
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Moving beyond the Guru

You have given control of yourself and the development of your consciousness over to so many people throughout eternity, that it is just amazing your willingness to give away responsibility for maintaining your knowledge of your self to others. The others you inhabit realities with certainly don’t know you beyond the pretense of the identity that you share with them and if you wish to share realities with people who are “being limited things” then don’t take any input from them as to who you are. Don’t go into agreement with that.
Be aware of who they consider you to be so that you can act appropriately for them and not disturb them or their reality unduly, but don’t take their opinion of you as an instruction to go unconscious to your truth and when you are unconscious to your truth, don’t look to anyone who is into “fixing things” to fix it for you. They can’t and they won’t; all they can do is offer you an incremental improvement of one pretense for a slightly better pretense and that is if they are good at what they do. 
You have to let it all go, 
before you know, 
the way to go, 

You can’t hold onto a pretense of truth (that is nothing but a lie, when viewed from the eternities) when you wish to realize self. None of what you feel is relevant in defining you. None of what you see, none of what you think, none of what you have decided, all that those things can do is define limitations that they perceive and they may or not be whatever is being perceived by that other point of view and what ever they are observing accurately is only that which they can perceive, or are willing to perceive, so don’t give it any more weight in computing your identity of what you are than the degree that they are aware of the eternal presence that you are that is presenting yourself as something less that to their point of view. Don’t change your own awareness of your eternal nature, identity and presence just because somebody here can’t perceive you as that themselves.
What do you do when you dive into a reality and begin to wake up and begin to know that there is way more to know than can be shown human to human in this reality? The puzzle that you are trying to unravel can only be seen when fully viewed. You can’t see the totality in one piece and while this may be a holographic universe, there is not the knowing of all that is from knowing only one part of it temporally. 
Sit and observe your reality while you are in allowance of God moving you into a remembrance of your own eternal knowing of self through your body.
Television is a nightmare for your body when you are coming to terms with why you are here, consider leaving it behind you.
All contracts that you have ever had throughout all time, space, dimensions and realities for others to assist you with your consciousness, your realization, your development and your growth; they all condemn you to a damnation of not knowing. If you go into agreement with those points of view then you will be one who knows not, enough to not follow the unknowing in your quest for truth. Fire everyone who is paying attention to your development of consciousness and trying to remind you who it is that you are. They don’t know themselves, their being “someone trying to assist” and yet failing to do so for one who can’t remember who he is. 
If you can’t remember who you are with somebody that you are with, then never look to them again as a way for you to reawaken, (if in fact you know that that is something that you know is possible and you prefer that for yourself to what it is that you are doing now) Don’t seek to know the infinite from the finite. The infinite is not known by the finite, but the finite is known by the infinite. When the finite consciousness chooses to be known by the infinite, then that singular point of view knows what the infinite is and walks in that knowing through the valley of the damned, who are unaware and unknowing of their truth; stopped.
Do you choose to know the infinite? Why not? Why not know the infinite? Or to say it a more precise way; why not say yes to knowing the infinite, yes to being infinitely informed. Be infinitely real here; be the realized infinite realized in form. Allow your body to resonate with that. Feel your body and allow it’s frequency to harmonize with and realize the infinite in form, in your form. When you look at the question long enough, the realization will come to you and it will be; yes I can do that, I can realize the infinite in form, I can because I am now and I choose that as this that I am. I am the infinite in form. Allow that realization to change your knowing of self, allow that realization to free you where you are blocked, to free you where you are damned by your unknowingness of self, unawareness of self, un-realization as the eternal self.
Allow the part of you that does not realize your eternal self to be the part that does realize your eternal self.So, for you who is not fully realized; be willing to have that experience yourself; give into and surrender to the realization of your own ultimate truth. Let go of your pretense of your personality and Identity here, let that go and allow that to be molded and cleansed from it’s confusions by the light of knowing. Allow yourself to know everything that you are uncertain of. 
It’s a presumptuous goal to have maybe, but who would you not want to have what we have just described for you?
Rest in peace knowing that God is revealing himself to you.

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