
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Is it possible that ultimate truth could be me right now?

Part 2 of my visit with Carmen in Guadalajara

Allow me, as I allow you: the Goddess... that is your eternal truth, just allow that to move through you, just surrender to that possibility that that could be your truth. Surrender to that, embrace it, love it and say: whats the truth here? and be willing to experience it. Yes… right there, the truth here is that. Your truth isn’t known here and never will be, until you choose it in the now, because thats all we’ve got. We’re not preparing for anything else, OK? Its me and you, here and now, in this experience, choosing to realize yourself as God consciousness and allowing all else that appears to be “other” than you: that same freedom also. Allow yourself the consciousness of God. Open and welcome and wonder why it was that it took so long for you to consider this as an option for you. Why did this take so long for you to consider this as an option for you? 

It’s the belief that “it’s impossible that God could come through me here, thats impossible!” 

So, now you can choose again. Right now, here ,with me. To choose the divinity that we both are eternally. Just say: God yes, yes God, oh yes, yes, yes, to my being free here, to my knowing the divine way, for my being the divine way, for my perfect resonance as the creator, owner and sharer of all that is divine: thats you, thats you! Your the one who shares divinity universally, universally, universally true. You’re the one who chooses love in every circumstance: throughout yourself, throughout your awareness, throughout all of your interactions with all other identified consciousness. You choose your ultimate truth and that is your gift to others: the fact that you can do that for yourself and it’s only done in ways that free, not in ways that trap, embarrass or constrict, but every motion is an embrace of the surrender to being free to move divinely as you walk and talk in this reality: the willingness to be free to move in consciousness as the embodiment of divine consciousness. Isn’t that why we are here? Isn’t that the choice that you would like to make? Isn’t that the experience that you would like to have, if only for yourself?

That’s the safe way to do it: only know for yourself, no impact on this reality whatsoever, other that your self realization within this embodiment of absolute, universal, creator truth. That which I know to be true of you, know that for yourself, allow yourself to know what I know. Allow yourself to know what I know. Allow yourself to know what I know and surrender to knowing the divine as it moves through this reality: because you move in harmony with it continuously, because you can’t do otherwise. (not that you would want to) 

Lets see… I’m not sure where to go with this, I have pushed you further than I push anybody. 

Carmen: I’m very tense, my body is very, very tense. My body is so tense, I can feel it here and here. I can’t move because I am so tense.

OK, so lets let all of the significance, to anything, go. Anything that I have said, anything that I have over stimulated: lets just shake that out.

Carmen: it’s like I am a brave woman, but at the same time I’m very nervous.

Of course, that’s why we are in the condition that we are in: we are terrified.

Carmen: yes, I know that my physical body is reacting to all of this. 

Yes, well, lets just let our physical bodies relax and improve in each moment we are aware. How can we let it improve? Oh yes: allow your body to improve continuously, allow your body to know itself more intimately in each moment, allow yourself to become more and more aware and not get shut back down again. Allow it to just move from awareness to awareness. 

Do you wan’t to take a break now and get a drink? OK, lets go inside and sit down and see if the candle and the music will inspire us.

Carmen: I have been having all of this pain in my body for some time.

For how long?

Carmen: My hands always hurt, but now more and more each time, for about 15 days.

OK, lets be aware of our hands, see what I am doing? This is not to warm them up: this is to make them aware of each other, fully and intimately. Hand to hand, we get to know and understand the other. So, get to know yourself: you have identified as this body, be conscious here, be aware of how to inspire your own physical manifestation here. Be aware and choose to know your body consciously and allow each of your movements to not occur, until they can happen in the maintenance of a transcendent level of consciousness. So now, just be like one of these statues here, until the divine joke is on you and you can begin to move with it: the joke that somehow you shouldn’t be embracing your divine truth, that somehow it’s the domain of others to accomplish and only in stories, not in someone you know, being the Goddess: hey whats wrong with this reality? Here’s a Goddess and no one else is. Come on, you can’t be in the presence of the Goddess, without embracing your own Godhood. It can’t be done, you can’t resist it.

Thats why what I started to explain over there: as fallen consciousness becomes aware of unconditional love and ultimate truth, as something separate from them, they are aware of it, jealous of it or reverent of it, but they know one thing for sure: “its not me,” its not me, its not me, its not me, divinity is not me. Divinity is not me: thats the curse that you internalized. Where did that come from? Who gave that to you as the way to move through life here? 

Change your mind on that: wrong choice, wrong recommendation and coming from a level of consciousness that doesn’t know itself. Ha, ha, ha, taking instructions from other consciousnesses that don’t know themselves. If someone can’t share the experience of divinity with you and reawaken that in you, or allow you to maintain that state and mirror that back to you, whoever can’t do that: don’t lower yourself to their consciousness and think from there, maintain your choice of being the embodiment of truth here regardless of the circumstances and regardless of the circumstances: that embodied choice of yours means that nothing can happen to you without your approval. Your in charge of your reality, so what does it take to be willing to accept that being true for you and for me? 

Thats what were working on now is: what are the mechanics of us deciding that thats a good choice for us? We’ve made the choice not to already and lets now go consider that we should at least give a point of reverence to the question: what would we like now? And now we choose to be free to experience it regardless of what has happened in lower levels of consciousness, past, present or future. Any consciousness less that the unconditional love of all things: sorry, no shared reality of you as ultimate truth, if you don’t welcome that in me, when it is shown to you. 

Oh, what is that about? That came from a level of fear that I have, that I am what I have always been here and nothing else. So what is the truth? Is that all that I am is what I have always been in this life time? Is that all that is true of me? If it’s somewhat more, how do I embody that? How do I welcome into my consciousness as I interact with somebody else, how do I welcome the divine to flow through me in such a way that this body is freed in a wondrous way to experience unconditional love for itself and for all creation? How do you let that move through you and how do you shift into a continuing realization that: I choose to allow the truth to move me, to embrace me, to shift me and have its way with me? I allow that to be a good thing, not something that I have to fight this reality with. 

I choose to inspire my friends to awaken and embrace their truth. Awaken and embrace your truth, is my blessing to you. Ahh and guess what? My blessings work, welcome home. Carmen, welcome home, because my blessings are effective. There’s something about them that are irresistible to you. My blessing to you of divine truth, you cannot, not be that anymore if you don’t want it to.

Carmen: ha, ha. 

I’m sorry I didn’t warn you entirely about this, but I kind of go back to sleep most of the time myself after a session like this and so when we meet again, you will know more about me than I do here, unless I choose to wake up significantly more here than I am. So, if you can gently encourage me to do what I do regularly, I will be grateful. Mmm. I have always wondered how you do it fully, completely and permanently in the now and I have never really quite done it in a way that would free me universally, but I would like to identify what it is within me that prevents me from just freely being divinely conscious here as my normal state of being. So, what is it in me that chooses not to know my divine truth? Where is it that I condemn myself to a life of dam-nation, because isn’t that what we are here? Damned, stopped, unknowing of ultimate truth as you? 

This is the slowest walk back inside that you’ve ever taken. Ahh, poor C, she never lets me go here. I’m not sure quiet how to inspire her to embrace her truth. She just so loves to fight with people and have nobody else be right but her. But, that’s the one technique that is really tough to use, but it is effective 100% of the time and that is: you let the other person be right, absolutely and completely 100% as an exercise in allowing the other to find their freedom. So feel what occurs to you, when I realize and surrender to the truth moving as you and you being absolutely right: Oh my, its her, its her, its you that chose to be absolutely right. Its her, its her, I see it, I feel it and I feel its embrace of me in such a way that it’s: oh my God! Someone is willing to be the host of God consciousness here. Ahh, ahh, who would do that? Who would have balls to say: yea OK? Thats what everybody talks about is being the truth, but who’s saying it and who’s talking about it? A bunch of complete morons, who don’t consider the fact: that pretending that they are not that and then projecting that pretense into the future, means that that is the reality that they are going to have to live, unless they ask themselves: 

Is it possible that ultimate truth could be me right now?

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