
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Being willing to be the temple of God

Being willing to be the temple of God 

Just so you know what you are requiring me to do is…

Steve: Yes, its the truth of the atonement.

Not exactly, you’re asking me to try to overcome your determined defenses of anything that might challenge your belief system and to do it in a way that is…

Steve: gentle.

Yes, do it in a way where your reaction is: yes of course that is the way that it is, of course. So its not so much, what is the truth? But, how do I communicate it to you in a manner that you receive it like that dinner we just ate: Mmm, yea! oh, yes! OK! go it! Because, if you don’t receive it like that, then all it is, is a philosophical idea or argument. So to your question: what is the truth of the atonement of Christ, as what?

Steve: as it pertains to humanity. 

As it pertains to all humanity. OK, oh, let me roll with that for a moment.

Steve: it’s about the benefit that humanity has received as a result of Christ’s atonement. 

Boy, I have a lot of snap answers...

Steve: thats ok, theres no rush.

Answers that would seem to be argumentative or abrupt.

Steve: so let go of the ego, ha, ha. 

You know that that is what I do, right?

Steve: Yes.

And, if you tell me what to do: you’re asking me to keep my consciousness on “this” level and not transcend this.

Steve: sorry, my bad. 

I’m just saying: lets actually give into the divine.

Steve: OK.

And know it, and allow it to know us and allow our answers and our communion to to be there.

Steve: OK.

Because, you know: who want’s to be right in hell? How right can you be when you are living in hell? And, what is heaven exactly? And, what’s it like if you go there as what you are now? How does it shift you? How does it change you? How does it make things better for you? How does it change you and make things immeasurably better in an easy, wonderful and beautiful experience of receiving and giving unconditional love? What is it like to actually commune with the divine as you open to it knowing you as itself?

Are you willing for the divine to know you as its own? If your not, then don’t claim to be an authority of the divine. 

Steve: I don’t recall claiming to be an authority of the divine. 

Well, you said that there will never ever, ever, ever, ever come a time where you would ever change your ideas of what it is to be divine. (from a position of knowing that thats not you yet)

Steve: I don’t recall ever saying that. 

Well, you said something like that tonight.

Steve: you’re getting warmer.

The real question is this: it’s not about the atonement, it’s wether you use the atonement or any other method to receive and embody the divine, right now? Isn’t that the question? 

Steve: that’s beautiful.

So, what is it like for a body to receive the love and freedom: the glory of the divine, from one who is expressing himself in every way, as only that? What is it like to commune with the eternally divine, by whatever name it might be known by or by no name at all? What is it like to know that fully that which loves all truly, eternally, and divinely, each and every one of us? What is it like to know the love of God in your own person? In your experience of self, always knowing that God, loves, you, so much that he is within your own body and awareness, always? Always right there with you: “be ye one with God, be ye one with Christ, “be ye one with me, even as I am one with the father.” 

Don’t get caught up in the rules, the regulations and the speculations and the theories of that. Just say: yes, me too, me too. There is no rule book here of right and wrong, of better and best or worse. It’s only this: when you are ready for the divine, you will know that the divine has always welcomed you, known you and celebrates you as the divine embodiment of the universal creator: the temple of God itself, thats who you are and when you fully realize that: meaning, “make it real” in this reality. When you’re walking in this reality it is the the walking of the temple of God consciousness on earth. Then and only then will you have fulfilled the measure of your creation. To stop too long and tarry on each step from here to there, from a point of view that makes you right and someone else wrong is the wrong thing to focus on. The only thing to focus on is: what makes us ALL right? All OF US? You 100% right and me 100% right? Where is the path that leads us both to being true to ourselves, true to each other, true to God and true to every man, woman, and child, every animal and insect and all plant life? What is it for us to embrace and to welcome the embrace of God consciousness within ourselves? Can you sample that as an experience and decide if that is something that you would like to be here?

Of course you can, try it on. We can’t be condemned for deciding to sample what it is to be the embodiment of the divine, when that is what God wants for you anyway: if your body is a temple of God, is that not the embodiment of the divine by its very definition? Body = Temple of God, both the embodiment of the divine. Yet somehow, you give all the glory to God, all the glory to God and say that “they” are divine in some way that you can never be, or that you cannot be in this moment  and if you cannot be that which you believe that you truly are in this moment, then: is it who you truly are? And, who is making the decision about if and when and where you can experience that for yourself? Who is it? Are you willing to make that choice for yourself? Or have you given that up to someone else? 

Steve: I’ve given it up to you Dave.

We’ll if that were true, then I would choose for you to know that which I know myself and that is: the divine speaks and its Us, and if you would just look at it: you would know that it is true. The divine is me and the divine is you. We cannot be anything other than that, no matter what we think, no matter what we pretend. The truth is the divine and nothing else. With all of the theories about what the divine is, there is one thing that you know about that: none of it could possibly be true what people are saying the divine is, or they themselves would be the walking embodiment of the divine. None of it is true! What’s true? Well, you don’t have to figure it out, all you have to do is experience it. 

The truth is experience, not words or description. Just say: me too, God, me too. Welcome home in me. Make yourself at home in me God, because the temple of God is what we are to be the embodiment of, all of us. And, if anyone tells you anything about that experience that doesn’t choose that experience in that moment themselves: they are full of shit, so don’t base any decisions on what truth is while listening to others expressing “here say”  as “truth” by somebody that nows that they don’t know what it is themselves. They are just hoping that a story that somebody else told is true. Their not taking responsibility for allowing God to reveal all their relevant truth to them. If they don’t have the ability to do that: love them to death, but don’t place them in authority over you. Over who you are, what you can be, what’s right and what’s wrong and what’s good and what’s evil. If someone is not the walking embodiment of God, then don’t take a word that they say about God as the truth, how could it be the truth? How could it be if they are not one with him? How could one speak the word of God unless he has allowed God to embrace him in every particle of his being? and regardless of how that happens: wether it is self determined or wether by the grace of God it is given to you through no impetus from yourself at all, regardless of what ever causes the awakening and the redemption or the transformation into the embodiment of the divine: does it really matter who gets credit for it, or does it just matter that you allow it to happen for yourself if it is possible? Let all the reasons go that something else has to happen first before you are worthy of it. “hey I know I’m not worthy of it, but I chose it anyway. 

Steve: I love that, ha, ha.

Nobody can be worthy of it, but thats not stopping us from saying: yes, I want it though and if you want it and it’s not possible for you to be worthy of it anyway and God has said that it is what he want’s us to be: do you think that he is going to deny that to you? So quit trying to satisfy yourself with theories of what the truth might be and then latch onto the most logical one, because the truth isn’t logical, its just what it is: its illogical that God is all of us, but its true. Its illogical for God to have gone unconscious himself, but its true, its you. Your “God unconscious” allow God to be conscious in you. Your God unconscious, allow God to be conscious in you. You are God unconscious, allow God to be conscious in you and if that means accepting the atonement: then God bless you, hallelujah Jesus, I accept.

Steve: ha, ha, ha…

Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, in the morning…

Ah, so with smile on your face: welcome God within the you that you are. Feel the presence of God within all that you are. It’s nice, feel it, ahh all of those places where you just haven’t known what to do to solve that crap. Ahh, allow God to know himself there, as that.

Steve: that whole worthiness thing we talked about is big, because everybody does feel so unworthy.

Nobody’s worthy of it, come on.

Steve: yes I love that, love it because you said hey: isn’t that what God would want for you is to say: yes I want this God consciousness.

And, it is a free will universe, if you feel unworthy of it, guess what you don’t get? You’re unworthy of it by your own determination and self condemnation and so how can God force the divine on you when you deny it within yourself?

Steve: I love it, I love it because it applies to everybody on this earth.

Of course it does and Everyone that is divinely conscious: they’re all right here, all of them, in any form that you are willing to allow yourself the freedom to embrace the freedom of the divine, you can do so through that form, through that name, through that image, through that touchstone, through that idea, through that belief system, through that indescribably horrible experience of the worst of life here: you can even use that as a touchstone, as a remembrance, as a way to say: ahh, welcome in, God. How was that for you? How was that for you as God consciousness, in this body that I have invited you to be present in? How has the life of this body and all those experiences that it has had, hows that for you God, now that you’re here and I am conscious of your presence? 

What is it like to have the consciousness of God within everything that comprises what you are? Allow yourself to know the answer to that by your experience of it. Because it is your experience of it only, that allows you to know the truth: you can’t put together a combination of words that is the “sum total truth” of everything that is, because if it doesn’t reawaken the consciousness to the eternity of its unlimited possibilities, then it wasn’t “exactly” the truth, was it? It wasn’t the truth that freed, it wasn’t the truth that redeemed, it wasn’t a truth that allowed everyone that accepted it to transcend this reality, was it? 

Oh my, well what is it? What is it exactly? It’s a bunch of stories about somebody who embraced the divine and the stories are stories of the divine, perverted by man so many times that it is impossible to know the divine through them, so of what value are they if the divine is what you want to embrace? If you want to fulfill “the measure of the creation of the body as a temple of God, if you’re brave enough to say: I’m open to that possibility: I’m open to that possibility, I have heard it all of my life, over and over again, spoken by people as if it meant something and that we all had  a universal knowing of what that was and we’d all agreed to it and we were all kind of experiencing it, or not… You know It’s kind of in the Easter Bunny category of “religious truths” You know: you don’t really think about it, it just kind of shows up and catches your attention a little bit each year or every now and then. But, Really? Is that what its all about: “the temple of God” for the body? Of course it is. The experience of that is what redeems you, the experience of that is what restores you to a knowing of your own truth, so in whatever way you are willing to open up to that and experience that: God bless you, open up to it and know the divine in you. 

Know the divine in you, don’t no, no, no way, the divine in you, know it, be aware of it, understand it until it just fills you with the love of all creation. Are you open to wondering: “I wonder what that feels like?” its not a big commitment: “I wonder what that feels like?”   the love that judges no one, the loves everyone no matter who they are and no matter what they are doing. It’s just: 
oh yea, hey nice to see you! 
Wow, is it great to see you again! 
Oh man, I’ve loved every moment we have ever spent together! 
It’s so wonderful, so wonderful to know you, yes, yes. Thats what it’s like to know the divine. Thats what it is like to be the divine, knowing this reality, because: “we can’t help but love them because we know who they are and we know what they have configured themselves into and we see it all for everything that it is and we just can’t help but be delighted with the fact that they are going through that experience simply because they chose to. But you know, “its hard for them to experience that admiration from us and not quit the game of pretense and instead reawaken to knowing the divine in themselves. Then we begin to treat each other differently here, because we now have begun to awaken to embodying who we really are, embodying who we really are: the temple of God is the embodiment of what? God. Right? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? “I am the temple of God.” I am the temple of God. Oh, and the temple is physical? Yes, I am the physical temple of God. So Gods consciousness is in the temple? Yes, thats its purpose, thats its purpose. OK, so if Gods consciousness is in the temple, then the consciousness of the temple, is God. Does that make sense?

Steve: um hmm.

Then you don’t have to be embarrassed about being open to that experience for yourself. It’s logical, if you have any sanity within you at all, its logical for you to experience what it is to be the embodiment of God, by being willing to be the temple of God and “host” God in your body and your being and allow what ever happens to your body, your being and your identity and your own sense of self, to be changed by however God wishes to change it with his presence. So be open to be changed by what it is to know God. What happens to you when you are open and willing to know what it is to know God? What do you have to let go of for that to be real for you? Then let go of it. Let go of what ever it take for you to let go of for you to be willing to know God the way you know your own wife or mother. Be willing to know God as that which knows you, because the temple of God is always fully know by God, because God fills his temple. There is no part of the temple that is not one with God and immersed in every way by God. There’s not even one part of you that is even really connected to any other part of you because anything that can be identified with and individuated into, is surrounded by God on every side and within every crevice and within all that constructs its reality: there is nothing that is not infused with the very essence of God and when you allow yourself to realize that within your body: then it will be the end of this world tomorrow, because a whole new reality will open up to us. One where we have transcended  and ascended and been redeemed from every limitation that we have ever resisted here. So let go of all that you have, where if you are holding onto it, it prevents you from knowing God. 

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