording in that point in time, an akashic record of you being into total acceptance of everything as it is, including the things that you would normally judge more than life itself. Like child molesters and things like that. When you step back, you can just really love the bigger picture, completely and totally without any attachments of the pieces and components of it. You are actually creating a moment in time, where your in that pure space of love. 
And, its an automatic invitation for others to join you there. 
Sophia and your intentionally putting yourself there; your putting the pot in the thing and smoking it and you know exactly what you are going to get by doing that. So there is an intention and there is a tool that is needed and you want to get to the point where you don’t need the tool. 
Yes, but as long as it it is a useful tool; it is a useful tool.
Sophia, yes, it’s a sacrament. So, you know, its funny, I just had a session in Reno with a “master John” and he is like a shiatsu master and he looks like a typical Taoist master’ 72 years old Chinese man. Really funny, sense of humor and he is working on me and and he says; do you smoke pot? And, I say; sometimes. He says; “I think you need to smoke more” and I said wow, this is cool. When you have a master tell you, you need to smoke more pot you’re like; yeah, thats what I want to hear.
Sophia, what you do is difficult to do in a blog, cause it is more of a conversational thing. It is better to be viewed, so that somebody can witness it. 
I actually, bought a professional video camera to do that, I just never have done it and frankly that is the only thing that would really be relevant. If we set up as a conversation on camera, there are some places that we explore that would be extraordinary to watch’
Sophia, I agree, because I knew that I would be in a conversation and I’ve done a lot of test shots with people and it was just not going and its just like you said; there just are not that many people where you can go there and hold it there. People lose track, or you need to bring them back up and you need to keep it really consistent, eye to eye and then to take it up and up and up and if there is anyone out there that is actually tapping in, they are like; thank you! My god, thank you. And, I don’t know anybody that has done it yet, except… I have channeled that there are a number of people doing it, they just have to pop in first and then they will all show up. You don’t have to force it.
Sophia, I had the location and wanted to move forward with it, but it was putting the cart way before the horse and I was like; come on cart, move! And david was still bouncing off walls back then. Ha, ha, ha. He was so cute; he would come over, it was so great, he was like the dinosaur in the dinosaur egg, that was like these eggs are so thick and he was still trying to figure out if he was in a fucking egg. And, its like; he’s trying to break through and he would get a little hole there and he would go; but why? but how? Rah! Ha, ha and we just held a nice big bzzz for you, so you can like; break through it. But, we could not come after you with a hammer and help you, you had to come from the inside out. But, he was so determined and I loved that, because for me, there is nothing more important than that. 
Sophia, For me too, when I went through it, it was the central focus of my life. You just move everything out of the way from it and just stay in it as much as you can and it can be a really rocky road and not always graceful. But, when other people go through it and you know that they are so determined, your just going to cheer them on; Go, go go! 
Sophia, He was so funny when he would do mushrooms and there was times when he really, really wanted to do a session and I am like “I can’t, I am really tired, but I will sit with you and I hardly ever do that, because I want to be in the same experience and but I would sit there and he would be wandering all over the place. Ha, ha, his physical body, wandering all over. david, where did you go? And, he would be outside and he would go almost like Tourettes sometimes. And, I just knew where you were, I was tracking you, but it was not for me to communicate. I would hear you over there going “but why does it! Ooh! Err! Ugh!” It was like he was looking into a mirror and was saying; but why are you? Argh! Getting through so much stuff from Mormonism to, you name it, old stuff and those are so programed and like; there’s just this web and you’ve got to get through the web. 
Sophia, We got you on the outside and we’re bring you up, but we just noticed that you are covered in seaweed. And, your going to have to start picking it off yourself. Ha, ha, and theres a lot and its making you so heavy that we can’t pull you up. So pick it off now, you can’t even see, you think you are in a jungle of seaweed. But, you are actually just covered in seaweed and tangled. Everything else is, pretty clear around you. So you started picking it off and its like an onion, layer after layer and, pretty soon you just got more graceful with it, more graceful with it and more graceful with it. And, you also sometimes know when another part of you needs just a mirror of something that might appear that your being mean or something, but you were actually showing them a mirror so that they can get it. Sometimes people need some nudging or repeating; master teachers constantly repeat themselves, all the time. Same old, same old all the time. 
Ha ha.
Sophia’s partner, So, when you were on the internet on that woman's site that wanted you to talk, did you refer them to your blog?
Sophia’s partner, You’ve got to advertise, that would have been a good step there.
I’ve decided that I don’t want anybody reading my blog.
Sophia’s partner, really? Well if that is your decision then no one will. 
Sophia, of course.
That was obviously my previous decision as well.
Ha ha
I mean come on, should I really say that I’ve got something so important and worth saying that somebody should read it?
Sophia’s partner, absolutely!
I wouldn’t be so presumptuous. 
Sophia, thats why I haven’t written a million books by now. Seriously, but at the same time I appreciate a well written book, even if it is something that I already know, I just love it. Sometimes it helps to remind us. As a matter of fact, at any one time I am reading 4 different things and where ever I am; whether I am in the bathtub or elsewhere, I cant stand to miss that reading time. And, then studying Spanish, which is what you need to do. 
I looked on the internet and I have a cd that I carry around with me, the yellow one that is expensive. 
Sophia, Those tapes never really taught me much, I really have to be in a class room. My brain picks accents perfectly, but dialects, the actual language, I have to do something different and so now I am getting it and its pounding words. And, your living there so you should be..
I know, its embarrassing.
Sophia’s partner, You don’t speak the language?
Sophia, thats what I just said, he needs to learn Spanish. 
Sophia’s partner, you have to have better communication skills with your children. In both languages. Are you serious? Do you speak a little?
La quenta por favor.

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