
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

>> "I assume that the entire world is at the same level of consciousness that we > were 50 years ago. And to all of our veterans that are suffering daily to > protect your freedom, please tell them that suffering is not real."

Suffering, like anything else in life is as real to us as we are willing to make it. The question might be better asked, is there a way that we can love despite all that hate us? Is there a way that we can be a tool in the hand of God to bring joy to all others even if our job is killing others that are opposed to our group (country)?Is there a way that we can live our lives where we don't make others wrong for having different priorities and beliefs than we do?

Until we do, we all suffer in many ways. When we do, we may seem out of touch with the norm. When we live in the joy of union with God, it is all OK that people interact the way that they do, it is their process, their path and their choice of experience. We seek to change the world by transforming ourselves into more capable vessels for God to abide in and if that means that we should give thanks for the freedom that we enjoy to do so. We give thanks to all. Thank you.

Are things the same as 50 years ago? No. Will they change for the better? they can't help it. All life is seeking to improve. The ultimate improvement is group God consciousness where all is divine bliss and joyful harmonious interactions with others. This state of being is flashing on and off as if signaling to see if there are those willing to make the leap.

Close your eyes and see it, it is yours for the taking,
open your heart and feel it, it is yours for the giving,
silence your mind and hear it, it is your for the singing,

There she goes she's a walking down the street, singing do wa ditty, ditty dum ditty do. She looks good, she looks fine and now thank Goddess her grace is really mine.


At ease, joy and glory soldier.


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