
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Allow your realization of your perfection to occur within the confusion of who you are

A visit with my friend David
We’re both traumatized, so that is an observation. We are both continuing to sit in a past    trauma as an experience of our presence and we may even have significant present time traumas as well; places where this reality is not supporting us. Doesn’t it feel good when this reality would just as soon you be dead? It would make everything easier for everyone else wouldn’t it? Ahh, How do you confront that?
There is only one good way to confront that and that is to bring into that current truth, the realization of eternity: the knowledge of the source of all things. It quickly makes the trauma irrelevant to your reality, completely irrelevant; not even a factor.
You have to feel your traumas and have them realize divine perfection. All knowledge and all truth within a trauma, quickly shifts you out of that being a relevant reality to your experience of self. Your experience of self should be constant; I am the perfection of myself, always. I am always the perfection of myself. I am always the perfect expression of me, because in that moment;”that” is what I am perfectly. I am that expression. So allow your realization of your perfection to occur within the confusion of who you are; “hell if I know who I am.” We’ll lets just realize your perfection here then. Here where we are unable; lets know the perfection of the divine from where we are unable, disabled, why not? It’s better than what we have been doing isn’t it?
Where can we open and allow more consciousness to move through us? Where are we open to expressing ourselves as more than what we have been before? Open where you are willing to be divine, open and allow the “me” and the “mine” of the divine to be your realization. 
Open up to knowing love, knowing love always, knowingly receiving, moving, expressing and exchanging unconditional love with this reality. Open into that. Open up to the reality where the divine embraces this reality through you. Allow the divine to embrace this reality through you. Why not man? It should help with all of those trouble spots that you suffer through. 
Wherever you are in pain; allow the divine to embrace you there. Allow the divine to embrace your pain. Allow the divine to bring joy; enjoy-meant to your sufferings. OK, why not? Of course, of course, of course, thats the answer; allow the divine to deliver blessings to you in your sufferings. Try it. 
I need to feel the divine move through you to reach me, I need to feel a man allow the divine to move through him. Thats what I need from you. I need to know that through your choice to be that and how that shifts this reality. It’s everything man. Just allow and say OK, what do I have to do? Nothing, just say OK and then don’t do anything, just allow the divine to move through you. Don’t do anything just say; OK, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead divinity, go ahead divine way, divine truth, divine peace. Go ahead, move through me, I aint stopping you. Go ahead, flow that reality through this body, I’m open to it, I’m open to it. I’m open to knowing what it is to embody the divine. Why wouldn’t you be? Why wouldn’t you be if it is an available choice for you? “OH you shouldn’t try “that”, that would be Bad, that would be bad, No, it would be great to manifest as the embodiment of divine truth, feel how that shifts the energetics of your body as you realize that that is in fact what you choose for yourself; the divine realized in form. 
And what happens to you when you allow the divine to move through you? My, what is that? Relief? Redemption? The reclamation of your embodied truth? 
Regardless of what it is that this reality is communicating about with itself; just let it do it. “Good for you, reality, we like you just the way that you are” and we like ourselves just the way that we are; we love ourselves the way that we are, we just love being us. 
Find your salvation in that; I love to be me. 
I’m not here to be entertained; I’m here to realize my freedom. 
Dave, I hear you.
Good, good. Love that which limits you; I just love this, it’s perfect, “it’s just perfect. 
“This is perfect” is what allows you to move through a degraded reality, if that makes any sense. “This is perfect” means that you don’t get involved in trying to change something that is being something that is battling something else. Don’t interact with that consciousness; just allow it to be and then you are free. You are free when you allow this reality to be, in fact, love it, it is the way that it is. I love that I am the way that I am. How can I do that? I love being the way that I am and the more that I love it, the more I expand my ability to continue to love and love more. 
There is not a good reason for you to not love yourself, love your self, really, do. Love being you, how could you not? What a magnificent experience you are able to have here as this, love it, love every sensation of it and your love frees all trapped consciousness in those denser realities. Yes, it is OK to choose to love. Hmm, is that now going to change me? My choice now to be love? Yes, it changes your realization of truth. When your truth realizes that it actually controls reality. The truth of you is what actually controls reality which is why the decisions that you make here don’t change anything because it is only the truth of you that changes reality. 
It is only the truth of you that changes your reality in the manner that you want it to. You understand that Dave? Experience your truth in your body right now and enjoy it. Experience your truth, enjoy your truth. The more you enjoy your truth the more your truth expands to encompass “the whole” and when you encompass the whole of all; then you are no longer searching, you have it. 
We have chosen to love ourselves, feel what that feels like to a body. What does it feel like for your body to know that it is truly loved and appreciated by you?
How do you realize and embody the truth of yourself here, the truth that perfects this reality for you, for your enjoyment?
Allow the divine to love you, allow the body to know that it is loved by the divine, allow the body to move with the divine flow. 
Realize yourself here, right now.
Dave, why?
Because it’s OK, thats why. It’s OK for you to do that; it is welcomed here. Your natural truth is welcome here. 
Wherever it is that you are in this reality, allow yourself to realize and then embody love there. 
A continuous letting go, consciously and your awareness focused on observing reality from the point of view of the divine. 
Look at reality as the divine. 
Allowing divinity to move through your body will bring you the freedom that you have been asking for. Allowing the divine to move through you makes it easy for you to realize your own loving, divine truth. Feel your reality and allow the divine to move through it like a breath of fresh air. 
In your stillness is your wholeness realized, be still and observe all within you and allow it to realize it’s truth.

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