
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Thank God for you

So what is it like to live as you would be if you became fully conscious here as a member of the elete in knowing the truth that frees you here? Are you willing to give into that? Feel it, give into the consciousness that frees you from your limitations. Why wouldn’t you defer to that? If you want your limitations removed and you can’t do it; surrender to that which can and will without obligation. Surrender to that which delivers to you your freedom when asked to. 
You don’t need to put a name on it just because a bunch of your friends say that it is uniquely “that someone” according to “our understanding of who he is” and “our understanding is what he is, you know.” “is what he is, who he is and everyone else who has a perception of that, is wrong if it differs form our group agreement.” and; “ours” really isn’t ours, it is a story that somebody told who is dead now, that we can’t ask him if he were really telling the truth. So quit wondering about the truth of all of those types of things and give into that which knows it already and watch what happens to you when you do. Hmm, it just got better for you, surprise, surprise, you surrender to the ultimate truth and what does the ultimate truth do? It blesses you with a better you, go figure. 
So is it really a weak thing to do? No, its the bravest thing that can be done to surrender to the unknown infinite source. From a state of fallen consciousness it is a brave thing to do, thats why no one does it. 
It’s terrifying to say; I sacrifice myself (not my only begotten son) I sacrifice myself upon the alter of knowing truth. Living as the knower of truth, it takes a shift to embody that doesn’t it?
Steve, Umm.
But, it is a nice shift, It is one that we should consider wether we really wish to be free. 
Steve, we truly what.
Wish to be free. Do you actually, wish to be free?
Steve, do I?
Yes, or would you rather muddle around in your comfortable, mildly conscious state of self satisfied success in this life as a human here? “yes I did OK, every area of my life I am OK; I take care of myself, I take care of my family, I take care of my friends, I can be counted on to see that things do well around me”. That is a, pretty good state to be in and one to be congratulated on, but it is not necessarily one that encompasses the entire truth of who you are and when you have succeeded to the level that you have in the areas of life necessary to have the freedom to contemplate higher possibilities, it gives you the freedom to jump on a plane to go see your friend David. Use that freedom that you know that you have for yourself to willingly say; “yes and even more I choose for myself, more than what I am. I choose to know more, to be more, to not limit myself in any way that diminishes my ability to embody my eternal consciousness. 
Allow eternal consciousness to be that which you are aware as and know yourself to be.  Feel what is in your body to know that you know, those who are divine and experience that same reality for yourself occasionally. Yes, that’s you; the divine wanderer who mostly wanders around unconsciously as a human, but occasionally; Oh yea, OK, back home, got it, let me balance out here for a while, take a breath and then dive back in as a more effective version of myself than I was a moment ago, because I know and embody that much more of my divine truth than I did then.
The divine flow is the wondrous truth of ourselves here. Feel that move through your body, freely... 
Notice that it doesn’t take any conscious thought to be divinely aware here, you don’t have to “think” about anything. 
I was thinking about your comments earlier that if there existed a plant that every time you partook of it, it was able to share with you an experiential reminder of your divinity, that partaking of that plant would be a bad thing for you to do. What were those reasons? 
Steve, I don’t think I want to.
You ruined my little joke, wether it is pot, auayascka, peyote or mushrooms, wouldn’t you rather be more of a shaman that a Bishop? One who knows, instead on one who has a heirachy who supports his pretense of knowing? 
Steve, was there a pretense? I’m sorry.
I’m just making a play of words on the general meaning of Bishop. Would you rather be one who knows, or one who commands respect?
Steve, I would rather be one who knows and it’s really cool that I could have the experience that I just had with you, there must be some kind of transference, because I wasn’t high, and yet I was, That was cool.
There’s is a transference, there is an invitation to be in harmony with a higher consciousness that is irrestable. 
Steve, total peace, total peace.
How does one maintain divine consciousness and enjoy the joys of being human? Which would include the joy of divine sex that you were referring earlier; giving into the experience of physicality in a divine way, sensing in every way, sensual experience. What you have is a sensing body, able to sense reality in many different manners, in all ways; sense-you-all, divinely sensual, sense it all divinely. Sense it all divinely with every perception that you have, perceive your surroundings divinely with that sense. It’s OK to be sensual, its what God is, god bless him. 
Steve, God bless himself?
The one and only true, none of the fakers are, thats for sure, only the real Gods are real and only the fake Gods are talked about, Ha ha. Because how real would they have had to have been to actually have passed on the experience of divinity to those who followed them? Not that real, not that real. I know, I know what you are thinking, but I am just saying what is real. What is real here? Where is our evidence here of a singular divine entity who wishes us to be as he is and yet; no one is able to do it and no one should do it because there is only supposed to be one and we know he really did not mean it when he said that he wanted us to be as he is right? Come on, right? No body is really going to do that, are they? Of course not, of course not, no body is ever going to do what God wants here.
Isn’t that a shocker, no one is ever going to do what God wants here. No one is ever going to do it, no one has ever done it. A few have done pretty good, but has anyone ever fully done what God wished for them here? Maybe, but who knows? God knows, but do you? God knows, do you know God? And if you do not, then why demand that your idea of him be the truth when you don’t know if it is or not? All you have to do is open and say; God bless me that I may know you too, as you know me, allow me to know you as well. Bless me with what that, that I seem to lack to be able to fully comphrend and know that which you are, as you do I. How about some prayers like that in church, ones where you listen for the response from a supreme being, if there is in fact, such a one as that.    
It’s not sacreligious to speculate about what the truth might be when it is not apparent to you. It is only stupid when you don’t, because when one speculates about the truth, one considers all possibilities and when one is interested in knowing and is considering all possibilities, guess what happens? One of them rings as the truth and you see it, recognize it and embrace it. Every other way of doing it is difficult. Put up your hand and say; I am in, me too, me too God. Me too God, there will be many other “me too God” people when they realize that that is their choice that is available to them, they will say me too also. Not until they know it is an available choice though, but when you don’t pay attention to what all possibilities are, you will be believing someone who tells you that you do not have those possibilities. 
Look for the truth where it is instead of where it is said to be. How could you do anything else? To do otherwise would be stupidity, to give faith undeserved and unrewarded into that which does not enlighten, which does not bless you, that which does not embrace you with truly unconditional love. Why devote yourself to less than that? True unconditional love, commit to that, embrace that, have that be your standard, not that which is artificial, not something that is codified, sterialized, word-ized into something that is not recognized as the truth. You don’t need bedtime stories, you know who they are for; for children and unless you are willing to be the child that believes in Miracles, be the child-like father of bliss. Be that which refreshes other people; “oh thank god, what a relief, what a vacation from myself, thank you Steve, what a relief.” Thats a lot better life than being a tough guy, a serious business man, be a relief to those that are in suffering; thank god, thank god, thank god for you, How about that? Allow for the experience of yourself to others to be for them a; “thank God for you.”  Surrender to the reality of “thank God for you” not from your own point of view, but from others. What does it take to be a “thank god for you” in the minds of others? How about in the minds of a majority of the others who meet you? Embrace what ever that is.
Whatever it is that creates a blessing, willingly received by others in their lives such that they go; wow, yes, wonderful, ahh thank you, God bless you, God bless You. 
What does it take for you to be the blessing of God here to humanity? Now there are some dangerous words, dangerously wonderful words. One thing that it takes for sure is your willing receipt of the forgiveness that is available to you for your past. Start there; yes, hit me with it, hit me with all of the forgiveness that is available to me for my past, let me feel what that is to be fully forgiven for every transgression I have ever done. Bless me that I may receive that. 
Who ever is capable of doing that, that is who’s blessing I wish for. Who ever, what ever, it is that blesses me to my freedom for anything that I am willing to lock myself up for as a result of having done. Something that says no, sorry, wrong, bad idea, we don’t want you to be less that your truth for me, in order to pay for some slight to humanity. Whatever was, was and whatever will be will be, but for me and you; let us know our truth. Let our bodies be the embodiment of our truth. Feel how that changes your life; willingly allowing your body to be the embodiment of your truth, instead of something that is not your truth. Your eternal truth, fully manifest in form through your body, your willing blessing for and allowance in receiving that truth.
So, relax into the surrender to your own divinity in such as way that it frees you from the limitations of your reality and the self that you have been here. Yes, thats a nice choice, one that releases you from any traumas that you have been holding onto. 
It seems like it takes a lot to embrace your divine self, you can experience your divine self, but when you compare that to the life that you are going to be in tomorrow, oh my, my life that I am going to return to in Mexico, oh my, wow, how divine am I going to allow myself to be there? How free? How loving? How present in my truth? I haven’t been very much so far, I haven’t inspired my own family to choose their freedom, interestingly. So how does one embrace their freedom at home here? 
In order to have the home life that you want, you’ve got to be thankful for the one that you’ve got, ha ha and actually want it. Want what you have and have what you want, it’s the divine way. 

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