
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, August 02, 2013

One can only see another in their ultimate truth and expression when you are willing to be that yourself.

It seems that I am almost completely identified with this body and its consciousness, I can barely separate myself at all from it and maintain an objective viewpoint. Yet if I choose to have the purpose in the moment, be maintaining an objective consciousness for all that I am experiencing in this embodiment: I can observe all that are objective themselves and my own history of doing that to myself. 

We are not separate from the world that we live in, no matter how good it feels to us to separate out so that we can take a break from the insanity. That insanity you carry with you in your own body, so if you are going to separate your self out from society or from contact with others so that you can get a moment of peace for yourself: then at least that moment of peace should be used in a manner that reclaims for your own experience, the truth of the divine in you. Anything less than that is a lie and you do not need to argue what the truth is with that lie, all you have to do is know it and observe that lie and how it has no effect on you what soever when the realization of truth is what you attune yourself to instead of the proponents of lies.

Align yourself with the truth that frees you, not the truth that condemns you. 
Align yourself with the truth that brings to you that which you desire. 
Align yourself with the truth that is a welcome truth, a wonderful truth, a marvelous truth, not just for you, but for all others that you share your existence with and your expressions to. 

When you are allowing that to occur for you and transform you: quit trying to think that you are supposed to be speeding it up through any kind of effort on your own part. Let it be, without any interference from you, because its change will come when your insistence for that change is removed. 

Remove your insistence that the world be a better or a different place than what it is right now. Free the world from your condemnation, your damnation, your rejection, your abhorrence, your wish for it to be dramatically different than what it is. Its a lot to ask I know, but ask it I shall and you know, we both know that if the truth of eternity is what we seek to express and experience as ourselves, then we can come to that only by finding the truth that reveals the nobility and beauty and wonder and wisdom of others. 

Where is the truth that frees your father, your  mother, your sister, your brother, your wife, your spouse, your children and friends? 

Where is the truth which frees the despicable, the repulsive, the base and the vile? 

Where is the truth that brings relief from the suffering of being you and me and us and our and they and them? All condemned to living as something that isn’t remotely close to your truth, the living lie: the “I” that I am. 

The “I am the lie” the "I am lie," 
where is there truth found I that? 
Where is my eternal truth found in “I am this,” “I am me.” “I am, I AM,” “I am this?”
Where is our truth found in that? 

Hmm, well… If you desire to know the truth of you and the truth of us all, you have to let go of all input other than your own awareness. 

Your condemnation of me condemns you even as it forms in your brain before it comes out of your mouth. You are unconsciously impelled to rebel against a brother who wishes well for you. 

The truth of me is not that I was born to my parents. 
The truth of me is not that I have lived this life. 
The truth of me is not anything that has happened here: all behavior and all consciousness here is a pretense of truth and a bald faced lie that you are who you think that you are. 

How could you possibly be free if you are who you think that you are? You have to realize your freedom in the realization that you are not you. That you are something else entirely: you are the realization of divine truth, which means divine truth made real, as in “I am this and I am divine truth also” "I am that I am both, this and that together in one whole, experiencing eternal truth as self." 

I am not “this” that I have believed my self to be. 
I am not this that has come here to save myself from what I am. 
No, I am he who lives free in the knowing and being of “I am me here.” I find freedom in my eternal self: that which was before and after all that I experience here. My truth is eternal and from that truth I derive the objective point of view that allows me to see my life clearly and to allow it to unfold divinely.

None of the inputs from others coming to me here are coming from the level of eternal truth and divine knowing and understanding. Who you see me as is not an accurate observation of my truth. Of course for that to be true, I would have to see you as not being your own truth. 

One can only see another in their ultimate truth and expression when you are willing to be that yourself. 

Instead of trying to change what is of your manifestation here of your body and all that makes it up, instead of trying to turn it to your will and make it be what you choose: instead just realize that you are not it and it will realize the best way for itself.

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