
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Shaman

You need to relax, you need to see what it is for a consciousness to connect to the divine realms and open up and say; how can we be of service here? How can that which is human in structure and part of the collective human consciousness in its self awareness willingly open up to and connect with that which is eternally conscious and self aware, that which nothing is hidden from, what happens to a human consciousness that opens up to knowing the eternal?
Well, the first thing that happens is the body has to shift, to get into harmony with that reality and everything that you have held in the body as emotional pain, anger or anything that you have decided is wrong, bad or not right for you, all of that that that you are holding in your body; you reconnect with and realize your truth instead of holding onto some upset that was based upon a false assumption. Let that which is true about you eternally be your awareness instead of a false assumption; a contextualized, relative, truth.
All of this time that I have been exploring in this way, what has it done for me? Has it been a waste of my time? Has it been something that has made me a better person? A more useful benefit to humanity? I have come a long way in that direction, I am not saying that I don’t have a lot further to go, but, I am closer to realizing what eternal truth is in the body, even with the personality and body issues I have. 
The purpose of a Shaman is to know and realize the truth within himself so that he can be a benefit to his tribe, his family and himself. One who knows all things and then chooses to stay here as a blessing and help to others, is pretty good description of what a true Shaman is to those around him. There are no restrictions or barriers of entry to anyone from being that, its a choice and the choice of truth always trumps a mistake made while operating under a pretense or an identity that is not true for you. 
So, you are allowed to realize your truth despite all of the mistakes you’ve made when you have not been it. Theres no condemnation in the spirit world that prevents you from knowing and realizing fully the truth of yourself here. It doesn’t matter who you are, who your friends are, who your parents are, what religion you are, it doesn’t matter what you believe to be true, what you hope to be true, what you wish to be true, it only matters that you fully realize that in fact you wish to know the eternal truth of yourself now. 
How far do you want to go in knowing your truth? What context do you want to limit it to? Well, it would seem that you at least should choose to know the truth that you can feel; the truth that most easily identifies it as your own. You should know that truth without restrictions or restraints and nobody in your life is going to have a “fit” if you make better choices for yourself that result in a better reality for them as well and really thats what we are talking about here; the evolution of consciousness into its final home as the consciousness of eternity embodied in physicality, the embodiment of the divine. Allow the divine to mold you into that.

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