
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Is this really what we came here to do?

As this that I am, I am leaving it up to God.
As you are walking in your confusion, you can ask yourself; is this really what I came here to do? And you keep asking that question and allow reality to shift arround it and realize within it it’s freedom. “Is this what I really came here to do.” you keep using to modify your reality, until what you came here to do is inspiring you to “rise to the occasion” that you are occasionally able to do and that is to manifest the impossibly perfect, divine you.
Is this really what we came here to do? Are the words that will save you if you allow them to move you and show you the way to your perfect life. Allow yourself to know you divinely regardless of your circumstances; your circumstances do not matter. Simply allow yourself to experience divinity. 
It doesn’t matter how it relates to anyone else whatsoever, it matters only that you allow yourself to know that truth; the truth of that which is divine. Where in our lives are you that which you came here to be, and enjoy yourself there. Choose to be there in your actions, associations and you locations, choose to be divine.
When you ask if this is what you came here to be and you wait until that answer is yes, observing the movement towards truth from all positions where your stuck, which means; that you are in a reality that is less than the truth of yourself. When you are stuck, you are not being true, when your stuck, your not being you.
Well, as I feel myself, there is one thing that I know for sure; this is not what I came here to be. This body, this life, this identity, this personality, is not what I came here to be. So what do I do with that? I move towards freedom by observing my reality and perceiving it divinely. 
Walk as God and take in the beauty of the moment, allow for the perfect realization of divine love within your own heart. Why not it seems like good idea to me; love yourself and then love your family. I love herbs, I love leaves and flowers, I love the gleefully growing. 
Don’t move any faster than you can in life and still maintain a knowingness of your truth.  Don’t move so quickly that you buy into somebody else’s description of reality rather than your experience of reality itself. Be real with yourself; allow your own reality to be real, fully to you, realized in your truth, realize truth of self, in self. Realize that you don’t need interaction with or approval from your reality in order to enjoy and enlightened state of being yourself.
In order to be enlightened, you have to be the embodiment of truth; the embodiment and wisdom of a consciousness awareness and knowing of exactly what is. Stand in the knowing that your embodiment of divine truth is true for you, this lifetime, when you decide that that is your choice.
Realize right now that your allowing yourself to experience the divine flow.
Lets face it; we are all lying to ourselves about our truth; we’ve lied so much to ourselves that we don’t remember what our truth is. How can you have nothing to do with the reality of others? Is that even necessary for us to maintain our sanity here? Other points of view can not bring you to a realization of your truth, your own knowing of self  is controlled fully by you. 
So, what will you allow for yourself in this life? 
Say yes to a shockingly well realized reality for yourself; one that you just love, one whole, willing to realize self as such, through each individual, all reality choosing simultaneously for their unconditional love, their divine knowing and presence. 

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