
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

The divine as you, is the self awareness that frees you completely.

A visit with Carmen part 4

The return of the divine way on earth: why not allow it to be true? Why not allow it to be you? Why not, the divine, for me too?  

Well, because of all of the stuff thats in the way of it, anything thats in the way of it surrenders to it as it realizes your choice to bless all creation with divine freedom. When that intention of yours is clear and evident to this reality: this reality will embrace you lovingly, gratefully and joyfully. Love this reality and bless everyone here to their freedom, to their glory, to their self realization as divine truth. The self realization of divine truth, wow, wow, shouldn’t that be your “drug of choice?” that which takes you to place that transcends this one and reawakens you to moving as your truth here? 

Don’t reject God in any form or in anyone, or you reject God in you. Allow yourself to know God as all that is, allow this reality to reawaken to knowing divine interaction, in a mutual self realization of ultimate truth and ultimate freedom and ultimate love and a serene, glorious and peaceful embodiment that is in full celebration of all life here. Ahh, Mmm, the full celebration of all life here: how freely does that move through you? The celebration of and unconditional love of all life: how wonderful.

With all those “walking around damned, stopped, stupid and dead to eternal life:” allow them their choices, but allow yourself your own: to be that which you eternally love to do and that is to move as divine truth whenever you choose to be embodied and in what ever form you take: you love for your consciousness to be divinely aware. Don’t allow anyone or anything to dissuade you from loving, everyone. “The love of everyone” is who you actually are. Without being afraid of any of it, or needing to be. 

How are you feeling?

Carmen: at peace and very happy… Grateful. I’ve been in this awakening for a long time and I think with this beautiful experience today, I’m going to be able maintain it. I believe that I have gotten to a point that I am totally open and totally receiving God. It’s like wow!


Carmen: It’s been a long time, this path, many years.

Yes, I have also been doing this for 20 years diligently now. 

Carmen: this is not like the end but like…

The grand beginning.

Carmen: I’ve got to the point where at the end where I am totally receiving God and the light and opening to creating with all of the angels and masters.

Tell me about the angels that you know.

Carmen: they are the angels that are always with me and take me to the place where I have to be. They always guide me to where I have to go.


Carmen: all of the beings that are always taking care of me: guiding me, they brought me here. In fact, I was not invited to the party yesterday, but anyway I was there by circumstances and now I am here and I know that it is causality because I know that angels and masters take you where you have to be, where you have to go to get information and guidance.

It’s pretty-good information isn’t it.

Carmen: powerful.

Thank you, because I am doing penance.

Carmen: you’re doing what?

I am doing penance for a life of self condemnation for my perceived sins. My providing this experience for you is a way for me to stop condemning myself as being someone who should be damned. 

Carmen: this was a great experience for me: lots of peace and love, light: I could say magical but it’s not magic.

I like that word though.

Carmen: yes it’s magical, it’s a miracle, like a miracle and magic.

Magic and miraculous, yes, why not that for you? Why not?

Carmen: first it was like there was a lot of fear, like trying to stay away a little.

Of course.

Carmen: I was putting up a lot of resistance and I could feel it in my body: my body was hurting me, a lot of resistance. 

Who could ever allow themselves “this?” Well, you could obviously. But, who could? Who else does? Don’t let that be a determining factor on how fully you open to your truth. Don’t let the considerations of anything or anybody or any sort of agreed upon “pact” that we won’t be extraordinary here, choose for us not to be. 

Extraordinary consciousness, why not that? Extraordinary, extraordinary: so conscious that you’re aware of everything and everyone else and so your able to perfectly engage them in such as way that their touched and blessed with the knowing that freedom is their truth and that embracing that is natural, Mmm and celebrated. To bring alive creation, by allowing the divine to animate you: It flows out throughout all creation when you do. Allow the divine, to move you.

Carmen: to do what?

To move you. Allow the divine to be known by you, allow the divine to known as you, at least by those willing to know: allow me to know the divine as you. Ahh, yes, yes, its OK, its OK, its welcomed, its welcomed. The divine here is welcomed as you. I welcome the divine through you. I celebrate the divine in you, as you and know that you now know all of that too and can choose to know yourself truly, right now. 

What a bunch of “terrors” that has to move through, “the divine as you,” what a terrifying ordeal it is to allow that to move through your body. So near and yet so far from the truth: always searching, always looking, always hoping, always speculating what the truth might be for you, instead of stopping completely your movement in unconsciousness and unawareness: Stop and wait for the enlightenment of you. Wow. 

The divine as you, is the self awareness that frees you completely. 


Carmen: thank you so much, it was great, you are great. Everything that you say all is so wonderful.

I don’t know where else it’s available. When I look at what’s out there, its all this self help, self realization stuff but I don’t see anyone who lives it as the personification of self realization, so as you think about this afterwords, just ask yourself: is it OK if I’m the one here who is self realized, completely and absolutely? Is it OK? And check and see: is it OK if I am self realized completely here? Check reality here with that and let your body shimmy around a little bit with that. Is that OK? Is that OK? The more that you consider it, the more that it is. The more that you consider divine freedom: the more divine freedom you embody. So consider that from time to time, until you are through deciding who you are and have already realized it. 

Sorry I can’t help continuing to talk even though we have probably run through our time here. 

Carmen: thank you so much.

Your welcome.

Carmen: thank you so much.

Your welcome. 

Carmen: I would really like to come here and do this once in a while with you, because I really enjoyed the experience and I think its very rich: all that I got and all that you got from all of this information through this night is like a big treasure. Its a treasure, and I would like to repeat this kind of experience and I know that your a master, because I’ve known many people and you’re something special. I’ve known many people through all of these years that I have been doing this. For fifteen years I have known many kinds of people and Shamans and you are very special, I know you are. This woman I told you about yesterday is a lovely person and you and her are the most special that I know. Thank you so much, its time to go. I have my knee rehab at 7am.

Walk in consciousness. 

Carmen: I will remember, you do. Thank you so much, good by, goodnight.


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