
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Be one with those who are free in their love of your love

Part one of a visit with Jeff, 

Well, there seems to be such a massive amount of unconsciousness around both of our lives, what is it that will do the most good for us in freeing ourselves? I want to go down below the superficial and to do that I have to surrender up all of those issues as being irrelevant to the choice of expanded consciousness. At the point that you make the choice of having an expanded consciousness, you should not follow any path that makes you work for it, because all that means is that you will forever be “undeserving of it.” The only path that will get you to the place that you desire is the path that frees you here and now, because here and now is where your consciousness seems to be stuck and where your stuck is where you should focus on your freedom there being restored to you. So the “here and now” is all that we are interested in discussing. 

Plans for the future; who cares about that unless you are conscious now? Unless you are conscious right now, how could you possibly plan intelligently about the future? Since you have set aside the time with me, hoping for the possibility that there will be something that will improve your life, then lets let the first step in our journey tonight be our allowance for ourselves to commune with the divine; to know it as we know ourselves, to receive from it all that it is and return to it all that we are. 

So, where within us is that possibility of our expression here as divinely free? Where within us does that lye? Where can we move our consciousness right now where the result that we have of that is; all of the self that we are here, being free? Where does our consciousness go for that to be true in this moment? It seems like there is an odd dilemma here: first we have to embrace that which is painful and that which we do not want to embrace here. We’re in severe resistance to this reality, so first we have to come to terms with that and relax into our being conscious enough here, for our obligations in polarity to be easily handled so that we can enjoy ourself here freely without opposition with others. 

So allow yourself to be conscious enough right now, where you can experience yourself as an enlightened, divine and universally aware being. Where in you is that possibility in this moment? Go there and be present and then you will be present here with me, present as your divinity, present as the demi-god that you have so feared that you are not. Like most things you fear; its not true that its never going to happen. Allow that to be your first step out; your embracing freedom for yourself. Embrace the fact there is nothing in this moment that is going to attack you physically, mentally, or spiritually. You are safe in this moment to expand your awareness out to where you know what the divine possibilities are for your manifestation here. 

Expand your awareness out to where you know what the divine possibilities are for you here, right now. You too and you and me; all of you choose to be free, all of “you” and all of “me” and all of “ours” together, along with all the “others” of others and the “selves” that we all are individually and collectively; grant all of “that,” your absolute loving allowance of their freedom to be here as a being of oneness and unconditional love. Allow that for everyone that you know. 
Yes, it feels better to “you” if you allow “them” to be their divine selves here. Your body can move from being terrified, to receiving the blessing of relaxing here. Relaxing into an acceptance and awareness and knowing and the experiential understanding that you are here as a free being, right now. 

I certainly don’t hold you back from any of that and I am the only one that you are talking to in this moment and so; listen to me and not to any of the others that aren’t even here and consider wether it is appropriate for you to accept what I am willing to give you? And, that is the awareness of, recognition and understanding of your divine and eternal self here. Would you like to know that as I do?

Jeff: yes.

So be it; know all that I know, be everywhere that I am conscious and conscious of that as yourself. I don’t know how “serious” you want to be about that. I suggest the less serious the better, so long as your “lightness” about it, is in an enlightened and loving manner so that you actually receive that for yourself willingly. Willingly receive the best that God has to give and that is for you to be as he is himself, without limitation and living the life in the awareness of “I am this self, divinely.” So be; 
“I am this self divinely.” 
I am divinely me, 
I am divinely “this”, 
I am divine myself, 
I am (regardless of what you think of me) divinely aware, because; 
I choose for myself the experience that I wish for and 
I encourage all others to do the same, but do not require their choice of that for me to know the truth of myself. 

I allow myself and so should you, the permission, the ability and the experience of; being at one with the divine flow here until the divine flow is you. The divine flow is you. Realize that and allow the body to have the experience. Allow your body to surrender all that is not true of you and leave it all behind as it embraces the love of the divine and receives the realization within itself of that which occurs when you know that unconditional love is yours, because it is given to you by everyone that you know. Allow yourself your own unconditional love until others cannot withhold theirs from you. Love yourself until the love of others, as self, is your experience here. 

Interesting how difficult that seems to be for us to embrace, but my what a wonderful cathartic release we have when we do so. If you allow yourself to be expressed divinely here, it will be nicer for you, you will enjoy it more than that which you have been living here as up until now. Allow your divine joy to be realized in you now. Yes, of course, why wouldn’t anyone do that for themselves, of course they would and you would encourage them to do so. 

Allow your divine self to be you. Come-on, who wouldn’t wish for that for them selves and their friends? And, even their enemies, (once you realize that you can never be free until he is entirely free himself; as long as you have enemies, this reality is not transformed and until this reality is transformed, you will be dealing with a very unconscious reality here and calling that your home. It’s not a lot of fun to be here as the one who can’t ever be free because he is unwilling to know the you and the me that we are beyond who we are here: the “we” that we know when we’re freely and divinely present and realized. Be present and realized divinely, now and I will do the same as much as I am willing and able. 

It would sure be nice to receive some help form you on that. On my ability to be fully sufficient to realize a divine state here. Take a shot of wishing that for me. Let me find a way of using that willingness from you, to further open and realize the truth of that myself and pass that back to you in a manner that you willingly embrace a more expanded and expansive and true experience of you, as yourself. 

So, how do you do it? I don’t know. 
You just have to kind of just keep saying:
we’ll be free, 
we choose it, 
we’re willing to be free. 
We are willing to be free. There is such a resistance to that in our bodies; “we are willing to be free.” We are willing and able, to be free here. Experience that as yourself, as your truth, as your knowing of self. 

And what of me? How much of that am I going to take on as my experience of who I am here? How much an I going to allow my environment to shift into an experiential state of; loving freedom and freedom loving me and freedom being the “he” that I am here? How much of that can we take on right now in this moment and allow it to be true for ourselves? 

Continue that surrender into your realization of divine truth. It is through a dark tunnel thats to be sure. It’s only dark, because you have not allowed yourself to be enlightened there; to see there clearly and freely. So, see there in the darkness clearly and freely and knowingly know all that is needed to know for that to not be an adversary to you or a trouble spot for your consciousness. Allow yourself to be free from that; feel that dissipate as it dissolves into a joy and an increased ability to deal with reality here. An ability to be aware enough here for reality to wish to give to us that which we want. Open you consciousness up to that level from where it is. Open your consciousness up to expanding beyond failure, into that which encompasses all success. 

Thats a lot to realize and come to terms with, but why not? Lets do it and come to terms with our allowing God to be present in our reality and knowing it and noticing it everywhere, noticing Gods presence within ourselves and outside of us, encompassing all that we are aware of. If you are free in all areas that you are aware of; thats a pretty good start, make that step for yourself: be free in all the areas that you are aware and all spaces that you feel and all the spaces where there is an “I am” that you are. 

Where is your consciousness individuated and cut off from its knowingness of the eternal truth of you? Identify all of those places within you that are locked-up there and then freely realize your truth in all aspects of that, in all areas of the sense of self and reality that you have existed in: allow it all to be free. Yes, allow it all to be free, including yourself of course. Allow all to be free, within you; free in their love of loving your freedom.

Be one with those who are free in their love of your love of your own freedom. Notice those who love you in that and allow your awareness to notice that you are now completely immersed in that love; there is no part of you that is not known by the divine intimately. How is that you say? Well, its not from not-knowing and one thing that the divine does is; know. It knows, it knows you absolutely. So; 
shouldn’t you be aware of something that knows you absolutely? 
Shouldn’t you know whats-up about that? 
Shouldn’t that be something your fully aware of yourself? Wouldn’t you have a responsibility to yourself to at least be that? Al least being a being that knows himself as a divine manifestation? Universal consciousness? Why wouldn’t you wish and choose and realize yourself as that and more? Hmm, Yes be free with yourself here, be free in knowing yourself divinely right now. It’s really easy here, your completely immersed in it already, there’s not much of a transition or shift in your consciousness that is really necessary. Just kind of let go and be carried in the arms of the divine for a moment. Surrender to the love that encompasses you completely. Surrender to the love that is ever so gently holding you, encouraging you, as you open to your knowing of the one who is true to you; the ultimate you, the eternal you, the divine truth that is in you always. Open to that now and allow yourself to move beyond the limitations that you have been living in, accepting and operating under. 

Allow yourself to be free from that. Allow yourself to awaken to the knowingness that its all OK now, that your here and the fear that you have had about your life is joyfully dissipating and dissipated in the light of your eternal truth shining through your body into this reality. The light of your eternal truth on display for all to see who are willing to see the truth of themselves. 

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