
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Welcome the miracle of your own divinity here.

One of the most dramatic displays that I have ever seen, was one that you don’t remember that I have mentioned a couple of times to you and that was when you walked in one day, it Misha’s condo and he and I were in the middle of a peak experience. The space that we were in was so extraordinary, and when you walked into the door as you normally do; careful not to be intruding too much, very demure and as you crossed the doorway, you went from that to, Fully Present as a divine being and proceed to take the floor and spoke like an oracle or angel. So I know who you are when you are present here, it’s magnificent. And, it is a state that I would suggest that you would find wonderfully freeing for you to experience yourself as that, for the rest of your life.
It’s not your circumstances and reality that you need to get away from, it’s who you have created yourself to be and now believe that you are that creation. We need to find a way to peek behind the curtain and find out who the creator is of you. 
As far as I am concerned for our interactions and ever has been; that is for me to be available as a reference point, a touchstone or a reminder to you of your truth and you the same to me. You have probable read all of my writings and you’ve certainly seem to have enjoyed it, so my question to you is; are you willing to experiment with the practical application of the information that you have been reading?
Lauren, oh yes.
Relax into the freedom of saying; OK, I made that choice, I am willing to know, I am willing to know my truth, so I am going to relax into receiving that so that I can embody that. You don’t have to decide what it is from the point of view of not knowing. From the point of view of not knowing, just say Hmm, it’s better for me if I just surrender to my truth, even though I don’t know what it is. To be true is certainly a preferred state of being for anyone. So for everyone then; choose to be true. It’s a preferred state of being, choose to be true. 
Oh Yea, you have a bunch of relationships where you are not being true. Are there any of them where you are being true? No, So, is it difficult to choose to become true when you are in the midst of a living lie as to the truth of who you really are here? If the truth of you eternally is completely unknown from the pretense of the personality that you are operating here as, then what ever you have been operating here as, as you choose to surrender to your truth; how do you receive that since you don’t know what that is? How do you open up to and receive the totality of you when you don’t know who you are or what you are? 
How does one regain ones freedom here once it has been lost? Yes, that’s a good question. How does one regain his freedom here once it has been lost? OK, well, lets just start with you and with me; I admit that I am lost here, I admit it. Boy do I know that that is true. I am lost, are you lost also? 
Lauren, Yes.
OK, we have a something stable that we can hold onto now, so that we can focus our consciousness onto what is. We’re this and yet so much more than this and we know now that we have a greater reality than this and that it is an available choice for us. So what we are afraid to do right now in this moment is; we are afraid to go through the process of transformation in the moment that it is required for us to experience our truth. So thats what separates us from our truth is our unwillingness to transcend what we are here by allowing that to be transmuted in the eternal fire of ultimate truth. Put yourself in that fire and let what ever it is that will be, transpire there.
Put yourself in the transforming fire of eternal truth and say; 
whatever comes may come,
Whatever goes may go,
And whatever I see, I will see,
And whatever I’ll be, I will be. 
But this much I know; The me that I have been is no longer be the me that I know myself as. The me that I have been is no longer the me that I know myself as. The me that I have been is no longer the me that I know myself as. I’ve embraced more than that now, it is inclusive of that, but extraordinarily more than that and it was a nice thing to happen for the me that I was when I thought that I could be no more.
So the me that I feel right now in this moment; all of the tightness and agony that is filling this body with pain and regrets; how does one really let that go? How do you let go of something that you cannot confront? That you are unwilling to look at? That you are unwilling to be aware of? How do you let go of something that is restricting you that you are unwilling to deal with? 
I guess that you can’t. You can’t let go of something that you are willing to confront the fact that you are holding on to it so that you can then relax about it and let it go. If you can’t confront the fact that you are holding onto something then you certainly can’t confront the fact that you need to relax from where you are holding on, so that it can move on.
Relax about where you are holding onto your reality, allow the awareness that you have of your reality to shift and to continue to shift, until it shifts into a self realization of eternal truth for you as your perception of the focal point of your consciousness that you are embodied as here. That which you are embodied as here is your choice to control, it doesn’t have to be burdened with pains and troubles and traumas. It doesn’t have to be burdened. Your body does not have to be burdened with the unbearable. It doesn’t have to be limited by the unconsciousness of self and others. Your consciousness doesn’t have to be limited at all; it just has to be embraced. Embrace your own choice to be here consciously, choose to be here consciously now, right now.
Allow me to be blessed by the level of consciousness that you choose to express here. Have that consciousness be so aware that I cannot maintain my belief in a limited self here, my identified self as that which does not enjoy this reality very much. It doesn’t have to be me and it doesn’t have to be you. Where are we holding onto things that maintain that for us? Where is that tipping point where when we choose to move into self realized perfection, that we throw caution to the winds and allow the winds of change to blow you to perfection. To blow through us unimpeded and have that shift the manifestation of us miraculously. Allow the manifestation of yourself to be shifted miraculously and continue to allow it. Continue to allow a miraculous manifestation being that which you perceive yourself to be. 
Perceive yourself as a miraculous manifestation here. Do you think that Jesus didn’t perceive himself as that? He knew that he was miraculous, come on. Buddha? He knew, he knew, he knew he was extraordinary in his willingness to be present as truth here. He wasn’t egotistical about that, he just knew. He knew that he had made an extraordinary choice to be here as truth. That choice is yours to make now, also. Just like Jesus, just like Buddha, just like every other avatar, holy man, free being that has come here and lived here freely. Choose that. Choose to be the consciousness that is able to be here freely. Choose to be the freedom of consciousness here. The freedom of consciousness to move as it chooses and enjoy itself while it is here. Allow yourself to shift into that as the truth of your reality. Let go of your holding on to the knowing that your reality is not that. Let go to your knowing that your reality is not true, not divine, not you. Let go of the reality that you know is not you and that is everything that you know. Let it go, let it go, let it go and let it be enlightened, christ more, christ mass, Christ mucho more, Mas consciousness, more and more christ consciousness as You.
More and more Christ consciousness as you. Open up to the transformation of the body; the trans figuration, where the “figure of you” is moved by the eternal, into a state of knowing truth of self and allow that fire of truth to burn from you all that is in disharmony. Because it is not true. Let go of that which is not true, is how you find truth. Quit choosing what you know to be a lie. You can’t know your truth when you choose to be a lie. So what can we choose that will grant ourselves greater freedom here right now? Something that really releases us into a state of grace. What can we choose right now that will do that? Is it possible? Is that an available choice? I keep saying that it is, but is it really? Is it? Where is our available choice right now? Right now? Where is our available transformation in this moment? Where does that exist? Where can we find that? Where can we see that? Where can we know how to make that shift? Where do we know how to shift from humanity into divinity? Where do we know where the shift point is? The tipping point? Where is the catalyst for that? Where is the choice in the present moment for that to become realized? So, feel your reality, feel your body. Where is the choice point for this to be realized? Just allow it to go there and choose to be free. Where is the choice point for this reality?
OH, yucky place, OK. Where is the choice point for that and allow it to go there. Allow it to go there to the choice point and then choose divinity. Feel; oh my God that pain that I have been holding onto and allow it all to go to it’s own choice point. Everything that caused that to manifest within you, everything that caused the manifestation of you. Let go of it and allow it to go to it’s own choice point and choose divinity. Choose divinity, choose the divine way, the holy way, the whole way, the whole knowing, the whole being, the whole truth. The way its expressed here when the freedom to be unbound, results in boundless joy and unlimited quantities of unconditional love moving through you as you. Moving truth into this reality, through you. Allow unconditional love, to move truth into reality through you right now. Feel it, open up to it, allow unconditional love to move yo u, to move through you freely in this moment. 
Now, I will try it too and it is a tough one to allow unconditional love to move through you freely. Aaah, that doesn’t sound like a good thing for me. I always get taken advantage of when I am too friendly. Allow unconditional love to flow through you like an atomic bomb, BOOM, everything but that which was unconditional love was transmuted instantly, boom, boom, boom. 
So to what degree are you going to allow your spark of life, your spark of enlightenment,  your knowingness of the truth of yourself; to what degree are you going to allow this to shift and shape reality here? Are more people going to know their truth and make the choice to live it as a result of you? Choose that for yourself; to be one who inspires all others to make that choice to choose to be their truth here, with you. 
I don’t know how I am saved, but I am certainly open to it. I certainly will let go of that which exists in pain and sorrow. No matter how much I know myself as that. I let go of that so that so the truth can move through me instead. I let go of all creation so that truth can be made manifest in me. Because there is not truth in creation, only in creativity; the creative force of manifest truth is the only truly interesting thing to be here, so allow that to be realized in your body, in your cellular structure, through your nervous system, through your lymph system, through your blood, through your skin and bones, muscles, fat and brain, through everything here and everywhere, all that is; realize your truth. Know your own state of the embodiment of your consciousness, as subject only to your personal choices. 
So ask yourself how your personal choices can result in miraculous changes in yourself and others? Focus on yourself to begin with; allow yourself to be moved by that which is true eternally in such a way that it is a miraculous experience for yourself. Allow yourself to receive a miracle, why not? Why not? You don’t have to deserve it. Miracles do not have to be deserved by those who receive them they only have to be allowed. Welcome the miracle of your own divinity here. 

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