
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

You can’t achieve ultimate freedom without ultimate truth

This is a session I had with Jeff in Manti about 2 years ago that we video taped instead of recorded.

What Jeff and I have been talking about when we were outside taking our walk is an easy way to the state of enlightenment. Most seekers are looking somewhere else that enlightenment is going to be for them: a future event that they are looking towards in some other time and place. They will never get it if thats where your focus is, on looking for enlightenment somewhere other than right here, right now. 

For enlightenment to occur right here right now: enlightenment is a state of knowing, of understanding, of awareness, a condition of the free flow of knowledge and understanding through the body. In the beginning stages of enlightenment (say for me right now,) I can say; OK I want to know the way of easy enlightenment and as I say that, I realize how preposterous that statement is, because there are so many things that I don’t want to know about that if I were enlightened I would: 
I don’t want to know my pain, 
I don’t want to know my fear, 
I don’t want to know that things are really bad for me here. 

So as a result, I go unconscious to reality and I escape my connection to this body by reading books, watching TV, talking to people and meditating, instead of asking what is this? To my body, to my pains and to the unconsciousness that I create by running away from my problems. Instead of looking elsewhere to someone else, for the solution to them, how preposterous is that? 
What does another point of view know about this body? 
What can another point of view that isn’t operating in a state of God consciousness understand about this body? 
Why would you take advice from anyone about any subject here before you answered the question: what state of consciousness do I wish to operate from as my standard reality here? 
Is there a stable point of awareness that you would like for yourself? 
What is it? 
It is better than this isn’t it? Its a lot better than this, its all the way better than this, you want it to be as good for you as it can be for for you as it is for any of humanity and you certainly allow the same for everyone else, so:
Where is it that you are coming from here and why? We have to say its OK for you to be the way that you are. Is it? Is it? We have to be comfortable with it. We have to allow you to be who and what you are without judgement, but you don’t have to allow yourself that. You can choose for yourself the reality that you want and if you want it to be better than this: start paying attention to it, be consciously present here in your body where you know whats going on, because you are choosing to be here, to be present and to be good to yourself. 

Feel this body that you are inhabiting and how its crying out and shouting to you to pay attention to it so that it can serve you as the temple of clear consciousness, OK? You’re not here to be filtered out because of traumas in the body. You don’t run away from traumas in the body when you are a divine being choosing to be here as your truth. You heal yourself first. How can you know what healing is for another until you have healed yourself? So, to yourself be true and here’s how you do it Jeff: you feel yourself and you choose to be divinely conscious even in the face of hell itself. Whatever it is that you have stored up in your body; thats Your territory, you’re there man, you didn’t lose a battle and give it up as someone else’s possession. Your here to be free in your body and have your body be a symbol of freedom to other people. 

Come-on, if your here to communicate higher knowledge and understanding, then lets at least hope that that higher knowledge and understanding has resulted in your body being present here full of wisdom, full of knowing, full of the ability to move through anything that it encounters that seems to be in opposition to it and instead realize; ah, OK this is only this way because I went unconscious to it and now I am here and present as the realization of a consciousness that chooses freedom of consciousness, freedom of knowing, freedom of being from moment to moment from what ever our possibilities and choices are for here. 

And, what kind of presence do we want here for ourselves?
Do we want to runaway from this body in our fear of being divinely present here physically? 
Where did that come from? Its not something that you have to hold on to, just feel the light of truth man. Allow it to embrace you, allow yourself the choice of freedom for yourself, why not? Why not? Why not? 
You can see that it is possible to be “this free” even for somebody that doesn’t observably deserve it; its a choice man! Its not worthiness! 
You are worthy of your choice to be as you choose here! 
Your free to make that choice. 
Your worthy to choose well for yourself. So feel what it is to be a competent consciousness in your body, right now: just close your eyes, OK, what does it feel like to be a confidant, confidant, consciousness here? One that is able to succeed in what ever it wishes to? In a realm that is miraculous maybe? It just takes being here as that; that’s what I chose, that’s what I chose. 

Now what I am hearing from my body is that I am hyper conscious to all of the traumas in my body, so, to deal with it effectively: I am not looking for knowledge from somewhere else, I am touching my body and I am saying; “I’m here for you to be free.” Thats how you enlighten the body. You communicate with it and you say: ooh I know its rough and its tough, I know that it is terrible to be here as this. I know, I know, because I’m sharing that experience with you right now: the unbearable experience of a conscious presence in a human body. What an unbearable torture it is to stay conscious in a human body, but, I’m here for you to be free. 

If you choose it continuously it gets better. I think it gets better. It does get better, so lets see how it gets better as we chose divine consciousness for the body: 
for what we feel, 
for what traumatizes this body, 
for what causes us pain, that which seems to limit us in any way here. We choose to be conscious as that, at least to the point that we are allowed to be here as “this.” We choose to be conscious to the point where others realities and their own self interested choices choose for themselves to not to be at odds with me. Is that too much to ask for in a possible consciousness for yourself here? A consciousness that is so beneficial to this reality that everything that comes up against it, makes better choices itself to such and extent that they don’t want to oppose you, because they know you and realize within themselves that they are the better for you being here regardless of what you do?  And so, they allow you your freedom of expression here when you come here as your truth. Because your truth is a freedom to others here. Your truth is a great and wonderful freedom to the others here, so if you wish to know your own truth: God bless you, know it, because when your truth is realized, self realization is happening all around you, for all the other consciousness that come into contact with you, because they are able to recognize and resonate with your consciousness as their own home frequency, their own truth of self, the only thing that allows them to truly enjoy this reality: a return to their native consciousness as a compassionate, loving, giving, divine creator. 

Mmm, so what’s your possibility for yourself? Come on, come on, do better than that. Whats your possibility for yourself? How good are you willing to let it be? How good for you and for me? Hmm and how good for you, can I bless you too? 
Hmm, OK, its a challenge, its a challenge for me to bless you to your divinity, but here we go: its a challenge within me for my own unwillingness for you to be that free and so that is what I confront in me so that your reality can be free: my own condemnation of you as being unworthy of divine awareness. So, I’m changing my mind about that: your free to be you at any level you choose. Thats my blessing to you from me. Your free to be free. So long as you bless me with the freedoms you wish for yourself. OK? So to this reality I say:

Divinity is here,
To have its day,
To have its way,
With you.
Divinity is here,
For me and for you, 
Feel its loving presence.

Theres no reason to get intellectual about this. Just feel the loving presence of unconditional, unrestrained, enthusiastic, loving and wonderful divind wishes for yourself. Feel what that is to feel that, because thats how the divine wishes to communicate with you. Choose that “ultimate freedom” that you have wished for yourself and we will bless you to that right now. 

How free Jeff? God bless you. How free Jeff? Mmm, Mmm God bless that too and as you bless one another, you will see the knowing of divinity is for the both of you. Allow the other to be free, to express his divinity with you and you with yourself. Know, know the truth of self for you. Know the truth of self for you, even David gets to do it. (he’s doing the best that he can, doesn’t yet really know that he’s me, but he’s getting there.) The me that I am is the truth of my divinity, not who I grew up as. 

This isn’t an intellectual presentation to you of consciousness theory, this is a real time verbalization of what I am going through in order for me to achieve the state of freedom that I wish for, for myself. Ahh, ahh, and as I have said many times in the last month: ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhhhh, is the doorway to your freedom. 

Feel what you feel and then regardless of what you feel go: ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, and ahh will dissipate it and free it so that it can go back to its divine  \source and not be a limitation for itself or for you. 

How hard is it really for you to feel ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, how many times does it take for you to go, ahhhhh before you are free in your body? It really doesn’t matter how many times, because each time that you do it, you are freer in your body. Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh. 
Can I open my eyes and be free? Ahh, ahh, ahh, as long as I don’t think about wether or not it is OK for me to be free or not, I can be free at will. 
Ahh, ahh, ahh, can I really be free at will? Ahh, ahh, ahh, I haven’t  been able to be in the past ahh. 
Well, what is different now where I can choose to be free at will? 
Whats different now?
Whats different now about me that will make my future different than my past? Ahh, ahh, ahh, its my willingness to be:
Ahh about tragedy, 
ahh, about suppression, 
ahh, about conflict, 
ahh, about your enemy, 
ahh, about your body, 
ahhhhh, ahhh, about your health, 
ahh, ahh, ahhh, ahh, about your family, 
ahh, ahh, ahhh, ahh, about your intolerance of others, 
ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, oh there is a lot of that, ahh, ahh, about your intolerance of others being the way they are, the idiots, ahh, ahh, ahh, how could they be that way? ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, its precisely your intolerance of other that damns your level of consciousness to one of ineffectiveness, because your not allowed to be so intolerant of others. In being so, your making your lives miserable or worse and also unable to maintain your truth of self. So, come on, to your self be true. 

You can’t achieve ultimate freedom without ultimate truth, you can’t hold onto a truth that enjoys in the suppression of others and have divine consciousness as well. You’ve got to let go of any desire you’ve ever had to wish badly for any other. Oh my goodness, why would a consciousness wish badly for another? 

What are they trapped in? 
What are they trapped in that would cause them to wish for another to be less, or to be none or to have none or to lose in every way including their own life? 
What would cause a consciousness to descend to those realms and what would cause it to leave them and to regain a knowing of truth eternally? If there is an eternal truth: it has to be true for you too and if it is true for you and eternity is superior to mortality: then the knowing of your eternal truth as the consciousness that chooses the I am in your body, that, that is what transforms your reality. 

Your willingness to be here as you are and then the willingness to not stop it from being miraculously better for you in each moment. Mmm, ahh, “miraculously better for you in each moment” what a goal for yourself. Good for you. Miraculously better for you in each moment, ahh, thats a tall order man, ahh, ahh, it would have to be really awesome, ahh, ahh, ahh, for you to experience that. Miraculously better in each moment, it would have to be a miraculous environment for that to be your experience. 

Is it really possible that the only reason that thats not your experience, is your own unwillingness to have that as your experience of yourself here? Lets let go of that. Lets let go of that and see how it feels to be without that. Ahh, Ohh, ahh, ahh, its nice to be without that, its nice to be without hatred for your brother. Oh come on people: its Nice, for yourself, to be without hatred. Oh come on, its not a novel concept, is it? Ahh, ahh, how can you live in an awesome reality without wishing for the betterment of yourself and everyone else in it? Ahh, then you see it within yourself. Then you let it occur for yourself and you will know: ahh, it sure feels old in here but, ahh, ahh, oh wow have we been unconscious. Ohh, so much un-confronted in life, so much darkness, so much confusion, ooh, ahh, ooh, ahh, ahh, so much confusion, ah ha ha, ahhhhhh, oh so much confusion. Ahh, ooh, oh, hmm, so much confusion! 

Ahh, ahh, what do we know? 
What truth can we hold onto that will enable us to stabilize our consciousness at a higher level? 
What can we hold onto so that we don’t descend forever, (seemingly) into the depths of a conflict reality that humanity has as our knowledge of self? Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, it sure is a persistent reality man isn’t it? Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, whoo, hoo, man a determined reality man. 

Aren’t you determined to be manly? And, that somehow here means treating other people badly? Oh, foo, how manly can that be, when that results in the destruction of man, women, children, you bliss and the freedom of a joyfully shared consciousness that we share with each other here? Why would you consider yourself to be manly wishing to harm others? Thats not a good example of humanity. Don’t you want to be a good one? Yea, yea, yea I do, yea I do. I do want to be a good example of humanity. Yes, yes, yes, yes, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, is that possible? Ohh, ahh, ohh, ahh, ahh, is it possible for me to be a blessing to those who know me? Is that possible? Ahh, ohh, I wish it were possible, yes. Ahh, ahh, ha, ahh, come on, come on, its OK, its OK, its OK for it to be better for you. Yes, everybody will be happy when things are better for you, they really will. Things being better for you will make everybody happy. Ahh, ahh, so allow yourself to make them happy. Allow yourself to make everyone else happy. Allow yourself everyone else happy by being the best that you can be, because you have no idea how good that is from where you are right now.

Mmm, Mmm, and if Dave can allow himself to be happy: anyone can allow themselves to be happy because Dave has allowed himself to be sooo unhappy in his life, so determined for his immersion to a painful reality as the truth of his experience. Yes, ohhh, ohhh, ohh, no more, ohh, ooh, ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh. How are you doing Jeff? 

Jeff: ok.

Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, OK, my attention is back on Jeff. How divine can I allow him to be right now? Hmm, OK, thats fair. Ohh, how much more divine can I allow it to be for Jeff right now? Ahh, ahh, a little more? More? A little more? A little more? What’s the reluctance I have? Oh now: we don’t get to judge wether he is worthy of it. Thats what causes own damnation is our willingness to judge others as being less than divine. Their not, their not less than divine: they are the divine in form and as soon as you stop damning them to be less than that: then we will all enjoy a better reality here again. Yes, we will all enjoy a better reality here when you allow it to be divine for the others. 

Mmm, yes, allow it to be divine for others. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, even the ones that you were close to that you can’t hardly stand. Ahh, ohh, why would you choose such a reality for yourself? Its not them being the way that they are that you can’t stand: its YOU. Its you, you can’t stand yourself the way that you are here. Your just projecting it on them. You cant stand your ahh, ahh, ahh, horrible self you are here. What a joke. Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, you so judged yourself to be horrible: that you can’t stand to be yourself. 

You just felt yourself let go of a lot of judgements about others. Feel how that is reflected in the truth of who you are known as to yourself. 
Ahh, your a being that just allowed others to be free now. 
You are a being that just allowed others to be free all the way. 
You are he who allows, She who gives of her own divine essence to this reality as it wishes for her to, even as it recognizes in her the supreme truth about themselves.

 Ohh, OK, so what? Your here as what you are, got it! Thats what your supposed to get: your here as what you are. Your here as what you are. Allow that to settle into your body. Allow yourself the realization that your here as you are and your here as you choose to be. Ooh, OK, So whats our truth? The truth is were irresponsible about taking responsibility for being in charge of our reality here. So let go of the stupidity of that choice. Why would you choose to not be in harmony with your own reality? A harmonious reality is the best one, it really is. In Harmony:
“everybody likes everybody else,” 
everybody blesses everybody else, 
everybody has a shared reality of: “I love you!” “oh man yes, yes, yes, to you! Yes, yes, yes to you. Ooh, well, Jeff: this is why it is difficult to write it down and understand what it is, because the words spoken don’t translate the same way in print. It just doesn’t have the same quality of expression. 

The question is: what do we do with this stuff? This is earth shaking material.

Jeff: yes.

Ooh, ahh, what do you do, what do you do when you have some, “earth shaking material that your self concept, your identity of self is a zero on a scale of one to ten of --------? 

Jeff: you put out a course.

How does one in interacting with others, how does one maintain ones divinity in interacting with others without creating a scene? Ohh, ohh, the first step is: stop worrying about that second step. The first step is realizing the divine within yourself.

Jeff: instead of projecting judgement.

Yes, you don’t try to figure out how to take the second step before you have the experience of divinity as the truth of yourself. 

Jeff: yes, you experience that first.

I want you to experience it yourself as much as you can right now, so that I can focus on that same experience for my self. Yes, yes, yes, Jeff. Yes, to your divinity. Ahh, ahh, ooh, ohh, ohh, Mmm, yes, yes to, Mmm, Yes to divinity! Bless yourself first. Yes to “this” Yes to you, “good hand,” Mmm, yes to your fingers, Ahh, yes to you too. Ahh, yes, yes, yes is what you bless into your body. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Mmm, yes, freedom is found in yes-ing yourself. Its called: the “yes of Yoga” Yes, yes, yes, ah yes. Ahh yes, yes, yes, yes. Mmm, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, yes. Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, ahh, ahh, ahhhhh, ahhhhh yes, ahhhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ah, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Let the fact that your doing it here like this, be a continued yes to your continuation of it. 

Ahh, ahh, ahh, your allowed to move your body. Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhhh. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. OOOOOHHHHHMMMMMM. AAAAhhhhhooooommmmmm> Aaaahhhhhhhooooooommmmm. Ahhhhoooooohhhhhmmmmm. Ahhhhhhoooooommmmmmm, ahhhhhhhhoooooommmmm, ahhhhhhhooooommmm, ahhhhoooooommmmm, aaaahhhhooooommmmm, aaaaaahhhhooooommmmm, aaaaaahhhhhooooooommmmm.ahhhhhhhooooommmmmm, aaaaahhhhhhooooommmmmm, aaaahhhhhhhooooommmmmm, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooo, aaahhhhhhhhoooooo, aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhm,ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhooooommmm, ahhhhhoooooommmm, ahhhhhooooommm, ahhhhoooommm, ahhhhooooomm, ahhhhoooomm aaahhhhoooom, ahhhooommmm, aahhhhhooommmmmm, ahhhooom, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhhhhooooommmm, aaaahhhhoooommmmm, ahhhhhooommmmmmm, ahhhoooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm. Aahhhhhoooooommmmmmmm, ahhhhhooooooooaaaa, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa, ahhhhhhhhoooooo, aahhhooooommmm, ahhhooooooommmm, ahhhhhhooooommmm, ahhhhhoooooommmm, ahhhhhooooommm, ahhhhoooommm, ahhhhooooomm, ahhhhoooomm aaahhhhoooom, ahhhooommmm, aahhhhhooommmmmm, ahhhooom, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhhhhooooommmm, aaaahhhhoooommmmm, ahhhhhooommmmmmm, ahhhoooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm. Aahhhhhoooooommmmmmmm, ahhhhhooooooooaaaa, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa, ahhhhhhhhoooooo, aahhhooooommmm, ahhhooooooommmm, ahhhhhhooooommmm, ahhhhhoooooommmm, ahhhhhooooommm, ahhhhoooommm, ahhhhooooomm, ahhhhoooomm aaahhhhoooom, ahhhooommmm, aahhhhhooommmmmm, ahhhooom, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhhhhooooommmm, aaaahhhhoooommmmm, ahhhhhooommmmmmm, ahhhoooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm. Aahhhhhoooooommmmmmmm, ahhhhhooooooooaaaa, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa, ahhhhhhhhoooooo, aahhhooooommmm, ahhhooooooommmm, ahhhhhhooooommmm, ahhhhhoooooommmm, ahhhhhooooommm, ahhhhoooommm, ahhhhooooomm, ahhhhoooomm aaahhhhoooom, ahhhooommmm, aahhhhhooommmmmm, ahhhooom, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhhhhooooommmm, aaaahhhhoooommmmm, ahhhhhooommmmmmm, ahhhoooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm. Aahhhhhoooooommmmmmmm, ahhhhhooooooooaaaa, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa, ahhhhhhhhoooooo, aahhhooooommmm, ahhhooooooommmm, ahhhhhhooooommmm, ahhhhhoooooommmm, ahhhhhooooommm, ahhhhoooommm, ahhhhooooomm, ahhhhoooomm aaahhhhoooom, ahhhooommmm, aahhhhhooommmmmm, ahhhooom, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhhhhooooommmm, aaaahhhhoooommmmm, ahhhhhooommmmmmm, ahhhoooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm. Aahhhhhoooooommmmmmmm, ahhhhhooooooooaaaa, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa, ahhhhhhhhoooooo, aahhhooooommmm, ahhhooooooommmm, ahhhhhhooooommmm, ahhhhhoooooommmm, ahhhhhooooommm, ahhhhoooommm, ahhhhooooomm, ahhhhoooomm aaahhhhoooom, ahhhooommmm, aahhhhhooommmmmm, ahhhooom, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhhhhooooommmm, aaaahhhhoooommmmm, ahhhhhooommmmmmm, ahhhoooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm. Aahhhhhoooooommmmmmmm, ahhhhhooooooooaaaa, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa, ahhhhhhhhoooooo, aahhhooooommmm, ahhhooooooommmm,

Feel your body and say to yourself: “I allow this to be awesome for myself!” I allow this ooh, ooh, ohh, ahh, to be awesome for myself. Ahh, ahh, ahhh, ahh, ahh, haha, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, oh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, oh. Mmm, ahh, ahh, ah, you allow it to be good for yourself. Ahh, even if your in the midst of a trauma, ahh, ahh, ahh, even in the midst of a traumatized body, we allow yourself to be free there. There’s no reason, regardless of whatever your body is, for it to be in continuous pain. Your old enough to change that, to: ahh, ahh, ahh your pain away. Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ohh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh. 

Regardless of your condition, it gets better when you allow for it to be awesome for it to be that way. Then it is free to move. Then it is free to move, its free to move when its allowed to be awesome. Aaahhh. Ahhh, hooo, hooo. Ahh, allowed, allowed to be awesome. Allow your body to move to that choice. Allowed to be awesome, move, ahh, ahh, allowed to be awesome, ahhh, ahh, ahh, ahhh, we allow that core pain to be awesome man. We’re man enough to allow it into consciousness. Ahh, ooh yes, yes, yes, allow your body into conscious. Ahh, yes, give your body a continuous yes. Yes, yes, oh yes, yes, to freedom, yes to awareness, yes to ability. Yes, to manage reality so that it improves for you regardless of your condition. 

Your condition is your condition, it is what it is, you are what you are, so be present here as your truth and see what happens. Mmm, what happens in the presence of truth, is the dissolution of pretense. Mmm. Hmm. 

How you doing Jeff? How is this compared to our previous experiences? 

Jeff, very good, very good.

Give your hands and wrists a little massage right now. Feel what is tied up in those wrists and palms and fingers. Ohh, your good, your good, we love you. Oh boy, yes, yes, your free here, your free, you don’t need hmm, yes, just give it a hug, just allow your hands to give each other a nice hug and say: Mmm, Mmm: what a pleasure it is to know you my friend. Mmm, what a pleasure it is to know myself. What a pleasure it is to know myself and another. Myself and others as supremely conscious and wonderfully present as a presence that wishes to contribute in a manner that isn’t considered to be  rude. Wow, yes, me too, me too. Can I allow that to be your experience? Can I allow my self to be moved and led and guided in such a way that I no longer operate in this reality stupidly, unconsciously, inconsiderately and any other way that a competent, aware lover of all life would not? How did we get away from that? Where did we get the idea that we’re better off when we hurt another? Hmm, thats not a paradigm where you want to park your awareness as that. Mmm, reality is as it is here, but ohh, for you my friend, Mmm…  

The embodiment of the divine is considered the best ride that one can take here. Its what all of the legends are written about: “he who dared to be his divinity here.” 

Hmm, Do you dare to be yours? Do I dare to be mine? Ahh, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Hmm, Hmm, Mmm, Do I dare to be my divinity here? Hmm, Mmm, Mmm, mmm, Mmm, come on it will be nice, it will be nice if you do… Ohh, can you imagine the freedom of daring to be your divinity, to be your eternal truth while you are being the personality in the body? Mmm, your here to realize your truth right now as that! Your here to realize the truth of your divinity as the operating consciousness of your body. MMM, Mmm, Mmm, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhh, ah, ahh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahh, ahh, ahhh, ahhhhaa, ahh, ahh, Mm, Mmm.

Let go of the self of you, that part that believes that others have influence and control of your experience of reality. That they are in control of your experience. Feel that self and realize that its scared and afraid and way, way, way, away from its own eternal freedom. Let it go. Let go of that which directs and tell you what to do in life and has led you to the life that you are. Thats not your truth. The life that you are is not representative of your truth. Mmm. Ok, hmm, now that we know that: we can ask ourselves what we would like it to be: if we would like our eternal freedom to be what we know of ourself here? 

We’ll we’ve got it all on tape. The question is: what are we going to do when we watch it? 

Jeff: I have a song going through my head because of this, called eternal freedom. We’re so far away from our eternal freedom, the song just started to formulate within my head. I can probably pull 7 or 8 songs out of this one session we just did. 

Mmm, thats what I said: give your old songs away, let your ex have them and you write something better. 

Jeff: this has raised my vibration so much that I see things. I’m all jacked up.

Don’t get jacked up, just be the truth of self.

Jeff: thats the beauty of it. Its so simple. Its so simple compared to philosophy. 

Nobody ever understood what the commandment to love is, because no one ever knew what love was. Love is: blessing others to the point that they are divinely free and when there is another living in divine freedom, then you my brother, will you choose for yourself the same. 

Just don’t try to figure out what it is before you get there. Just dive off the cliff and surrender to what you are and being ineffective is no longer desired for yourself. Mmm, mmm, mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm. Allow the part of your brain that operates and chooses whats going to be expressed each day: allow it to know its divine possibilities. 

Allow the you that your going to be tomorrow to be free to know its divinity. 

Jeff: I’m going to write this song now. (Jeff, goes into another room.)

Great. I can’t wait to hear it. (and that’s how it works: you bless somebody to their best and their best cannot help but be revealed… when you bless them to their divinity.) that’s beautiful music for you and me. Mmm. 

Don’t give another an excuse to not love you, be your self here: be loving and thus worthy of love. Do you need to be worthy of love? No, you are going to be loved any way, but you want to allow yourself to be love, if you feel unworthy of it. You prove your worthiness to yourself, by loving who you are and how you are expressed here. No matter who you are and what you are, you can allow yourself to be expressed here as divine consciousness. Its an available choice for you and its a choice realized in love and consciousness. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm. 

Thank you.

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